Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm not good at teambuilding, there's always a lot of flaws I seem to miss so I was hoping someone could rate my team, tell me what I should change or think about at least. Also, there are some things I haven't figured out yet. Like the items or a choice between 2 moves so please give your opinion on that too.
TIP: it is for a tournament and the same items are allowed more than, once! And mega gengar is not allowed

Frosslass @ ???
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+ Spd, - Atk)
-Destiny bond
-Ice beam

Jellicent @ ???
Ability: Water absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Def / 220 SDef
Calm Nature
-Taunt / Ice beam
-Night Shade / Scald

Sableye @ ???
Abilty: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 48Def / 208 SDef
Impish Nature
-Foul play / confuse ray

Gengar @ Black sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
-Pain Split / Thunderbolt
-Shadow Ball
-Focus blast

Aegislash @ Life orb / Spooky plate
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature-
-Shadow sneak
-Shadow ball
-Iron Head
-Sacred Sword

I intent on using the "hit and run" strategy.

Golurk @ Choice band
Ability: No guard
Ev's: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd
Adamant Nature
-Shadow punch
-Ice punch

Spooky plate is always a bad item except on Arceus. Earthquake for Golurks last move, Leftovers for Salabye's last item. Same for Jellicent.
I like trick Sableye with choice item/lagging tail.

1 Answer

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Oh hey again, nice to see you're trying out a new mono team and you've got a really good build so far, however a couple of things that might need thinking about.
So obviously a Ghost team is gonna have a rough time when it runs into Ghost/Dark moves, with 4 Pokemon being weak to each, you have a lot of covering to do. You have 2 Pokemon weak to ground moves, but you seem to have this covered so nice going.

Jellicent has amazing bulk, and has some nice moves, however I wouldn't put Taunt AND Night Shade along with other moves, if a normal type comes along and gets a Taunt on you, you're useless to do anything but switch out. I'd personally run this set up (but it is completely up to you):
Scald: STAB, deals with ground Pokemon and 30% to burn target so it means you don't need another status move, burn is also good as it lowers the attack of target which is good news for you're Def.)
Hex: STAB, Base power DOUBLES to 130 if you're target is suffering a status condition (works well with Scald)
Recover: Helps it to stall, and with it's good HP stat will start to annoy people if it takes ages to whittle it away.
Acid Armor: Raises it's Defense by 2 levels, which helps as it's base Defense is lower than its Special Defense.

Gengar is a very nice special sweeper, good stat boosts and nice moves. I'd get rid of pain split for maybe energy ball (for ground coverage and/or if something comes along with Mold Breaker ability or Gravity) or thunderbolt like you suggested. The other two moves have all 3 of Gengar's weaknesses covered, and although it doesn't have a poison move, I don't think it needs it due to the lack of coverage of poison moves. Or if you want Pain split, I'd swap Black Sludge for Choice Specs, just because I don't think it needs two forms of HP recovery on such a Pokemon with not out-of-this-world defense or HP stats. :D

I used to have a Froslass, and although it's a very cool looking Pokemon, but it was just so fragile, with not even amazing attacking stats to make up for it. If you're going for a suicide lead Pokemon, this is a good set up. Taunt to block their entry hazard, followed by a Spikes attack and maybe even a Destiny Bond if they don't take it down on the second turn is a good tactic, it's just quite common I think. Low defenses make it good for Destiny Bond, as if a Pokemon hits you (chances are after due to Froslass' good speed) it's probably gonna take it down straight away. This works quite nice on this team as even though you're sacrificing a Pokemon, you have three pretty bulky Pokemon to make up for it.

Sableye has pretty bad stats, but it's redeeming point is Prankster, and you've obviously thought about it when deciding your moveset. I would have personally shared its EVs a little more evenly between Def and SpDef, but it's up to you. For the decision between Confuse Ray and Foul Play, I'd personally go with Foul Play. It's good to have at least one attacking move in there, even though Foul Play can be a risk, but can be amazing if you play it right, especially if any target Pokemon raised their attack earlier in the battle prior to you using Taunt.

Okay Aegislash. I like you're idea of the "hit and run strategy" but I would go for something like this:
King's Shield: It's a MUST. This is a priority move similar to protect, but the differences is that it will protect against all moves except status ones (which is the downside). The upside is that this move also changes it's stance to Shield form, so even if you move it twice in a row and it misses, you stil have the amazing defenses to help protect you.
Sword Dance: This move, as it is a status move, will NOT change your stance, so you can raise your attack whilst still in Shield Forme and then change to Blade Forme to attack when you're ready.
Shadow Sneak: You already have this move which is a good idea, Aegislash doesn't have good Speed at all, but paired with a few Sword Dances and this move can destroy teams. in the event that the new target enemy is resistant to this move, just use King's Shield and hit it with a different move next turn. (Btw this set up is on this site somewhere, I do not take credit for these ideas.)
Sacred Sword: I know this move doesn't get STAB bonus, but to be honest it covers more types than Steel does including being super effective against normal types which would have stopped you in your tracks with the only other attacking move being Shadow Sneak.
-In all honesty I would have a different EV spread too. Putting 252 in HP, and then either putting the rest into Atk and 4 somewhere else, or spreading the remaining across the defenses equally.
For the hold item I'd recommend Leftovers, Aegislash doesn't have good HP even with the EV boost, so you want to be getting some back every turn. This works well especially if you're planning on keeping Aegislash around for the long run. (I'd go for the Adamant nature too.)

Last pokemon now (must be boring you to death by now), Golurk. Yep you've pretty much nailed this moveset, like the comment, I'd also recommend Earthquake for it's final move. Base 100 power+ STAB is always a good thing. It also covers Jellicent's electrical weakeness, Froslass' steel and rock weakness and Aegislash's (and Froslass') fire weakness. I like it's EV spread apart from the speed investments. At base 55 it isn't going to outspeed much. But with defense and HP investments it could take more hits before dealing back some massive damage.

You've done a really great job so far building this team I can tell you've put a lot of thought into building teams since your mono-fighting team. (Which wasn't bad by any means, you've just improved a lot.) Hope even some of this helps you and good luck with building your team! :D

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Thanks alot again :D And you're totally not boring me :p I just got in competetive playing and you're giving me quite a few things to think about that I never thought about before. And while I was building my fighting team I decided that I wanted a ghost team instead :p It's still a month till the tournament so I could afford to switch it without risking not getting my team done in time.