Pokémon Rate My Team
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In case you missed it, I posted an answer on the question "What Are The Sturdiest Cores You Have Found?" showcasing the combination of ferrothorn and slowking. If I can, I'll post some replays on the question "Post Them Battle Replays Here" showing what Ferroking can do. In the meantime, criticize to your heart's content.

Excadrill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 100 Def / 156 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip

Slowking @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Toxic
- Slack Off
- Scald
- Psyshock

Talonflame @ Choice Band
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Steel Wing

Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 188 SpD
Calm Nature
- Heal Bell
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave
- Moonblast

edited by
A few suggestions:
 - Chansey with Eviolite can do Audino's job much better.
 - If you choose to replace Mega Audino with Chansey, your Mega-slot is free, so I suggest mega-evolving Scizor and using Swords Dance > Aerial Ace. If you don't choose to replace Mega Audino, I suggest using Pursuit > Aerial Ace because it gets good coverage and punishes switches. Having Defog and / or Roost is also good because it gets rid of entry hazards and / or provides a reliable form of recovery (but, obviously, you cannot have Choice Band when running Roost / Defog).
 - Stealth Rock can be used over Spikes on Ferrothorn, but it doesn't really make a difference. Spikes can hit hard if stacked completely, but Flying types have an immunity, while Stealth Rock deals extra-damage to Pokemon weak to Rock, but Pokemon resistant to Rock takes less damage.
To modify Mech's comment, I would rather suggest Calm Mind + Thunderwave Clefable as a backup win condition to Mega Scizor, as well as a status absorber/wall that isnt complete set up bait and weak to Knock Off, the best move in the tier.

For Mega Scizor, run the Utility SD set, which is U-Turn, Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, and Roost, as it gives you a solid answer to Fairy Spam, MKazam, Gengar, and MMetagross, amongst other stuff.

Give Infernape all IVs you currently have taken away from him. He is a solid answet to Bisharp and Weavile if you are capable of keeping it alive.
chansey and clefable don't suit my needs for the last slot, being high HP and good enough defenses to be 3hkoed by neutral hits. As for mega evolving scizor, um, NO. And a swords dance set? PFFFFT. I'd be using talonflame as a choice bander if I had room for a spinner. A better suggestion would have been to replace raikou with mega manectric, which I did, along with replacing audino with a vaporeon. I have rocks on infernape, so there's no need for them on ferrothorn. Infernape is SUPPOSED to be frail so it can get to 1 HP more easily. Bisharp needs at least one swords dance to do any damage, so it will likely do so as I set up rocks. Then it goes for its best move, sucker punch, which leaves me at 1 HP, free to endeavor and bring him to the same, 1 HP. then I outspeed it, which lets me Mach punch it before it can do anything. As for weavile, after nape dies, I can switch into ferrothorn, get more hazards up, then leech seed stall. When I say "criticize to your heart's content," I mean make it better in a way that doesn't break away too much from the original team, just suggesting pokemon that do the older pokemon's job better. Don't say "use mega scizor instead of regular scizor because it has better attack and stuff," say "mega audino is very outclassed by non-mega pokemon like vaporeon and raikou is basically a slower mega manectric that either loses HP every turn or is locked into one move until it switches, or is completely inferior to mega manectric." Also, u-turn can be even better at punishing switches than pursuit, due to being able to switch into a pokemon that can reliably counter your opponent's. Also, never, EVER run a set-up move and u-turn or volt switch on the same pokemon. By the time you send it out, it won't have to switch out, because all of your threats (in this case, fire types) have been taken out. I hope I explained everything clearly enough for you to understand what I am saying, and I will edit the question in a minute.
Well built team. your team has good checks but no way of capitalising on the advantage. if i found you in battle spot i usually wouldn't consider your team i big threat. though the only 2 things i can see that your missing is (status) in case of DD and you team has poor (ATK) type-coverage.

also (ferrothorn,scizor,infernape,manectric) weak to Mainstream coverage AKA attacks dragons-types use

Note. Trading infernape with a setup opponent isn't that usefull status works more consistently and you don't have to loss a mon

Tip: build a teams that check to an advantage. eg.

scizor weak to fire .
garchomp DD strong to fire and setup
lol hey there tough guy, im not sure you understand, but no one here changed your previous silly team from what it originally was.

