Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey lads and ladies, its been a while since i posted on here (spent a while away from everything and concentrated on some other things in my life...) - anyway, having wanted to pick the game up again in my spare time (only ever using Pokemon Showdown), and realising i never really invested any time in one of my favourite types (in terms of a mono-squad), i decided to piece together this team...

Really i just want any kinda suggestions to that would improve it!! like when its in the mood, it absolutely DESTROYS teams (ie. like 1 or 2 -mon sweep!!) - but when its bad, its very very bad!!! :|
To the team....

Machamp @ Lum Berry
Ability: No Guard
Nature: Adament
EVs: 240Hp / 248Att / 16SpD / 4Spe
- DynamicPunch
- Payback
- Bullet Punch
- Ice Punch

The typical Machamp lead set really... This guy has come in handy so many times!! I guess it kinda surprises players knowing theyre actually going to be attacked with sheer force rather than being set-up on during the first few turns - i guess in a way Machamp does turn games in my favour right from the off if the attacks on predicted - in the mono-type battling scene, the broad range of attacks comes in very handy, basically covering everything! Main damage is usually performed by the STAB DynamicPunch, and finished off with a priority Bullet Punch. Yes, this is, then, a suicide lead set, but a very powerful one at that!

Breloom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 4Hp / 252Att / 252Spe
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
- Stone Edge
- Spore

THIS GUY IS INSANE!! Like, an integral part of the team in most wins! That Technician powered, STAB, priority Mach Punch annihilates alot of those that stand in the way (any kind of dark or normal single or dual type in particular!!) I cant explain to you how awesome it is! Bullet seed is nice, yet i find it can really get annoying and not complete the job!! (there have been times where, even with the type advantage, ive lost masses of health trying to kill off -mons just with bullet seed) - im considering changing Bullet seed into a Seed bomb, yet i know it wont get the Technician bonus... is it worth it? - Stone edge had come in handy, particularly when at a type disadvantage!! (i would say though, that as long as you hit Breloom hard with an attack its weak to, its basically down - the speed can at times be a liability to dealing with its threats!!)- plus, im also considering swapping the item, but what for? expert belt perhaps? - i could go on for ages talking about this guy... but i have to move on!!

Infernape @ Expert Belt
Ability: Iron Fist
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252Att / 4Def / 252Spe
- Close Combat
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- U-Turn

I guess this guy does have some high points (although i wont be singing his praises as i have with the others so far!!) - i rarely get the chance to use EQ (probably due to being quickly finished off), but its still there for coverage in being the only ground-type move i actually have on the team!! Even when faced against mono-electric teams, it was still easily killed!! Errrm, i would say that Infernape's Att Stat is extremely high and so can hit pretty hard. The most use ive had from this set is with its role is a psuedo-scout (i mean, i never really properly scout out the team, but switching in, giving off a high amount of damage usually to a -mon that hates bug-type moves, and regaining momentum, is kinda scouting i guess...) - i guess this set is open to some change... perhaps even making it into a Special rather than Physical attacker? and that defense at times can be so poor...

Scrafty @ Zoom Lens
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Adament
EVs: 252Hp / 252 Att / 4 Def
- High Jump Kick
- Thunderpunch
- Crunch
- Dragon Dance

When i first put this team together, Scrafty was my last choice (mainly due to its interesting typing...), yet having looked up and tried this kinda moveset out, i can vouch, SCRAFTY IS ONE STRONG GUY!! revenge kill, getting the moxie boost, then taking a hit before dealing mega damage with a 99% accurate, STAB High Jump Kick.... its insane, it speaks for itself!! however, my only issue is that fact that it doesnt survive that long to keep the sweep going! annnd thinking about the conditions of the Zoom lens, having DD as the last move in the set kinda makes one of them redundant... so i kinda need help sorting that kinda issue out there!! i mean do i swap item or move, and then what to? The Hp Evs do help in a way to combat the annoyance that the low-ish defenses cause, but they dont go too far into actually stopping it.

Lucario @ Air Balloon
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4Hp / 252SpA / 252Spe
- Aura Sphere
- Flash Cannon
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic

This is a fairly typical Special Lucario set, as seen by all you experienced gamers out there... although i have stumbled across those who havent seen a set like this before... Generally, it does a job and is nice when in need of a Special force - again its defenses are quite frail and therefore not getting through much before killed off!! Shadow Ball is redundant here... ive never used it (also considering Scrafty has Crunch!!) - perhaps a change from Shadow Ball to Nasty Plot or something?

Keldeo-Resolute @ Expert Belt
Ability: Justified
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4SpA / 252SpD / 252Spe
- Scald
- Sacred Sword
- HP Flying
- Calm Mind

Finally, Keldeo!! The three attacking moves offer perfect coverage and in fact deal an extreme amount of super-effective damage!! Calm Mind is there mainly to further increase the powered-up Spec. Def. ive giving Keldeo (and in turn acts as an obvious aid to a future sweep...) - alot of people are shocked by the EV spread here although i kinda like it... though a more attacking option wouldnt be too bad either!!

So yes, thats the team! Its a nice team most of the time and i do enjoy using it... but it does have its frailties!! If you come prepared, its so easy to take out (although does put up a good fight!!) I dont know what more to say... the strategy really depends on the opposition, and whats going on at the time! If im mid-sweep, yes thats fine, but other than that, its pretty much in-the-moment stuff!!!

Any new moves? EV spreads? Items? Even totally new pokemon??!! If you think of anything, just let me know...
Many thanks to whoever got this far.... All advice and comments are very much and always appreciated!! (being a self-proclaimed novice in the game, any kinda support goes well with me!!)

You could use wide lens on Scrafty rather then zoom lens. Your HJK would still be accurate without the needing to move last. Shadow Ball on Lucario could be changed to either Nasty Plot or Vacuum Wave, depending on your preferences.

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