Pokémon Rate My Team
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So I made a post before, which was pretty darn terrible, so i've sort of fixed up my pokemon options and i'm rebuilding my team from the ground up. I'm looking for some help putting the team together, its not competitive, mostly for wifi or battling friends, but hey, I could build a competitive team in the future. Any tips for when/if i start competitive would be much appreciated!


Gallade - The Team Captain
- Jolly Nature
- 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 SpDe
- Assault Vest or Galladite (ORAS)
- Justified

Ice Punch
Drain Punch
Leaf Blade or Poison Jab
Night Slash or Knock Off

Gallade is pretty much a guaranteed team member for me, being my first XY shiny, with good attack and speed to boot. With it's moveset, it has coverage over a lot of types, Ice Punch for Dragons, Drain Punch for Dark Types, and Night Slash for Ghosts, however Knock Off is a good alternative for getting rid of opposing items. Leaf Blade is a good, decently powerful option for Water and Ground types, but Poison Jab is a counter to many Fairy types, (bar Klefki) a weakness of Gallade's. It can also take a surprising amount of special hits with it's OK Special Defense and the Assault Vest.

Dragonite Garchomp

Dragonite/Garchomp - The Dragon Pseudo-Legendary
- Adamant/Jolly Natures
- 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Hp/252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
- Weakness Policy/Leftovers or Garchompite (XY)
- Multiscale/Rough Skin

Fire Punch/Iron Head
Dragon Claw/Earthquake
Roost/Swords Dance
Extreme Speed or Dragon Dance/Dragon Rush

Dragonite is my original powerhouse team member, with great Attack, as well as a Ground immunity and great movepool. However Garchomp boasts a Mega Evolution and a much higher Speed stat. Dragonite's Weakness Policy allows it to strike back with venom once hit with a supereffective move, most likely Ice, which Multiscale will help it tank. Garchomp has Leftovers for that little bit extra survivability.


Roserade - The Status Guy
- Timid Nature
- 252 SpAt, 252 Spd, 4 SpDe
- Black Sludge
- Natural Cure

Sludge Bomb
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder
Hidden Power (Fire)

Roserade is another main team member for me, having been very effective in battles against my friends.
It's Sludge Bomb is a huge hazard to Fairies that would otherwise be lethal to most of my team and it's speed allows it to pop off a Sleep Powder early, which can stop the opponent in their tracks for a few turns or force them to switch. HP Fire is for pesky Steel types who resist Roserade's poison, such as Klefki, and can take out other Grass types as well. The Natural Cure ability is a good one against Pokemon that inflict status effects such as Will O' Wisp and Sleep, meaning Roserade won't be affected by any status effects.

Lapras Wailord

Lapras/Wailord - Seriously Come On It's Lapras
- Modest/Quiet Natures
- 200 SpAt, 200 HP, 108 Def/252 SpAt, 252 HP, 4 SpDe
- Damp Rock/Choice Scarf
- Hydration/Pressure

Surf/Water Spout
Thunder/Ice Beam
Rain Dance/Scald
Ice Beam/Earthquake

Lapras is a newcomer to my team, but seems like a good replacement for Kingdra. with a pretty good movepool and good HP, it looks set to prepare with a Rain Dance for extra-powered Surf, or a 100 accuracy Thunder. Nothing much else to say as I haven't used it in battle yet. As for Wailord, Water Spout.

Chandelure Arcanine

Chandelure/Arcanine - Special or Physical?
- Timid/Adamant Natures
- 252 SpAt, 252 Spd, 4 SpDe/252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 SpDe
- Life Orb/Life Orb
- Flash Fire/Justified

Will O' Wisp/Morning Sun
Shadow Ball/Wild Charge
Flamethrower/Flare Blitz
Energy Ball/Extreme Speed

I have used both these Pokemon, and they're both great in their respective roles. Chandelure has beastly Special Attack, and Flash Fire means it can switch in to a Fire attack, and strike back with boosted power. Arcanine also has this switch-in tactic, able to jump into a Dark type move for boosted Attack.


Gliscor - The Lead
- Jolly Nature
- 252 HP, 216 Spd, 40 Def
- Toxic Orb
- Poison Heal

Stealth Rock

It's a cool bat-scorpion hybrid that flies, what else could you want? It's basically there to outspeed stuff and set up Stealth Rock, get in a couple Toxics and Roost or switch. I don't want to write much more because i'm super tired now but: It has good bulk allowing it to tank hits from the few things that outspeed it, allowing it to set up just fine. Poison Heal is there to counter Toxic leads, although Sand Veil is a good option for more bulk. It's Toxic Orb is for healing more health than Leftovers, while granting it immunity to status effects.

Welp, i'm off to bed now.

edited by
I don't have time to do a full rate, but I think I need to tell you some things.
It's really bad to have two mega stones on a team.
Because knock off is powered up if the target holds an item that can be knocked off, it's almost always better than night slash.
Giving Dragonite a life orb breaks multiscale easily and ruins the whole point of using Dragonite over Salamence.
Dragonite learns dragon dance, which, if you give it speed investment, boosts its speed to 426 after one use. Teach it dragon dance and its low speed is completely out of the question.
Flying Pokemon aren't affected by toxic spikes unless gravity is active or a grounding effect (which are very rare) is baton passed to it.
If you give toxic orb to Gliscor, it heals more than leftovers and gives status immunity.
Thanks for the answer, the two mega stones are for different games, Garchomp for XY and Gallade for ORAS.
I've only just realised how stupid it was giving Life Orb to a Multiscale Dragonite, thanks for telling me.
I had no idea Dragonite could get that fast, that could work out really well, but what move should I swap out for Dragon Dance?
Looking back Toxic Orb is the better choice for Gliscor, I was just going off other sets because I haven't used Gliscor much.

Thanks for the tips! Time to edit my team.

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