Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hi, I'm Zorua, and I'm quite new to VGC. This is the first team I've made for the VGC format and I think that this team can be improved in many areas. Any help from you guys would be amazing, and thanks in advance. So, without further ado, lets go to the team.
Improvments in bold (Thanks Astronautical) :)

Team at a glance:

Gallade @ Galladite
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Protect
- Substitute

Gallade is my mega, and it does seem to be working for me. It is much bulkier than expected and can survive some hits. Simple EV spread to do a lot of damage on opponents and out-speed and KO opposing Pokemon, most notably Mega Kangaskhan and Terrakion, max speed can also speed-tie with Raichu and Gengar if needed. This moveset is the Gallade version of the Mega-Metagross substitute set, and it seems to be doing well so far if I get a chance to set up, although I am being tempted to put in an Ice Punch, as there have been many occasions where Landorus-T has come in and Ice punch has a 43.8% to KO it after Intimidate.

Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 132 Def / 4 SpA / 92 SpD / 28 Spe
Bold Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Swagger
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt

Thundurus is great for speed control and super annoying for the foe as it will be spamming Thunder Wave most of the time. When it's finished paralysing everything it can, Thunderbolt can do useful chip damage. Swagger also gives me a nice chance for the opponent not moving if already paralysed. The 28 speed EVs for opposing Thundurus, although it's only a matter of time before I'll have to go and increase it to 36. Rest of the EVs into bulk, Which makes it survive 3 max Atk Rock Slides from Lando-T 100% of the time, of course Thundurus can't do anything to it, but having it out on the field for longer can help paralyse more things. It can also take 3 hits from max Sp. Atk Zapdos and Rotom-W most of the time.

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Ability: Pickpocket
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Low Kick
- Icicle Crash

Weavile is really useful. I have it as there are many threats which the ice type can deal with, and Weavile dishes out some good damage anyway. Simple EV spread to outspeed almost everything not scarfed. Standard moveset. If I see it necessary, I'll use it as a lead with Thundurus to get past a Mental Herb with the Fake Out. In the end, if Weavile goes down, it would have most likely done some considerable amount of damage to opponents.

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 SpA
Bold Nature
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power
- Scald
- Protect

This thing is really bulky. Can take some hits and hopefully give back a burn. It is a nice advantage to have against rain teams and does more damage then you would expect. It does very well against some main threats, as the 76 Sp. Atk EVs allow it to 1HKO Lando-T with Ice Beam, while Earth Power also has a high chance to 1HKOs Bisharp , 2HKOs Mega Mawile, Mega Metagross, Terrakion (1HKO Terrakion if close combat was used) and 1HKOs Heatran. While most Pokemon above can not 2HKO me, or at least have a very low chance to. I gave no Sp. Def EVs as most special attackers can’t do much to it anyway, and if they can, that usually means they have a grass type move.

Heatran @ Chople/Shuca Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Heat Wave
- Protect
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power

Heatran does good damage to opponents, especially if I switch into a will-o-wisp, which opponents would want to do on Gallade. It can get a high amount of damage off before it goes down.. It is also good to counter against Sylveon, unless it has HP Ground. I also enjoy how it synergizes very well with Gastrodon having storm drain.

enter image description here
Aegislash @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- King's Shield
- Wide Guard
- Shadow Ball
- Flash Cannon

So thanks for reading my first VGC team, I hope that it isn’t too much of a nooby build, and if you have any suggestions at all to improve the team, please tell me and I’ll be grateful for any help given. Thanks.

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Any fighting type sweeper could go through and destroy any pokemon of yours other than Mega-Gallade, so I would consider teaching Thundurus a flying move. Also I would look into a Swampert, with almost the same moves, and same EV's, over Gastrodon. Other than that not too shabby. Also I always include at least one dragon in my team, but that is my personal preference. I hope this helps, and good luck.
This looks like it'll be fun to rate.
God, this section is getting better! Nice team, nice format. Keep it up dude, we don't see a lot of well-formatted, good teams here.
Oh gosh I come back and see this bucket full of VGC just sitting here o.o

