Pokémon Rate My Team
2 votes

This team is worth the read.
The team is for a diamond/pearl single battles and no legendaries are allow.
I posted about this team before and got no answers so ANY feedback will be appreciated.
I will list 8 pokemon and ask which 6 you think will work the best together.

Roserade: (Shiny)

Ability: Natural Cure

Nature: Modest

Item: Black Sludge

EVs: 252 Sp Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP

IVs: 31 Sp Attack, 31 Sp Defense
, 26 Speed
Moveset: Energy Ball, Extrasensory, Sludge bomb, Shadow ball

My first and introductory Pokemon. He is guaranteed to get at least one hit in. He provides type diversity to my type, and knows a surprising array of moves for a Grass-Poison type. Also Roserade was my ace in the hole, the first time I played Pearl, and I had to bring him back. He looks even cooler shiny.

Salamance: (Shiny)

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Modest

Item: Focus Sash

EVs: 252 Sp Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP

IVs: 31 Sp Attack, 31 Speed, 31 HP

Moveset: Hydro pump, Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Ominous Wind

*Note: Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, and Ominous Wind all have 8 pp

Surprisingly Salamance is the easiest Pokemon on my team to knock out, even in one move. However while he is one the field he deals out insane amounts of damage. I like Ominous Wind because it possibly negates the stat loss from Draco meteor. Hydro Pump kills rock, ground, and fire types and flamethrower can get ice Pokemon. However the bane of my existence is my best friends Lapras, whom we can do very little against. Again Salamance is that much more sleek shiny.


Ability: Sand Veil

Nature: Adamant

Item: Leftovers

EVs: 252 HP, 128 Defense, 128 Sp Defense

IVs: 31 HP, 31 Speed, 16 Defense, 31 Sp Defense

Moveset: Earthquake, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Outrage

Due to this Garchomp's relatively very high HP, and pretty good Defense and Sp Defense stats he can tank quite a few hits. Also while moving first and dealing solid damage. An all around strong and reliable Pokemon, has Iron Head for Ice coverage. My only complaint is his somewhat useless ability. Furthermore his shiny version is so lame, I didn't even bother trying.


Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Naive

Item: Expert Belt

EVs: 128 HP, 128 Sp Attack, 128 Attack, 124 Defense

IVs: 31 HP, 31 Defense, 31 Sp Defense
, 27 Speed
Moveset: Aura Sphere, Blaze Kick, Ice Punch, Flash Cannon

This beast of a Pokemon can learn dozens of great moves, so I am definitely open to new move sets. However I would think its best to keep Aura Sphere and Flash Cannon for STAB. Additionally I think Blaze Kick and Ice Punch are cool moves that the opponent won't expect. I wish I could have got him shiny but he was the 6th member of the team, and by then I lost all motivation.

Electivire: (Shiny)

Ability: Motor Drive

Nature: Adamant

Item: Muscle Band

EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP

IVs: 31 Attack, 31 Speed, 31 HP, 31 Defense, 31 Sp Defense
, 3 Sp Attack
Moveset: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake

*Note: Cross Chop has 8 pp

Definitely the Heavy Hitter of the Team, one might think its Garchomp or Salamance but to be truthful, Electivire is my trump card. When I was picking my team this was the first Pokemon I chose. I have several Elekid that are shiny, sitting in my PC which I refused to use due to their natures of IVs being incorrect and because this Electivire had to be perfect. This Electivire hits hard and fast, he has great type coverage. Although I have long debated whether he should know Ice Punch or Fire Punch. Ice Punch for ground Pokemon, or Fire Punch for sheer use. Also keeping in mind that Lucario already knows Ice Punch. I love the shade of gold that a shiny Electivire is, and he is by-far my favorite Pokemon on the team.

Gallade: (Shiny)

Ability: Steadfast

Nature: Adamant

Item: Muscle Band

EVs: 252 Attack, 128 Defense, 128 HP

IVs: 31 Attack, 31 Sp Defense, 17 Defense

Moveset: Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Close Combat

*Note: Close Combat has 8 pp

Although he is quite similar to Lucario in my opinion he fit very nicely into the team. He tanks hits very well and I don't known of a single move or a Pokemon that can One-Hit KO Gallade. He deals extensive damage to all opponents. His high defense and Sp defense allow him to use Close Combat and not worry about fainting immediately. I actually did not plan on hatching a Shiny Gallade, but after only 7 attempts to get the right Nature and IVs I got a shiny Gallade, with the right nature, and almost the exact IVs I wanted.

Honchkrow: (Shiny)
Ability: Super Luck
Nature: Hardy
Item: Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP, 128 Defense, 128 Sp Defense
IVs: 31 HP, 31 Defense, 31 Sp Defense, 28 Attack, 31 Sp Attack, 14 Speed
Moveset: Drill Peck, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Night Slash

Honchkrow is about as much of a staller, as any Pokemon on my team, with his maxed HP and especially with massive defense stats. He can pack a punch with some unsuspected moves, and some reliable strong STAB. Honchkrow is another is Pokemon that looks raw shiny.

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Adamant
Item: Wide Lens
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
IVs: 31 Attack, 31 Speed, 30 Sp Defense
Moveset: ThunderPunch, Blaze Kick, Gunk Shot, Close Combat

With his natural speed and high attack along with max EVs and IVs Infernape deals some damage. With some high power moves, and with accuracy increased Wide Lens, Infernape is a weapon. With his STAB blaze kick with about 94% accuracy, and thunder punch for coverage he is well balanced. Gunk Shot is nice with his item, and it is not predictable. Although it is a draw back that he can be OHKO so easily by many moves.

Overall, I have a much different approach than most players, going all out attack on all my Pokemon. Without stallers, or pokemon to set up, but these guys power through it, and win 95% percent of battles. So which move sets should I revise, and who should be the team of 6? Also I would like help with their held items.

In advance thank you.


1 Answer

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Best answer

I answered it as a comment in your last one so you might not have noticed. Here it is again but now I feel like you should replace lucario with infernape and salamence with honchcrow, but you should replace night shade with foul play on honchcrow and blaze kick with flare blitz on infernape, also give it rock slide instead of thunder punch, and make it jolly to cover the birdspam I talked about earlier, so here it goes again: give electivire ice punch instead of fie punch as it covers its one weakness and the things that resist it, switch thunder punch out for wild charge also, either give roserade toxic spikes or switch it out for gengar which can do what roserade does but better. Also there is birdspam if anyone you're facing has a staraptor with a muscle band and reckless you are in trouble all of your Pokemon could be OHKO'd by a brave bird if it is jolly nature it will out speed anything on your team making it one of your biggest threats.

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thanks, I'll take that into consideration. However wild charge isn't around in this game. I will probably go grab a Gengar, as I considered it, but he is so common, that I didn't want to. Also Infernape is faster than a jolly Staraptor, also Salamance will have a tied speed with a jolly staraptor. But, thanks for both your comment and answer.
Adamant infernape isn't faster than a jolly staraptor at level 50, also there is such thing as a choice scarf which would boost its speed to base 150 which would be hard for anyone on your team to deal with as you only have one focus sash and on it no super effective attacks, also salamence has higher base attack than special attack.
To prove what I said about staraptor being faster than infernape:
Jolly adds 16 speed to a level 50 (battle level)  infernape with a jolly nature, infernape can have up to 176 speed 176-16=160
Jolly staraptor on the other hand, can have up to 167 speed, 7 points higher than infernape
I saw you selected my answer,  did you win the tournament?
Yeah I did thanks, I only selected now because I thought I already had. Haha, but yeah take a took at some of my vgc teams