First of all, the ONLY reason we talked about Chansey was because you originally had a terrible choice of using Mega Audino [nice meme]. We gave you a  BETTER pokemon to fit the SAME role (well, Mech suggested Chansey, who I believe is still terrible outside of any stall archtype). Clefable is currently S rank in OU (s rank being given only to MMetagross, MAltaria, and Clefable) and is the premier tank in OU, with 2 wonderfull abilities (Unaware and Magic Guard) as well as a solid cleric movepool (Wish, Heal Bell, TWave, SR, Toxic, etc) and a great typing in Fairy. To be frank with you, it shows your lackluster ability as a player to pick VAPOREON (a commonly frowned upon mon in OU) as a cleric when you can pick something (Clefable) who pairs VERY WELL with your current core. I'm purposely being aggresive towards you because you directed your response towards Mech and I in the same manner.

SD Mega Scizor with U-Turn is a fairly new set, and I wouldnt be surprised if you still had the "Gen 5 Mentality" where all moves that force you to switch (bar baton pass) are automatically bad with a set up move. I dont think you understand the logic behind my suggestion. SD Mega Scizor purposely plays as a defensive pivot early - mid game (very much like Rotom-W) in a sense that it walls the threatening majority of OU (Weavile, Metagross, Altaria [except Special, which is a bad set], Clefable [Fire coverage is outclassed by TWave and Encore], Mega Alakazam [easily can force switches; bad if any hazards are up], Gengar [gets free kills if scizor or Manec arent inside spamming Bullet Punch], Landorus [Scarf Lando currently DESTROYS you mid game], etc), as MScizor is quite bulky. It also has a nice Steel Priority if you need it to revenge kill something that could blow a hole in your team (Kyurem B  comes to mind). THEN, once your opponent's team has been SUCCESSFULLY weakened, you set up an SD and clean their team up with Bullet Punch. I'll even leave a replay for you since I've seen this happen and KNOW this is effective. Same can be said for CM Volt Switch Raikou, though it's purpose is different than that of Scizor's. I wont deny that Manectric isnt an ok choice, but Scizor fits your team archetype (Balance) much better than Manectric does.

As for the IV stuff on Infernape, i KNOW it's meant to be frail. I saw Endeavor. I've USED the set. Yes, IVs are needed. Lead Matchups are a thing, and in ORAS, there are Suicide leads (Azelf, Infernape, Terrakion), General Leads (Tornadus-T, Hippowdon, Bulky Chomp [all these leads are usually picked due to team matchup), and Passive leads (Ferrothorn, Skarmory, etc). Mons in the first two categories will often times be the ones you use Endeavor on, as the power creep in ORAS is quite noticeable, so 31 points wont make a difference in this tier. Whereas against passive leads, you can aim to keep you Infernape healthy enough to come back late game (Fake Out and Mach Punch). Like, I'm not blind or stupid lol there often times WILL be specific situations like that (Infernape is your only way of dealing with TTar and/or Excadrill in sand).

As for the next point, U-Turn GAINS momentum. Pursuit LOSES momentum in EXCHANGE for removing a threat. Gengar used to clean 6-0 your old unedited team. Like, we know what U-Turn and Pursuit do lol, dont try to say the do otherwise. U-Turn and Pursuit are completely different moves which perform different roles.

Also, if you want a real rate, here goes:

Use Clefable because Vaporeon is utter garbage in OU and quite easily 2hko's by common metagame threats, while not doing much in return, whereas Clefable can either Encore them (into a recovery or set up move; walls and sweepers alike), Twave them (speedy mons), or even run Heal Bell on the Cm set since you're so fond of Clerics in a tier where they arent that great/necessary.

Next, you need a Ground type because you're a sitting duck for VoltTurn strategies. I suggest the Bulky Chomp set over infernape, because admittedly, Infernape is subpar in OU and highly outclassed. So bad it's not funny.

