Pokémon Rate My Team
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I am in a tournament and I think this is an alright team. the rules are no legendaries or ubers, no OHKO moves, and level 70. This is gen 3 so ruby, sapphire, emerald, firered, and leafgreen.

Ninjask @ leftovers
Jolly Nature
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
swords dance
Ariel Ace/substitute
Baton pass
Standard ninjask baton passer. the ariel ace would be for surprise factor after a few sword dances.

Swampert @ leftovers
relaxed nature
252 HP / 216 Def / 40 SpA
Sleep Talk
Ice Beam
Standard sleep absorbing swampert. There is no rules against sleeping everyone on a team and i know 2 others at least have breloom. although that could be dangerous. advise new sleep absorber?

Blaziken @ salac berry
adamant nature
80 HP / 232 Atk / 196 Spe
Sword dance
fire blast
rock slide
sky uppercut
Ridiculously strong, blaziken is my mixed sweeper.

Skarmory @ leftovers
impish nature
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
toxic/drill peck
pretty standard moveset for skarmory. good physical tank. advise toxic or drill peck please?

Tyranitar @ choice band
Naughty nature
188 HP / 240 SpA / 80 Spe
Fire Blast
Ice Beam
Rock Slide
I'm probably going to pass ninjask's boosts to this guy for STAB, Choice band sword danced rock slide. the rest of the moves are additional support.

Breloom @ leftovers
adamant nature
52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Leech Seed
Focus Punch
As i said, others will have breloom, but i love them too. standard stall set. set up spore and get behind a substitute.

I also know some i will for sure be fighting. there will be salamance, metagross, other tyranitar, cloyster, other breloom-watch for spore-, maybe blissey and starmie

for clarity, we are not playing on simulators. we all have the gba games, and im pretty sure im the only one who has time for ev training lol

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0. Please list nature and EV's.
1. Most battle simulators have rules against sleeping more than one pokemon. Are you really gonna bring GBA's and train up Pokemon to 70?
2. Why is your Tyranitar holding a Choice Band when it's predominantly using Special moves (this includes Pursuit as all of Dark is based on Special Attack in Gen 3) - you might as well use Leftovers so you can use the other moves. (note: I don't think Life Orb was invented yet, otherwise I'd suggest that)
3. Skarmory: Drill Peck (note: However, if you have Toxic, you can use Whirlwind instead)
4. If you're afraid of opposing Breloom with Grass attacks destroying your Swampert, an alternate sleep absorber can be Snorlax.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
EV's: 252 Attack, 252 Defense, 4 Sp.Def
Sleep Talk
Shadow Ball (note: Ghost is Physical)
thanks, do you think i should replace swampert with snorlax or maybe something else? i know there will be a couple of noobs with more than one dragon/flying so ice beam users are really important. and i should probably get a better tyranitar moveset.
I can think of making Skarmory the Rest Talk user and equip Swampert with more moves. (Or make Skarmory have Sleep Talk, and Spikes, Drill Peck, Roar.) Honestly, I can't think of many viable Gen 3 ice beam users...

Hmm... I looked through the list.
1. Snorlax LOL (but its special attack is garbage)
2. Vaporeon, Milotic, Slowbro, Slowking (though it's still grass weak)
3. Lati@s, Regice :(

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