Pokémon Rate My Team
3 votes

yeah, a quick-rmt from me here. I'd like to introduce you for a team I have worked on recently. this team is starring swellow. Im trying to really bring out the powers of it by getting rid of all steel and rock types and force switches so that the bird can sweep. not going to say much more, so without further ado:
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Swellow @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Facade
- U-turn
- Quick Attack

As I said, I try to use swellow as a fast guts sweeper and revenger. Facade leaves a dent in everything not resistant to it, especially with SR, while Brave Bird is both STAB and hits generally fighting types like hariyama. I don't really use quick attack that much but I suppose it can come in handy against frail priority users or scarfers. then its U-turn, which is for scouting so I can lure in rock and steel types, switch to doublade or gurdurr and force a switch while they set up.

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Seismitoad @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Toxic
- Earth Power
- Scald
- Stealth Rock

Defensive toad, SR setter and my only reliable fire counter. I need to keep this through the whole match if my opponent carries scarfed fire types, which would wreck my team otherwise. it also has SR so swellow gets an easier time sweeping and a nifty electric immunity. This is also my usual switch-in against water types as shiftry is frail as hell and prefer to face walls instead

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Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 248 HP / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance

Doublade plays one of the morst important roles on my team, being my usual switch in when swellow use U-turn versus a rock or steel type. it can really tank a lot of psychical hit and use almost everyone of swellows counter as set-up bait, forming a great core. I chose sacred sword over shadow claw on this set as it nails pyroar, which i struggle against and also hits steelix harder before it can roar me. Im using 8 speed EVs just to outspeed other doublades with shadow sneak.

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Shiftry @ Leftovers
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SAtk
Naughty /Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Sucker Punch
- Giga Drain
- Defog

Shiftry was almost immediately added to this team along with doublade simply because I really like it and it fits great on very many teams. Not only does it remove hazards, but can also hit stuff switching in on it hard with knock off and also removing their item which is nice too. If everything falls in my hands, I lead with shifty and my opponent leads with something it beats 1v1. my opponent switches out and i use knock off. then i switch to doublade or seismitoad and gets up rocks/set up. alot of stuff happens, blah blah and then swellow is ready to late-game sweep in the end of the battle. what can be scary with leading with shiftry, is that the opponent might predict me and lead with a fire type. this means I'm forced to switch to seismi and then maybe they predict it, or what if they are specced? anyway, shiftry works really great on this team. oh, and I'm using lefties so that I don't get worn down so easily

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Pyroar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Flamethrower
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Grass]

Pyroar is my revenge killer and nothing else. I can't take the risk of switching in on it or something with its extreme frailness. however, it does a great job on what its doing, outspending and revenging the almost whole meta. not many people excepts it to be scarfed either, which is nice.

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Gurdurr (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Bulk Up

In the last slot, I wanted something that could take on both rocks and steel types but also has priority and can act as a wall-breaker. well, gurdurr was just perfect for that role. One Bulk Up and its ready to sweep. I use knock off if I can predict a ghost type switching in but otherwise drain punch to drain HP from my opponent. Psychic types is still scary though, so I'm trying to use gurdurr mostly late game and trying to kill dem special attackers first, especially things such as mespirit and special flying types.


Not that much really, but I have some problems with stall as well and other walls that avoids being 2HKO'd by swellow. lickilicky, audino, and togetic is annoying as they wall all my team members except from durr and doublade, which does check all four hard. scarfed sawk surprises my swellow often although I can predict it if it switches in versus swellow. oh, and pyroar fucks this team up pretty hard. thats an annoyance


I like to think that this is one of my better NU team and It can take on many teams with right plays. Im currently 21-4 with it which isn't that bad and am also currently 12 on the ladder although the ladder isn't very serious yet.
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anyway, rate this team

Swellow is more or less strictly late game cleaner rather than a sweeper (in RU anyway, i'm guessing more or less the same thing. And yes, people use Swellow in RU. It gets kills easy and synergies with half the tier. Plus Zoro lures stuffz out for it)

I thought Gurrdurr was outclassed this gen? Mhm :/. I haven't seen it yet. (I've only played about 3 matches but whatever)

I'm not sure why people use Pryoar. I don't see how it's better than the other revenge killers tbh.

Shrifty :D. (Half these NU pokemon do betetr in RU then they do in NU, like this guy and Doulblade)

Not much else to say if I'm completely honest. I leanr tiers by messing about a lot. I haven't yet with this, just tried ultra standard.
swellow is usually a late-game cleaner, yes. but with all my steel counters its not hard to wear down stuff like doublade. gurdurr still has a great niche. i chose it over throh and hariyama  because of its great combination of mach punch, bulk up and slightly higher attack. not many dark types in their right mind will scarifies theirself for knocking off gurdurr's eviolite anyway, so its not that affected by it. guess i might try out hariyama at some point though. pyroar outclasses typho with the scarf imo because of its normal stab and slightly higher speed so that it has stuff against water and fire, while typhlosion need to rely on fire blast and focus blast which we all know hits 1/10 of the time :P
i really like specs swellow on this type of team, it's a really good late-game cleaner that doesnt get worn down as easily (boomburst | air slash | hp grass | u-turn)
toxic > flamethrower on pyroar
with specs swellow you dont really need shiftry anymore, im sure you could something like ludicolo / virizion / lilligant, since you really need it only for the psychic immune but doublade beats them all anyways
or you could fit in a spiker for swellow
because srsly specs swellow ******* wrecks

yeah, specs sure seems great. especially to surprise doublade and other steels who think they are cool.  trying it. another dude suggested toxic on pyroar too, but I raged when I missed with blast twice and changed it back :P guess I'm trying it wunce more then for that annoying toadshit

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