Pokémon Rate My Team
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I want to go back to the pwt and get some bp. I was never really good at it so I need help on my team.
Metagross @ -
Trait:Clear Body
Evs:252 Atk,252 Def,4 Hp
Adamant Nature
-Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch
-Zen Headbutt
-Agility/Ice punch

Snorlax @ -
Trait:Thick Fat
Evs:196 Hp,124 Sp Def,116 Atk,84 Def
Adamant/Brave/Careful Nature
-Body Slam/Giga Impact
-Sleep Talk

Cloyster @ -
Trait:Skill Link
Evs:128 Atk,252 Def,128 Spd
Adamant/Impish/Jolly Nature
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Spike Cannon
-Razor Shell

Chandelure @ -
Trait:Flash Fire
Evs:252 Sp Atk,4 Sp Def,252 Spd
Modest/Timid Nature
-Fire Blast/Flamethrower
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Hidden Power(Fighting)/Psychic
Thanks if anything in my typing is wrong sorry i'm new to this so......

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1 Answer

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Well, I no pro but I'll Raichu as much as I can, (changes will be in bold)

Metagross @ - Assault Vest
Trait:Clear Body
Evs:252 Atk,252 Def,4 Hp
Adamant Nature
-Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch
-Zen Headbutt
-Ice Punch

Snorlax @ - Leftovers
Trait:Thick Fat
Evs: 252 Def, 252 HP, 4 SpDef
-Body Slam
-Sleep Talk

Cloyster @ - Choice Band
Trait:Skill Link
Evs:128 Atk,252 Def,128 Spd
Naughty Nature
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Spike Cannon
-Razor Shell

Chandelure @ - Weakness Policy
Trait: Flame Body / Infiltrator
Evs:252 Sp Atk,4 Sp Def,252 Spd
Modest Nature
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Hidden Power(Fighting)

Weakness policy and assault vest does not exist in B2W2(Pwt exist only in these 2 games)
Thanks a lot I'll try it out