Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'm not worried about the natures right now, I will probably breed for a good one, I just want to get a solid idea of a team first!

Here it is:
Crobat: Crobat
@ Black Sludge
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: Spd / SDef / Def
Calm Nature
- Toxic
- Protect
- Confuse Ray
- Cross Poison

Idea: I wanted this guy to really stall and annoy my competitor. The moves used in that order tend to destroy the opponent. I have gotten some feedback that it isn't bulky enough or made to do this sort of work, but trust me, everyone I've battled hates this guy. His speed allows him to get in first and then just sit back and heal.

Mawile: Mawile
@ Mawilite
Ability: Hyper Cutter ---> Huge Power
EVs: Atk / Def / Spd
Naive Nature
- Swords Dance
- Play Rough
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head

Idea: Generally, he would be what I believe is called a physical sweeper! (Sorry this is my first time not being just a casual player.)

Froslass: Froslass
@ Icicle Plate
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: SAtk / Spd / HP
Quirky Nature
-Destiny Bond
-Ice Beam

Idea: Sets up spikes, and is fast enough to get in a good destiny bond kill. Mainly a suicidal lead. She has survived well enough in my test runs to get two pokemon out before she's gone. Also, she's my favorite pokemon so I want to keep her on my first competitive team.

Reuniclus: Reuniclus
@ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: SAtk / HP / Def
Lax Nature
-Shadow Ball
- Recover
- Psychic
- Trick Room

Idea: This guy can do pretty well when he has Trick Room. And although the rest of my team is pretty fast (except Ludicolo) Reuniclus' bulk generally keeps him in the battle for atleast five turns.

Ludicolo: Ludicolo
@ Leftovers
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: HP/ SAtk /SDef
Hardy Nature
-Leech Seed
-Giga Drain
-Rain Dance

Idea: This tank can heal himself and dish out some great damage. Its funny because I thought about a Ludicolo, built his set, and then looked at the forum to see it was identical to the answer someone had given! Thank you, TheBigFudge! Also, I know it is kind of predictable, but at the same time I feel there are so many sets available for Ludi to run, that I think it will be unpredictable at first!

Magmortar: Magmortar
@ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: SAtk / Atk / Spd
Serious Nature
-Focus Blast

Idea: This guy prevents foes from setting up and then dishes out some good damage too. He also has a good chance of burning the opponent; it seems to do well. When paired together, his item and his ability really wear the opponent down.

So there it is: my team! I've edited it a bit (not sure if you can do this on this website) and I will love some more feedback!

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Why serious mature on magmotar
Yes! You took my advice... I feel complete.

1 Answer

0 votes

Rating = 67/100... Here's why it isn't 100/100

[I understand that there is no such thing as a perfect team: every team can be beaten by another].


  1. Doesn't have high enough defences or HP to stall.
  2. Doesn't take advantage of its' vast movepool that could make it a better staller: Giga Drain, Roost.
  3. Its' stats and moveppol are good for fast physical sweeping.


  1. Mawile with Intimidate can lower the opponents attack before it Mega-Evolves whilst any other ability won't have an effect because Mawile will evolve and no longer have that ability.
  2. Give Mawile Sucker Punch instead of Stone Edge in order to be able to out-speed an opponent.


  1. Replace the Rocky Helmet with a Focus Sash. Froslass is quite frail and it is better to stay alive than die a lot and sometimes damage the opponent because, otherwise, you are wasting a slot on your team.
  2. Froslass isn't essential to your team, why not replace her with another Pokemon. How about Mamoswine? It can learn Stealth Rock, Ice Shard and many powerful physical moves (e.g. Earthquake and Superpower).


  1. Trick Room works quite well with the rest of your team (especially if you replace Froslass with Mamoswine) but Reuniclus has high enough HP to not need to move first so you could replace this with Focus Blast, Psychic or Psyshock so Reuniclus can sweep a larger variety of Pokemon with a powerful STAB move.


  1. Change Dark Pulse for Aura Sphere (so Reuniclus can have a STAB move instead of one with low accuracy), Signal Beam or Dragon Pulse. Don't worry about the Ghost type Pokemon, Mega-Mawile and Reuniclus will take care of them.
  2. A physical Blastoise or another Pokemon would (e.g. Ludicolo) would be good also: experiment with your team to find out what works.


  1. If you give Blastoise Aura Sphere and Reuniclus Psychic/Psyshock (which I probably would with given these Pokemon and movesets) then you won't be needing Psychic; I would replace it with Will-O-Wisp or Grass Knot.
  2. Kings Rock isn't a great item for Magmortar with this moveset. How about a Power Herb and have Solarbeam instead of Psychic or maybe an Air Balloon, Red Card or eject Button

Test your team on Pokemon Showdown before you make it on your DS.

[You may find that this Ludicolo works better than Blastoise].


Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP, 128 SP.DEF, 128 SP.ATK
Nature: Calm (+SP.DEF - ATK)
- Rain Dance
- Leech Seed
- Giga Drain
- Scald

[How about this Jellicent].


Ability: Cursed Body/Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP, 128 SP.DEF, 128 SP.ATK
Nature: Calm (+SP.DEF - ATK)
- Recover/Pain Split
- Giga Drain
- Scald
- Ice Beam/Shadow Ball (If you teach Reuniclus Focus Blast, Psychic or Psyshock instead and teach Froslass - or her replacement - a powerful ice move like Ice Beam).

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