Pokémon Rate My Team
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This is my second ou team posted here, so obviously I am still new to this. Please leave suggestions



Ability: Speed Boost ------> Strong Jaw
EV's:252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Role: Mega Physical Sweeper
Adamant Nature
-Ice Fang


Talonflame@Choice Band

Ability: Gale Wings
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Role: Fast Physical Sweeper
Jolly Nature
-Flare Blitz
-Brave Bird



Ability: Sheer Force
EV's: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Role: Fast Special Sweeper, Scout
Naïve Nature
-Earth Power
-Rock Polish
-Hidden Power (Ice)


Magnezone@Air Balloon

Ability: Magnet Pull
EV's: 252 SpA, 128 Hp, 128 Spe
Role: Bulky Special Sweeper
Modest Nature
-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-HP Fire



Ability: Pixalate
EV's:252 Hp, 252 SpD, 4 SpA
Role: Specially Defensive
Calm Nature
-Hyper Voice
-Heal Bell


Venusaur@Black Sludge

Ability: Overgrow
EV's:252 Defense, 252 Hp, 4 SpD
Role: Physically Defensive
Bold Nature
-Leech Seed
-Giga Drain

So that's the end of my team. Im resistant to every type, I have overall good synenergy, and I like my movesets. Im thinking of switching out venusaur for another good physical tank, resistant to water. Please feel free to leave suggestions.

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for magnezone,there are 2 options i can recommend:

For a Special Sweeper:

**Magnezone @ Choice Specs/Choice Scarf**
Nature: Modest/Timid
Ability:Magnet Pull
EV: (To hit faster) 252 SpA/ 252 Spe/ 4 Def/
         (To be bulkier) 252 SpA/ 172 HP/ 84 Spe/
-Hidden Power (Fire)
-Flash Cannon
-Volt Switch

Or to be a Sweeper and a Steel Killer:

**Magnezone @ Air Balloon**
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magnet Pull
EV: 252 SpA/ 128 HP/ 128 Spe/
-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-Hidden Power (Fire)
Feel free to switch up these offers
Air Ballon for Magnezone. Also, you have a rather impressive Stealth Rock weakness and no Spinner/Defogger. Consider replacing Venusaur with Mega Blastoise, who's resistant to water, hits like a train and can Rapid Spin rocks away. Then replace Sharpedo, since he's essentially useless without his Mega Stone.
And the inconsistency of the sprites hurts my eyes =_=

This site has really good sprites: http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/sprites
wth, I'll rate this one too
You could replace Venusaur With Slowbro@ lefties or rocky helmet max defense max hp scald psychic or psyshock slack off and calm mind
Since you want to change Venusaur to a  water resistant and you need a Rapid Spinner/ Defogger so might I recommend Tentacruel?
Why does he need a hazard clearer?  Hazards are bad, but he only has one pokemon that's x4 weak to SR, all the others are neutral or resistant.  I've run many teams without a rapid spinner or defogger.  I don't think he really needs a rapid spinner or defogger.  Venusaur is fine on this team and idk why he would switch it.  

Tl;dr: Don't need a hazard clearer and venusaur is fine.

1 Answer

0 votes

Ok, well you know how I rate so I'll just get into this one. (Your EV's are a bit...messed up. You can only have 510 EV's on any pokemon and Sharpedo has more)

Typing: The typing is pretty good on this team as well. You have a x2 weakness to ice and also a x2 weakness to rock, but that's all.

Synergy: You have a pretty good overall mix of sweepers, tanks, walls and scouts, but you need to change some of the EV's. I'll get to that in the next section.

Movesets (Before I start I want to ask something, I'm assuming Spd means speed, but that looks like Special Defense. Generally Speed is abbreviated Spe)

Talonflame: I wouldn't bother with leftovers on this talonflame. I would give it a choice band, life orb or sky plate. Also I wouldn't bother with roost, again it doesn't have enough bulk. Maybe try tailwind instead.

Sharpedo: Pretty standard sweeper set, but still works great.

Landorus: Regular landorus isn't a scout as much as Lando-T. I wouldn't bother trying to run U-Turn on it. You can do one of two things instead. You can try rock polish or run the basic set. I would run rock polish on this team because you have zero moves that up your own stats. So it's moveset would end up like this:

Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 8 Atk / 252 SpA / 248 Spe
Modest Nature
- Rock Polish
- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Focus Blast

Magnezone: The biggest thing magnezone can do is eliminate ferrothorn. Also switch HP Ice to HP Fire. It's ability should be magnet pull. You can give it one of three items depending on your set I would do an air balloon.

Sylveon: You like sylveon don't you ;) This is a pretty good sylveon set for cleric (the only sylveon set for cleric tbh)

Venusaur: No giga drain? No synthesis? These are two great moves on venusaur wall (thanks semp for telling me the difference). I would have these two moves, toxic and leech seed on a venusaur wall.

I hope this helps you with your team. If you have any questions please ask in the comments.

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Posted before I was ready :P
Are you posting more?
Please do I love your suggestions
Yea I did :P I hit enter to go down, but it wasn't on the text so it posted instead
I think you mean 510 EVs per Pokémon XD