Pokémon Rate My Team
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Item: Mega stone
Ability: Mold breaker
Nature: Modest
EV spread: 252 spe/ 252 SpA/ 4 hp
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon pulse
- HP ice
- Dark Pulse
Fast special sweeper

Item: Choice scarf
Ability: Sheer force
Nature: Adamant
EV spread: 252 spe/ 252 att/ 4 hp
- Flare blitz
- U-turn
- Hammer arm
- Zen Head-butt
Fast physical sweeper

Item: Choice scarf
Ability: Sheer force
Nature: Timid
EV spread: 252 spe/ 252 SpA/ 4 hp
- Thunderbolt
- Sludge wave
- Flamethrower
- Earth power
Fast special sweeper

Item: Life orb
Ability: Justified
Nature: Jolly
EV spread: 252 att/ 190 spe/ 64 hp
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Iron head
- Close Combat
Fast physical sweeper

Item: Sitrus berry
Ability: Harvest
Nature: Impish
EV spread: 252 def/ 128 hp/ 128 att
- Will-o-wisp
- Shadow Claw
- Horn leech
- Protect
Physical wall

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale

NatureEV spread: 252 SpD/ 128 hp/ 128 SpA
- Ice beam
- Scald
- Recover
- Hypnosis
Special wall

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How is ampharos "fast"
Max speed mega ampharos is pretty fast and swaggy

1 Answer

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Hi, and welcome to competitive battling! Your team isn't that bad, but there are definitely many improvements to be made. Let me give you a quick rundown on what you could fix up.

First, Ampharos = fast??? Ampharos's Speed actually gets worse once it Mega Evolves and can be outsped by practically anything. Give it a Modest nature and invest its EVs in HP. Good job with the moveset, though.

Darmanitan is a pretty bad Pokémon competitively, as it's outclassed by many others with similar stats. You definitely should replace it with something else. There are so many UU Pokemon that could fill this slot better. If you would like a suggestion, leave a comment asking for one and I'd be glad to help.

Great Nidoking set, except switch Flamethrower for Ice Beam, so you get BoltBeam and just better coverage in general, and give it a Life Orb and a Timid Nature.

Cobalion's set right now is pretty mediocre. I would either go for a full offensive set or a full staller set. If you want to go offensive, do Swords Dance, Sacred Sword, Stone Edge/X-Scissor, and Zen Headbutt. For a staller set, do Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Close Combat/Taunt, and Volt Switch.

Great Trevenant set. Give it an Impish Nature.

Great Milotic set. Give it a Calm Nature.

So that's my opinion on what you could do to fix up your team. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment and I'll do my best to get back to you. Good luck battling!

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Thanks allot. I will include the natures shortly. Also, what is a good replacement for darmanitan? Infernape? I'm new to UU by the way. I do allot of free for alls and little cup. Trying some different tiers
A choice Scarfed Darmanitan is actually pretty good. The Superpower is nice, and so is the other physical moves it learns. Do not underestimate the power of one, because some people do know how to make good use of a Darmanitan. I don't think I would replace it, but it is weak defensively.
If you want to replace Darmanitan, some good alternate Fire types are:  Entei (yep, he's in UU), Infernape, and Victini (also in UU).  You could also go with something else like Hydreigon, which can learn Flamethrower as well as a variety of coverage moves.

Hope this helps.
Is victini best with a band, scarf or life orb?
Here's a good set for Victini:

Victini @ Life Orb/White Herb
Ability: Victory Star
- V-create
- Bolt Strike
- Brick Break
- U-turn

Try this one.