Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hey guys, nsgameroom here, and I decided to repost my (sort of) new and improved team. I was going to just re-edit it, but screw it. It's a whole new ball park of a team anyway. Btw, big thanks to liqiudgunay and mechsteelix for offering there help to make my team what it is now. So, comment, or leave some constructive criticism. (I luv it)

MumMums (Dragonite) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage
- Earthquake

I'm still keeping MumMums, it's my fave pokemon, not just because it's powerful, but because it has a special place in my heart, winning me a regional, and just looking so darn cute. (And Iris' Dragonite in the anime was pretty cool to). Yeah,it has a times 4 ice weakness, but I have a fighting tank, 2 steel pokemon, Landorus-T knows Stone Edge. So if that's not coverage, I don't know what is. Dragonite can mop the floor late game with Outrage, and with 2 steel types, Fairies aren't a problem to it. I always like to win with my favorites, and when there powerful, that's a bonus. It's the core of my team and will always be.

Starfish Bro! (Starmie) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

A lot of teams need rapid spinners to be successful, and mine is no exception. Starmie may not look speedy, but heck, is it. It's perfect for rapid spin suicides, and I can take out the rocks layer usually before he sets again. If he survives, I can usually use it as a revenge killer, and a mighty good one. Pokémon I've revenge killed: Garchomp, Tyranitar, Landorus-Therian, etc. Awesome, I know. And thx to liqiudgunay for suggesting I use Scald over HP. It works so much better now and it's much more reliable. Also,I like Starmie's design. Is it just me, or does it look really mysterious?

ScienceClass (Magnezone) @Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power ice
- Flash Cannon

This is my jolly scarf champ counter,and heck, is it a good one. It also stops Mamoswine with a nice Flash Cannon, which my team was weak to before by a lot (thx for pointing that out liqiudgunay). Other then that, I guess it's a fairy counter, but that's more of Metagross' ball park. Basic Air Balloon set, nothing too much other then that. I've always liked Magnazone's design to. It took a lack luster pokemon from Gen 1 and made it look awesome.

Calculator (Metagross) @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake

Liqiudgunay requested I take Latias out and replace it with a mega, and I'm glad you suggested that. Mega Metagross is a freaking boss. It tanks hits like a pro, and hits back hard. It's great for sweeping or tanking diverse teams since it has 11 resistances.(I think) It wrecks Fairies like a pro too. Nothing more to be said. Good tank, and he's a mega. What not to love? Also, his design is freaking awesome.

Bro,do u even lift? (Conkeldurr) (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
Evs: 252 Atk / 236 SpD / 20 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab

It saddens me that this pokemon hardly sees any use, and it's a shame too, since it's such a powerful tank. This is my main Mamoswine counter (take that Dawn) and it puts other great pokemon to shame to. Assault Vest is great for tanking, and other then that, it's a decent tank. I can't say it's the best sweeper, but anything that puts a chubby Mamoswine to shame. I'm happy with it. (Seriously, I think Mamoswine should go on a diet. It's fat enough to reduce damage) Also, I remember it being awesome in the Black and White anime. I don't remember who it's trainer was, but it wrecked face in the tournament episodes.

MyPetGod (Landorus-Therian) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 244 HP / 64 Atk / 200 Def
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Yeah yeah, call me cliché, but there's a reason it's used so much. I mean, it sets up like a pro, can be used later game, and it's plain awesome. Plus, it was freaking awesome in the anime. The fight between them was so cool, having Iris' Dragonite, Cynthia's Garchomp, Unfeazant (OK, maybe that one's not so great). And it's so cool to use the power that drove Giovanni to insanity in competitive play.

So,that's my team version 2.5! Thxs to mechsteelix and liqiudgunay for helping me improve it, and keep leaving constructive criticism I love it. I will always love my team and I will keep using it and believing in it. Until then, bye!

edited by
Lol yeah my team gets walled bad by alot. Huhhhhh...... well I'm replacing mega gross with mega ttar. It's a wierd choice,but it literally checks almost all my threats. And thx for the link.
If u scroll down in the link then there is also an option called break it which allows u to see the stuff which sweeps u. I will update the link if you add in mega ttar. PS can u put in or link an exportable version of the team
Just made it a little easier to read,
btw awsome has an e in it, awEsome ;-;
thanks qwerty makes it a lot better
Don't replace mega metagross. According to usage stats u will only hav a problem against 5% of all teams.

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