But tbh, I'm really hooked on to your try at Gastrodon. It's Storm Drain is some serious help in VGC 15 aka the Milotic Masquerade. Although it could take a little fixing, this is a great team for a new try. I'll probably rate it (if Astro doesn't beat me to it that is xD)
Wow, thanks for the positive feedback guys, glad you like the team. Can't wait for the rate :D
That's what I love about VGC. You don't have to have a generic team of the same six Pokémon every time, like in OU, etc. (I'm exaggerating, but that's how it feels) You can use completely original ideas, like Gastrodon Storm Drain support. Or Se Jun Park's Pachirusu. Heck, if Swoobat fits everything I need then by golly, I can use Swoobat.

1 Answer

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Okay, this rate is long overdue. I like the thought process behind this team, and you have obviously done your research. However, there are one or two changes that can be made.

Mega Gallade
Looks good to me. I've never tried Substitute, I've always used Ice Punch, but whatever floats your boat.

Perfect. I like the EV spread and the survivability of it. Swagger can be a pain in the butt and so can Thunder Wave.

It isn't a necessity, but try replacing either of your Ice STABs with Low Kick. This lets you duke it out with Mega Kanga, Heatran and the like with some prior damage, while also checking opposing Bisharp, Tyranitar and Terrakion who would otherwise wipe the floor with Weavile.

I have no complaints. It seems to be well balanced in both offense and defence. This actually inspired me to use a Gastrodon on my own VGC team. For future reference, a one-hit KO is referred to as an OHKO, not a 1HKO.

Two Sub 'Mons on the same team? Could work. Helps guard Heatran from your rediculous Fighting weakness. I find Earth Power useful for not getting walled by other Heatrans, but SubProtect has its merits and you already have Gastrodon.

Ah, now we come to a roadbump. The way I see it, Bisharp is more of a hinderance to this team than a help. Sure, Intimidate is a threat, but so are Terrakion, Mega Gallade, etc. What I'm trying to say is, your team needs help against Fighting-types more than it needs help against Intimidators. For that reason, I will change Bisharp to a Pokémon that I think will help your team more.
Aegislash@ Weakness Policy
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Shadow Ball
- King's Shield
- Wide Guard

Aegis here will assist you against every Fighting type in the books, bar Mega Lopunny. His immunity lets him switch into attacks aimed at Weavile and Heatran. King's Shield lets him block attacks himself and cripple the attacker. Wide Guard blocks Earthquakes for Heatran and Rock Slides for Thundy and Weavile. Shadow Ball and Flash Cannon are dual STABs. Aegislash lacks the speed of Bisharp, but more than makes up for it in his utility and ability to counter Trick Room. His only drawback is sharing a Fire weakness with Weavile, but you have a resist in Gastrodon and an immunity in Heatran, so that shouldn't be a problem.

252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 220 HP / 92+ SpD Cresselia: 114-134 (51.1 - 60%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Sylveon: 133-157 (66.1 - 78.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Flash Cannon vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 114-134 (64.7 - 76.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Flash Cannon vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 222-264 (126.1 - 150%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield: 108-128 (64.6 - 76.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Metagross: 156-186 (100 - 119.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Mega Metagross Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield: 66-78 (39.5 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Overall I have to say, "nice team" and commend you for making such a good one on your first try. It needs minor improvements, but they should be effective ones. I hope these changes bring you success!

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Thanks so much for the rate :) Will certainly take all your suggestions into account. Especially Aeigislash since I can see it really helping to cover up my weaknesses.
Glad my Gastrodon inspired you and you've actually put it into your most recent RMT , means a lot to me coming from a experienced player :D
Also, why is it called a OHKO? Always read it in Pokemon but never understood why.
One Hit Knock Out. OHKO.

Aegis also helps your fear of Intimidate because it is a special attacker. And I love your Gastrodon! I'm having trouble breeding the right Shellos, though.
Oh, right. I was just writing the 'One' as '1'.

If you're intrested, I have a sorta BR Gastrodon,  but with the wrong EV spread, or some shellos breedjects if you wanna trade. But not right now as it's late where I am. My username on Showdown is Zorua0 if you ever see me on there.