Yo guys, today I have one of my more successful teams to show you, I really have a lot of fun using it and I usually don't lose unless I get over-excited and start making poop plays.
Garchomp @ Focus Sash

Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Stealth Rock
Yeah, Garchomp has proven itself as a lead countless times again and again and it refuses to fail me. It's all about playing mindgames with the opponent since dragon/ground is such good coverage, your opponent can't really decide whether to stay in or not and usually they play it safe and go for the switch, allowing me to get Stealth Rocks up. If I know I can play around my opponent, I can go for a Swords Dance, which prevents me from being walled by the likes of gliscor and mega venusaur. After +2 there are a few things that can avoid being 2HKO's by a combo of Outrage and Equake.
Keldeo @ Choice Specs

Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Hydro Pump
- Secret Sword
- Icy Wind
Keldeo's typing this gen is keeping up with it's role as a wallbreaker. Offensive water, especially special, puts fantastic amounts of pressure against your opponent, because honestly, there isn't much that can switch into a choice specs Hydro Pump that doesn't take a considerable amount of damage. Scald may seem weird on a set that already has hydro pump, but I usualyy find myself using it more often than hydro pump because: 1. I really don't need the miss. Ever. 2. I also get that nifty burn chance which punishes switch-ins like mega-venusaur and azumarill. Secret Sword is there because it's my best fighting type STAB and deals with that piece of pink poop they call chansey, because I really don't need a Chansey in my life ;-; Icy Wind is eh...I run it to normally stop lati@s switch ins and possibly mess with dnite. Other than that, I usually just scald the opponent to death.
Bisharp @ Life Orb

Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
This guy completes what I like to call ChompSharpDeo. provides good synergy with the rest of the core, and also being my second wall breaker other than keldeo. I ran Knock Off, which surprise surprise allows me to knock off an item, provides good STAB and is a good move in general. Swords Dance allows me to go beyond just a wall breaker and turns me into a backup sweeper just in case mega-pinsir can't make it (Garchomp also falls in this category, but he's a bit less of a priority to set up). Sucker Punch is my way of getting past faster crap like Landorus-I. Iron Head is secondary STAB and kills fairies I guess, don't know what else to say...
Aegislash @ Leftovers

Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- King's Shield
It's a pretty standard tank aegi, I gave it a few of my own unique ev sets that I like using. I ran aegislash for general utility and team support and tanks threats like thundy and all that junk. OFC Shadow Ball is a nuke from 150 base spa. Shadow sneak is for easy pickings and whatnot. Sacred sword gives coverage and can catch bisharp and ttar on the switch in. King's shield is to play mindgames and of course revert to defensive form. This IS standard aegi, played since the early days of XY so won't go into it too much for your sake :)
Deoxys-Speed @ Life Orb

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 236 Spd / 128 Atk / 144 SAtk
Naive Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Superpower
- Knock Off
- Ice Beam
Oh ho ho this guy. Clutch deo-s late game sweeps are almost as good as what talonflame did some time ago. Life orb gives it a decent enough attack to finish off anything at 50-, and honestly even if they aren't, nobody wants to eat a psycho boost from this thing even if it only has 95 base atk. It's just great to have because it outspeeds scarf chomp and gets to pick moves with great coverage. The aforementioned psycho boost can always revenge kill whenever you're in a tight spot. Superpower+knock off kills chansey and if not kill, at least knocks off that retarded eviolite. Ice Beam is great coverage what can I say :)

Ability: Mold Breaker-->Aerilate
EVs: 4 HP 252 Atk 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
-Quick Attack
-Swords Dance
Here's the sweeper, the mighty pinsir in all it's mega glory. I prefer to sweep this this thing if I can set up a swords dance and spam everything with a massively powered frustration or pick off with a speedy quick attack. Earthquake is for coverage obviously. This takes care of my ground weakness for the most part.
Sorry I took so long to finish this, I had stuff to do, anyways try to enjoy this. I've laddered up to roughly 1750, approximately and I'm still going.