Pokémon Rate My Team
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My team is meant to work on the battle spot for 3DS, but I would also like to make it an OU team, so a replacement for mega kangaskhan would be appreciated

Greninja @ life orb
EVs- 252 SpA/252 Spd/4 HP
Timid nature
Ability- protean
Hydro pump
Ice beam
Dark pulse

Metagross @ assault vest
EVs- 252 Atk/128 Def/ 128 SpD
Adamant nature
Ability- clear body
Zen Headbutt
Meteor mash
Hammer arm
Bullet punch

I usually send out Greninja with Metagross and they basically cover every-type. But if the team I'm facing has a lot of ghosts or darks or fires I will send out goodra instead

Goodra @ assault vest
EVs- 252 HP/252 SpA/4 Def
Bold nature (in order to take some physical hits)
Ability- sap sipper
Ice beam
Fire blast
Dragon pulse

Goodra lasts a ton of turns but usually only 2KOs

Kangaskhan @ kangaskhanite
EVs- 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Adamant nature
Ability- early bird----->parental bond
Power up punch

Kangaskhan usually lasts about three turns and wipes out most of the team greninja didn't knock out

Mienshao @ choice scarf
EVs- 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Adamant nature
Ability- regenerator
High jump kick
Stone edge
Poison jab

Roserade @ choice scarf
EVs- 252 SpA/252 Spd/4 HP
Modest nature
Ability- natural cure
Petal dance
Sludge bomb
Dazzling gleam
Shadow ball

Mienshao and roserade get the least use since you can only use four pokemon per battle

Also on the battle spot I usually win 9/10 battles on average


1 Answer

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Team seems awsome.
Though I do have 2 suggestions.
-U might wanna switch Roserade with Venusaur who is much sturdyier
(Reasoning: Roserade Is kinda weak... :/ in my experiance. With Venusaur you can take your team in all new directions, you can make it wall/stall/tanky, you can make it sturdy sweepers, or you could even do a sun team. idk :D kinda going in to a rant)
-2 if you wanna make your team OU and drop Kang as you said I would suggest
Charizard-Y/Tyranitar/Azumaril if you want a Sweeper/ Milotic/Snorlax/Blissey for Tanks :D

Hope this helps!

-Derpy days 2 all!

Thanks so much! I think I'll go with charizard y