Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've been messing around trying to put together a mono fighting team, and this is what I came up with. It's only been average so far, so any constructive criticism would be appreciated! Here's a look at my team:

Infernape @Focus Sash
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Iron Fist
252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 SpD
-Thunder Punch
-Stealth Rock

This guy is a mixed lead, with sash to get a Stealth Rock up, or it can U-Turn out in a bad matchup.

Chesnaught @Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Ability: Bulletproof
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Att
-Stone Edge
-Seed Bomb
-Spiky Shield
-Leech Seed

Chesnaught is here to live a while, take an incoming Psyshock and kill Gengar with Stone Edge. Originally Hammer Arm was there but Stone Edge seemed to be the better option.

Machamp @Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: No Guard
200 HP, 252 Att, 56 Spe
-Dynamic Punch
-Stone Edge
-Ice Punch
-Knock Off

Machamp is a tank. With the Assault Vest makes him hard to kill and No Guard Dynamic Punch can wreck walls.

Conkeldurr @Assault Vest
Nature: Careful
Ability: Iron Fist
252 HP, 252 Att, 4 SpD
-Thunder Punch
-Mach Punch
-Drain Punch
-Stone Edge

Conkeldurr carries out a similar role, if not identical to Machamp. Drain Punch for recovery, Mach Punch for Greninja and Thunder Punch for flying coverage.

Keldeo @Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Justified
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hp Ice
-Secret Sword

I wasn't too sure on the moveset here, but Keldeo was here for special moves so any improvements would be welcomed.

Lucario @Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Steadfast
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD
-Nasty Plot
-Aura Sphere
-Flash Cannon
-Dark Pulse

Lucario again is something I'm unsure of, with special moves and coverage to fairy and psychic types.

So there's the team. Please leave any comments or improvements; if anyone could incorporate a mega or spinner in there, that would be taken gratefully too.

MisterK, that was an non-rulebreaking answer. Just downvote it for sucking :]
"switch HP Ice for HP Fire?"  Are you trying to tell him, "Oh, just keep catching Keldeos until you get one with a Fire-type Hidden Power"?  I don't see how you could switch that.
@ Master of Fire:
1. Why are you stalling with Keldeo..? I mean Scald AND Toxic on the same movelist? Well just go on the offense. Scarf or Specs or Life Orb. Scald -> Surf. HP Ice -> Icy Wind. Toxic -> HP Ghost or HP Flying or Calm Mind (if Life Orb).
2. You really need some anti-Talonflame in case you run into Fire or Flying mono.
3. Infernape: Thunder Punch is not a guaranteed KO on a Talonflame lead. Try Rock Slide but if you miss you're screwed either way.

Based on the mono and OU tags, this is Showdown and Smogon.
@ Gau222: Showdown doesn't have Item Clause.
@ Wilsonna1: You do realize that this is Showdown, where you can specify hidden power easily.
- Anti-lead Infernape should be running: Fake Out, Close Combat, Overheat and Stealth Rock, along with Blaze to charge Overheat when Sash activates.
- Meh. Chestnaught is only good on teams that give it adequate support.
- Machamp isn't really that great. No Guard just means it'll get burned for sure.
- Conkeldurr should always always always always be running Guts.
- Keldeo should run: Surf/ Hydro Pump, Secret Sword, HP Ghost, Ice Wind. I usually spec Keldeo.
- Mega-Lucario is Ubers. Try Mega-Medicham if you want a Mega fighting type.

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