Pokémon Rate My Team
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Politoed @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Drizzle
Evs: 252 HP/176 Def/ 76 Sp. Def
Calm Nature
Rain Dance

Kingdra @ Life orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVS: 252 Sp.A/252 Spd/4 hp
Timid Nature
Draco Meteor
Ice Beam

Ability: Guts
Evs: 252 HP/252 Attack/ 4 sp def
Adamant Nature
Drain Punch
Mach Punch
Ice Punch
Knock Off

Gourgeist XL @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Frisk
Evs 252 HP/252 Def/ 4 Sp. D
Bold Nature
Leech Seed
Trick Room

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
Evs 76 Hp/252 Hp/ 176 sp
Adamant Nature
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt

What is Ghourgheist doing for this team that Amoonguss couldn't? Replace her with the mushroom imo, then make your sixth addition a TR setter like Cresselia or Aromatisse.
i chose gourgeist because it's good for will-o-wisp pokemon that needs burn, and good for pokemon who set up tailwind.
Be careful about Gourgeist. Anyone can just cripple it with taunt and you're stuck with using struggle.
(i'm not sure how common taunt is in VGC though)
Taunt is seen on most Sableye and every Thundurus ever. More niche users are Talonflame and Terrakion. Any team super weak to Trick Room will usually have Taunt. Sableye is probably the better option for you, though; it gets Prankster, virtually garunteeing a Wil-o-Wisp, Quash, or Taunt.
Any suggestions for another mon. I'm gonna replace gourgeist with sableye.
Actually, Gourgeist isn't half bad in VGC. I've used one before, and seen it do some crazy stuff as well. Mostly for it's Frisk which is invaluable for scouting items.
Although you're using this 'mon a... little wrong, if you don't mind my saying it. Your team looks very little like a TR team, only Conk particularly enjoys it. Are you really keen on running TR with it? If no, try throwing in Protect an attacking move instead of Trick-or-Treat (maybe Shadow Claw).

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