Pokémon Rate My Team
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I've been messing around trying to put together a mono fighting team, and this is what I came up with. It's only been average so far, so any constructive criticism would be appreciated! Here's a look at my team:

Infernape @Focus Sash
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Iron Fist
252 Att, 252 Spe, 4 SpD
-Thunder Punch
-Stealth Rock

This guy is a mixed lead, with sash to get a Stealth Rock up, or it can U-Turn out in a bad matchup.

Chesnaught @Leftovers
Nature: Impish
Ability: Bulletproof
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Att
-Stone Edge
-Seed Bomb
-Spiky Shield
-Leech Seed

Chesnaught is here to live a while, take an incoming Psyshock and kill Gengar with Stone Edge. Originally Hammer Arm was there but Stone Edge seemed to be the better option.

Machamp @Assault Vest
Nature: Adamant
Ability: No Guard
200 HP, 252 Att, 56 Spe
-Dynamic Punch
-Stone Edge
-Ice Punch
-Knock Off

Machamp is a tank. With the Assault Vest makes him hard to kill and No Guard Dynamic Punch can wreck walls.

Conkeldurr @Assault Vest
Nature: Careful
Ability: Iron Fist
252 HP, 252 Att, 4 SpD
-Thunder Punch
-Mach Punch
-Drain Punch
-Stone Edge

Conkeldurr carries out a similar role, if not identical to Machamp. Drain Punch for recovery, Mach Punch for Greninja and Thunder Punch for flying coverage.

Keldeo @Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Justified
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
-Hp Ice
-Secret Sword

I wasn't too sure on the moveset here, but Keldeo was here for special moves so any improvements would be welcomed.

Lucario @Life Orb
Nature: Timid
Ability: Steadfast
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD
-Nasty Plot
-Aura Sphere
-Flash Cannon
-Dark Pulse

Lucario again is something I'm unsure of, with special moves and coverage to fairy and psychic types.

So there's the team. Please leave any comments or improvements; if anyone could incorporate a mega or spinner in there, that would be taken gratefully too.


Maybe replace something with Terrakion
**My recommendations-**

1) **Why mixed lead Infernape!?** A lead Infernape should use 4/252/0/0/0/252 with Stealth Rock, U-turn, Thunder Punch and Flare Blitz. Focus Sash is good. Use Jolly Nature. After Stealth Rock use Flare Blitz as a suicide move or Thunder Punch if you are facing a Water-type like Politoed.

2) This guy is okay. Maybe try to give a Fighting-type move.

3) Perfecto!

4) Just to make this clear-

> A player may only attach one of each item to Pokémon on their team.

So you can't run Assault Vest on Machamp *and* Conkeldurr. Run Expert Belt since you have lots of coverage. Other than that, you're good to go!

5) Why Toxic on a Keldeo? Try some other move like Calm Mind. The other moves are fine but maybe switch HP Ice for HP Fire.

6) Good but run Psychic for other Fightings. Remove Dark Pulse. Maybe use this as your Mega.

That's all,
gau222 ;)  .

Erm, Mega Lucario is Ubers. Also, Pokemon can have the same items as another on your team
MisterK, that was an non-rulebreaking answer. Just downvote it for sucking :]
"switch HP Ice for HP Fire?"  Are you trying to tell him, "Oh, just keep catching Keldeos until you get one with a Fire-type Hidden Power"?  I don't see how you could switch that.
@ Master of Fire:
1. Why are you stalling with Keldeo..? I mean Scald AND Toxic on the same movelist? Well just go on the offense. Scarf or Specs or Life Orb. Scald -> Surf. HP Ice -> Icy Wind. Toxic -> HP Ghost or HP Flying or Calm Mind (if Life Orb).
2. You really need some anti-Talonflame in case you run into Fire or Flying mono.
3. Infernape: Thunder Punch is not a guaranteed KO on a Talonflame lead. Try Rock Slide but if you miss you're screwed either way.

Based on the mono and OU tags, this is Showdown and Smogon.
@ Gau222: Showdown doesn't have Item Clause.
@ Wilsonna1: You do realize that this is Showdown, where you can specify hidden power easily.
- Anti-lead Infernape should be running: Fake Out, Close Combat, Overheat and Stealth Rock, along with Blaze to charge Overheat when Sash activates.
- Meh. Chestnaught is only good on teams that give it adequate support.
- Machamp isn't really that great. No Guard just means it'll get burned for sure.
- Conkeldurr should always always always always be running Guts.
- Keldeo should run: Surf/ Hydro Pump, Secret Sword, HP Ghost, Ice Wind. I usually spec Keldeo.
- Mega-Lucario is Ubers. Try Mega-Medicham if you want a Mega fighting type.

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