Pokémon Rate My Team
6 votes

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enter image description here Hello again. As you might have noticed here I am with a frankly new team I have been testing for a few days. Mostly on main and since Wednesday on the db server. In all honesty, this team was originally not meant to be a team but was just 6 Pokemon I needed to see in action in a battle in which to my surprise worked quite well together. So after testing them like, 21-30 times as a team, they tended to be victorious in nearly all the battles I have had with them. Without further ado, the team.

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♕ The Queen (Gardevoir-Mega) (F) @ Gardevoirite ♕

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Ability: Pixilate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 144 Spd / 36 SAtk / 172 HP / 152 SDef / 4 Def
Modest Nature

  • Substitute
  • Hyper Voice
  • Destiny Bond
  • Focus Blast

The Queen, the most powerful piece in chess. The most deceitful one as well. Don't be fooled by th elegancy of Mega Gardevoir, for she will show no mercy in battle. A rather odd set, I will admit it myself but still effective. The EVs are also very peculiar but have been the only EVs I ever run on all my Mega Gardevoir. 144 speed enables her to outpace max speed + beneficial nature base 70s as and base 80s with a positive nature not fully invested in speed. The EVs in HP are to make her a bulky special attackerenabling her to function as a semi-special tanker. Lastly 152 SDef is honestly just the leftover EVs I threw into SDef for the same reason as the HP investment. The way it takes LO Greninja's attacks is so funny, it even becomes sad after at times. I chose to only run 2 offensive moves in Hyper Voice and and Focus Blast mainly for overall coverage. However I am aware thart it is completely walled by Mega Venusaur so I might consider running Psyshock as I do believe I have enough Pokemon to handle the common steel types in OU. Substitute is a very nice move on Mega Gardevoir as it makes her even more threatening than she already is. Also shielding her from status moves and being able to damage physical attackers before she switches out is very pleasing. I did mention that The Queen is frankly deceitful and that was no lie. I have Destiny Bond because it still amazes me how unexpected this move is on Mega Gardevoir. This way she usually never goes down on her own.

♟ The Pawn (Deoxys-Speed) @ Rocky Helmet ♟

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Ability: Pressure
EVs: 68 Spd / 252 HP / 188 Def
Impish Nature

  • Spikes
  • Fire Punch
  • Magic Coat
  • Taunt

Completely dedicated to fighting for the King, the pawn is considered the weakest piece. A pretty simple lead, Deoxys-S is most likely a star-player on this team. The fact that the 3 layers of spikes are on and HO teams tend to force switches very often, many victories are to thank to it. Me, having no experience with lead Deoxys-S and being aware that the standard smogon Ev spread was not exactly what I was looking for sought for tazzie. A person I know has a lot of experience with lead Deoxys-S. He recommended me to use this Ev spread and jayzuz, it works wonders. I would never think Deoxy-S could be so physically bulky but it really is. The moveset is pretty standard and despite me being very aware of the raging Mega Pinsir and Talonflame nowadays, from experiences in battle I have been able to handle the 2 frankly well without SR.
Magic Coat is just to screw over other hazard leads and Sableye.

♝ The Bishop (Bisharp) (M) @ Life Orb ♝

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Ability: Defiant
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature

  • Knock Off
  • Sucker Punch
  • Iron Head
  • Swords Dance

The Bishop, oh the Bishop. The feared nobleman of the Church. In all honestly, I am not a fan of Bisharp because of past experiences of it causing many problems for me. There isn't much to say about the set because it is pretty much the Bisharp we all use to make each other miserable. It is also a very nice mate for our poor Pawn Deoxys-S making the rather knwon Deosharp core.

Defoggers will be wary when they decide to remove the hazards


♞ The Knight (Aegislash) @ Life Orb ♞

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Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 204 SAtk / 252 HP / 52 Atk
Quiet Nature

IVs: 0 Speed
- Shadow Ball
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield

The Pawn,Knight and Bishop. The Lord of anti-spinning/defogging. Bisharp, not being able to stop spinning can leave the job to Aegislash. Yes, I am aware that Aegislash cannot particularly stop Excadrill and my answer to Donphan as well as all other spinners.However I do not often do that because there is a greater force, for whom I use to get the job done. Yes, this a special Aegislash with 3 physical moves and 1 nuke of an attack. Despite it having 3 necessary physical attacks, Shadow Ball is the move mostly spammed by it. And I will have to disagree with the fact that Physical Aegislash is superior to special Aegislash because the metagame keeps accelerating and out of own experiences, Aegislash rarely still gets the chance to use SD unless battling a slower paced team. The rest of the moves are pretty obvious.

♜ The Rook (Kyurem-Black) @ Leftovers ♜

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Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 216 SAtk / 52 HP / 240 Spd
Mild Nature

  • Substitute
  • Earth Power
  • Ice Beam
  • Dragon Claw

The Rook, force of the lanes. Kyurem-Black the great physcial dented etc... Special Kyurem-Black is a force not many seem to be prepared for as it is capable of checking the Pokemon that used to check it. Also my secondary answer to Rotom-W. With Teravolt negating Levitate, Earth power will damage Rotom by a decent amount, even if it's Speciall defensive. As for physically defensive Rotom, it just takes like 60%+ damage from Earth Power while being incapable of breaking my sub. Yay me! Ice beam KOs Dragonite. Multiscale does not exist with the devasting ability killer Teravolt. Donphan feeling lucky by switching in on Kyurem-B? Confident of eating the physical attacks? Ice Beam killed it right through Sturdy :I Despite regular Kyurem hitting harder(on the special side) it is predictable and will thus scare of the Pokemon I desired to kill before it killes them.

♚ The King (Garchomp) (M) @ Choice Scarf ♚

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Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naive Nature

  • Outrage
  • Earthquake
  • Stone Edge
  • Fire Blast

The King, known to be weakest piece after the pawn. Well not on this team.
for the rest, this is a Standard Mixed ScarfChomp.

Thanks for reading

edited by
1 thing about this team is that it simply cannot switch in to Groud types. Landorus-I has sweeps for days, as do opposing Garchomps. You have no Levitaters, nor do you have a flying type. That means that Excadrill can ruin any Aegislash or unboosted Bisharp, and survive and kill. Lando-T poses the same problem, however, Bisharp would have to be down for that.

Also, Conkeldurr IS THE DEATH OF YOU. Assault Vest Conk destroys you, no questions asked. Gardevoir is your only bet against it, which, tbh, doesn't seems like a safe bet (due to its low Defense stat).
oh ok
Will fix this issue with you on the server then o3o!
It's true, having a weakness to AV conk is extremely annoying since it gets superior bulk in both defenses and access to drain punch. That kyurem's ice beam does 30% more or less and then there's the aforementioned drain punch
Also mabye fusion bolt? Azumarill likes this team too
I am sorry if i stole your team, this was a team my friend told me to put together. She said that it was all original, I am truely sorry if this was wrong of me. I did not know. Sorry. <3

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