Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my first time joining the online competitions, and I’ve tried to create other teams as well like my sand team, however I’m seriously considering this new team that I’ve built since it’s so fun to use, I’ve spent hours breeding each one of them and training their EV’s and creating their move set, however; since this is my first time joining the online competitive battles, I’m in serious need of suggestions from those who were successful in their online careers. I’ll be first joining in wifi battles and if I feel that I’m ready I’ll be joining the other competetions under smogon’s ruleset. So this set is mostly created for wifi battles as of the moment.

First Look:

Jolteon @ Life orb
Ability: Volt absorb
EVs: 4def / 252SPA / 252SPE
Nature: Timid
-Baton pass
-Hidden power ice

Jolteon would be my lead, my strategy would be using substitute as soon as the fight starts then on the second turn use my baton pass and switch to my attacker which would be SCIZOR or ROTOM w for further momentum building.

Scizor @scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252hp / 252atk / 4def
Nature: Adamant (+atk, -SpA)
-bullet punch

My scizor would be my primary damage dealer, I’ve tested him a few times through link battles using my sand team and he really did well, with his nice bulk and a potential substitute from a baton pass he’ll have a chance in using his sword dance, next turn would be his bullet punch which will punch holes in his opponents. I added roost for health recovery and uturn to provide momentum and choose other options for enemies that he can’t easily beat. I’ve tried it a few times with this volt switch team and he was very amazing

Rotom w @Choice scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 232hp/ 56spa/ 220spe
Nature: Modest
-Hydro pump
-Volt switch

This one here is one of my favorite pokemon, very fun to use and fast as well with a little bit of bulk to withstand potential threats. 1st turn, upon analyzing the enemy if they will use first status effect moves ill use trick to transfer my choice scarf and disrupt my enemies’ strategy. Next upon losing my scarf, ill analyze if the enemy will be hurt extensively by my attacks, if so then ill proceed with my attacks, if not ill volt switch to a much effective pokemon.

spiritomb @leftovers
Ability: pressure
EVs: 58hp/ 200atk/ 150def/ 100spd
Nature: Adamant
-will o wisp
-Sucker punch
-shadow sneak
- shadow ball

This one here is probably my most awkward pokemon, with his decent bulk he might be able to withstand first turn while inducing good ol’ will o wisp to stop tanks and bulkier opponents, sucker
Upon learning that I can’t get foul play and pain split my plan was ruined so I had to improvise and choose moves that will utilize my 200atk stat, so I created this set. Any suggestions on this wonderful pokemon that I tirelessly bred would be so much appreciated; I’m hoping that I won’t have to rebreed my spiritomb since I had a hard time breeding him.

Liepard @dread plate
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 144hp/ 56def/ 60spdef/ 248spe
Nature: jolly

I thought I had to have this pokemon and use it the way it’s meant to be used, as a game changer… so you’ve probably had an experience with this pokemon and you know what I mean, so this will be my counter attack if everything fails. Ive tried it in my online battles and it did pretty well and even giving my oppenents a shock

Weavile @choice band
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4hp/ 252atk/ 252spe
Nature: Jolly
-ice shard
-low kick
-ice punch

Im also condidering bold xatu as a special tank or Naive mienshao as a physical sweeper in place of weavile for better synergy with my volt switch strategy however i wont have an ice damage dealer if ill replace weavile so im having a dillema, help me out please...

I’ve bred this pokemon for the sole purpose of sweeping dragons since ive had problems with them in my online battles, but im also thinking if a good tank like forretress would serve a better purpose on my team, Never the less this pokemon swept most of my enemies and gave a smile on my face whenever I beat my opponents.
I would really appreciate your feedback and suggestions on my team here, I really worked hard for my first pokemons so I’m hoping I did the right thing and that I did not waste 5days of nonstop breeding and researching just to create this team. Thank you in advance

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It is simply because both the expertise and time required of a single person to properly rate a team makes rating a rare event, but more often than not the comments provide sufficient help. On scizor, running swords dance and u-turn together is kind of self impeding because u-turn makes you loose those hard earned boosts. Perhaps brick break or pursuit over swords dance as to gain further coverage is the way to go
Thanx for the comment i really appreciate it, i guess ill have to go with brick break then, then replace liepard with mienfu, and weavile with forretress. Thanx so much for your help guys :)
Yeah i guess i have to wait, sorry for my impatience i was just too excited for my team :)
say a drought ninetales qppears in front of you, and she has solar beam, will-o-wisp, fire blast and evs on speed. she could just destroy like half of your team, be careful with your fire weakness. I say that because I play a sun/ fire team and im used to battle these kinds of pokemon
or even worse, a blaziken with its speed boost. once it has enough speed, it literaly just need to have enough pp on flare blitz to outrun 4/6 of your pokemon. i dont count spiritomb and rotom in this because of the good defenses, but still, consider this =)

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