Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello, I am new to the site; therefore, my post might seem awful for some. Forgive that, we all start somewhere I guess. This Mono-Rock team is for Showdown! use.

The Team:

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SpD
Careful Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge

My lead: Tyranitar is there mainly for setting up sandstorm, and preventing early game sweepers, with Thunder Wave to slow them down, and Dragon Tail to prevent them setting up. I run Dragon Dance to set up against hazard setting leads, which are not a massive problem to my team, and Stone Edge for a STAB move.

Archeops @ Power Herb
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aqua Tail
- Stone Edge
- Sky Attack
- Acrobatics

My Sweeper: I really like Archeops, because he can take out nearly any Pokemon with a one turn STAB Sky attack, and use Aqua Tail against Rock Mons, that resist my flying and rock attacks. Acrobatics is there to sweep once, Archeops loses his Power Herb, and Stone Edge for another STAB attack.

Cradily @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 184 HP / 72 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Toxic
- Stockpile
- Pain Split
- Seed Bomb

I really needed a defensive Pokemon in my team and Cradily fits the role fairly well. With my Ground and Fighting weaknesses out of the way, with 2 flying type Pokemon, I needed a pokemon to take a Water or Grass hit, and Cradily does that very well. Unfortunately he is very poor at answering back to these hits. Toxic lets him stall out an opponent while dealing residual damage. Stockpile to counter any Pokemon setting up. Pain Split is to gain back a chunk of health back after stalling out a Pokemon, until the kill and then a fresh one comes in. Seed Bomb to deal some kind of direct damage, to those pesky water types.

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Zen Headbutt
- X-Scissor

Terrakion is here to make sure everything doesn't go pear shaped. He is consistent and is a great Pokemon. Zen Headbutt to counter Fighting types, CC for STAB as well as
EQ and X-Scissor for team coverage.

Aerodactyl-Mega @ Aerodactylite
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw
- Thunder Fang

My Mega Pokemon: I have two Flying Pokemon to counter Ground and Fighting types. Earthquake for destruction, Crunch for Ghost Pokemon that plague Mono-Type, Ice Fang for the ever popular Dragons, and Thunder Fang for Water Pokemon.

Lunatone @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Ancient Power
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam

Special Attacker: I've tried quite a few Special Rock types, and Lunatone has worked the best for me. A Choice Scarf to be able to out speed Pokemon. Psychic ad Ancient Power for STAB. Earth Power for grounded Pokemon, and Ice Beam for Dragon Pokemon, and Flying Types.

There is my team. All Feedback is appreciated, and I'd love to hear any suggestions.
(Once again, please point out any mistakes.)

edited by
Added some colors through the images.
I guess you can say that this team...


1 Answer

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Are you kidding? Dragon Tail? Really?? I would not use that without a Sub and SR.
Anyway, Dragon Tail sucks on Tyranitar, you're wasting some precious space. As you seem to need special attackers, try this variant.

Tyranitar @ Leftovers:
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 232 HP / 156 SAtk/ 120 SDef
Sassy/Relaxed Nature

  • Stealth Rock
  • Pursuit
  • Ice Beam
  • Fire Blast

Strange. This is the first word that comes to the mind, when you see Tyranitar without a Rock-type STAB in a monotype. However, you need the variety this moveset offers in Ice Beam and Fire Blast to defeat Mono-Grass that otherwise rule against your team once Cheops is down (easy to put down, btw).
Stealth Rock is absolutely mandatory in this moveset. Where's your Rocks setter, speaking of which? Stealth Rock is so cheap and threatens so many Pokemons, deals such helpful passive damage and make your opponent think twice before they make a switch.
Pursuit will deal important damage to Pokemons that try to run out, so if you can keep in check the facing Pokemon, they'll want to switch. It's also surprise factor, and picks off Lati@s and Talonflame.
Ice Beam and Fire Blast will turn Ferrothorn, Scizor, Bisharp and pretty much any of Tyranitar's checks into dead meat.


I dislike Archeops as a competitive Pokemon because it is a very risky choice. SR can rip off its existence. Archeops is a very fragile and unreliable Pokemon. I don't know how can you replace it though, maybe Rhyperior or Tyrantrum, but not Archeops. Unless you're in love with it.


Cradily @ Leftovers:
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SDef
Sassy Nature

  • Infestation
  • Recover
  • Toxic
  • Substitute / Giga Drain

I like this moveset. It's super duper annoying having to deal against a plant that looks like a troll face, sitting behind a doll of protection, wiping your HP out, keeping itself in pristine conditions to fight and looking at you with that face telling you to give up. Alternatively, Giga Drain can be used over Substitute for more recovery. Stealth Rock damage, with Infestation and Toxic, can become potentially dangerous. Imagine this is reproduced against Archeops: that latter would become totally useless with less than half its HP, unable to kill a plant.


Stone Edge? Rock Slide? Rock STAB? I don't see any.
Zen Headbutt?? OK, I found the problem. Zen Headbutt sucks on Terrakion.
Stone Edge > Zen Headbutt, unless you're TheHitlerOfAccuracy; you'd consider Rock Slide instead.


Seems legit.


Lol, no. Replace Lunatone by anything you want but Lunatone.
Shell Smash Barbaracle don't seem a bad choice. You'll want to try many different Pokemons and search farther than the moon.

I hope it helps you.

~ Sincerely, RecreativeReshiram

edited by
Might as well make Tyranitar Sassy or Relaxed then.
Sassy would reduce its speed. 61 is just enough to outspeed uninvested 60 and lower, which are usually walls. Now Sassy or Relaxed is not bad, but this T-Tar is specially defensive. I forgot to mention that..
aAs a lead it doesn't really matter, and without any powerful stabs, Tyranitar can't beat any base 60 speed common, bar Abomasnow, who tends to be a terribly slow mega anyway, Magnezone always runs speed, Clefable sets up on Ttar regardless, Jellicent always runs speed, if ofc you are running a good Jellicent, staying in on Empoleon would be dumb, unless you are band Ttar and are sure you can KO it, or just  a Ttar with Earthquake facing a  weakened Empoleon, Tyranitar can't do jack to Swampert, can't touch Lapras with its lure set,  and can't touch exactly damage Weezing, even if it should be running Stone Edge, Porygon2 is too bulky for Tyranitar to dent with its lure set, without Rock stab and attack investment, every good Sylveon running defense EV investments walls Tyranitar, unless it is banded or the sylveon is weakened, Aegislash tanks everything Tyranitar throws at it, especially everything the lure set throws as it, bc Tyranitar would outpace every 0 speed or Brave Aegislash and do very limited damage with Fire Blast, while Aegislash could just kill it with Sacred Sword in return, depending on how many attack EV investments it has, but if Tyranitar is slower than Adamant Aegislash, even though Adamant Aegislash has a very strong chance of KOing it with Sacred Sword, you still have a chance to kill it with Fire Blast after you have lured it into its shield form, and those are the only base 60 Pokemon you will ever be seeing.
You might also want to consider Relaxed since almost everything you are luring is going  to be a physical attacker
Wow, I read it all :P
Well you convinced me at least. Gentle and Lax suck.
I should give tyranitar the tyranitarite....