Use the Scizor set i suggested or dont use Scizor without Pursuit.  Aerial Ace wont be an option when Keldeo completely stomps on you with Scald (chance to burn) and Hydro Pump anyways. Like seriously, Bisharp would be a better fit that your current Scizor. (Clefable walls Keldeo anyways lol)

Change Manectric for Tornadus-T, a current great mon in the metagame. Or if you're stubborn and wish to keep Regular Scizor, Mega Aerodactyl works here as well. Use Assault Vest for Torn-T, and Roost + 3 Attack for aero.

Give Ferrothorn a better spread of 252 / 100 / 156 Sassy Nature and Leftovers to better help check Kyurem B. Spikes are pretty mediocre in a defog infested metagame (especially since you're not abusing bisharp for this team), but the can work.

Use the smogon Standard spread for Tank Slowking in OU.

Im generally an ok person on the RMT section (behavior wise) and like to help people who have a small grasp or greater of the metagame for tiers like OU and UU. Investigate how viable a suggestion is before mindlessly shooting them down.

Showcases the strength of MScizor + Clef, a solid core in the metagame.

Also, all my suggestions are not 100% effort poured into them. I suggest the "quickest" fix for almost any team, because I have better thing to do like fixing my own team (no personal offense, just that I care more about me than I do some stranger on the internet). If you find a mon with a similar sense of purpose AND is viable/used commonly with success, then feel free to use such mon. Just dont lash back at me if your thought out mon had a better result than my quick fix.
Okay, you did a bit better this time.
Now that I've tested this team a lot, I've found that I don't use wish very often. If it weren't for that I thought wish would have been more useful, I would have gladly taken your advice and replaced audino with clefable, which I will do after some testing.

Your second paragraph basically explains that you don't even know what a volt-turn core does. Its basically forcing a switch, which makes them take stealth rock damage, u-turning into manectric, forcing a switch, more stealth rock damage, volt switching into scizor, and repeat. Choice band scizor does more damage than mega scizor, and even if I was running swords dance, life orb scizor does more damage than mega scizor, at the cost of bulk (which, being a sweeper, scizor doesn't need). As for the rest, if I wanted to run a swords dance set, I'd be using life orb scizor, not mega.

Okay, I see your point, I'll switch it to pursuit.

I guess you're right, I'll switch to chomp.

Remember what you said about vaporeon and clefable? the same can be said with mega aerodactyl and most other mega evolutions. Especially mega diancie. Let diancie set up a rock polish and it'll sweep your team. Let an aerodactyl set up a hone claws and it'll sweep your team. Except for one thing. Diancie gets a good ability, and aerodactyl doesn't. With magic bounce, you dont have to worry about prankster paralyses and burns. With tough claws, you get a slight boost to attacks that either have really bad base power, or don't get stab. Mega aerodactyl is just a worse mega diancie, and there's no other way to see it.

I agree with leftovers on ferrothorn, and I'll try the EVs. But I swear, if I see ONE kyurem-b with HP fire, I'm changing it back.

I herd u liek gettin swepted by mega manectricz

Also, no specs raikou, because I'm tired of ground types switching in on it.

I've watched the replay now, and I can clearly see the problem: your scizor is trying to be defensive, and mine is trying to be offensive. What did your scizor do? Be tanky and spam roost, and revenge kill. What does my scizor do? Sweep and add momentum. Two very different roles. Trying to replace a pokemon with one that fills a different role is not easy. My scizor is meant to force a switch and u-turn into a pokemon that can handle the opposing one. Your scizor is meant to be a physical tank (from what I can tell). For my purpose, banded scizor is better. For yours, mega is. All I needed was to see what you meant in action. It fixes everything... Except that you think mega aerodactyl is viable in OU. It's not.
Lmao i think you should study up a bit on the metagame and its trends before you make more baseless (and quite silly) statements. MAero is a very core breaking mon, a complete terror vs balance and Hyper Offense.

Also, VoltTurn is nice and all for your edit... except you have no way to remove hazards. That's really not a solid choice, especially when both of your switching mons dont resist SR, and not to mention that both of them arent really all that bulky (in respect to switching in against Bulky Offense).

If you could provide some replays on this rmt, it would be much appreciated to see how risky/safe you play, and what your thought process with your team is. A couple of battles give a better understanding of a team than an rmt paragraph (which is merely a theory of how a mon should always work, and doesnt portray a real battle scenario very effectively).
I. FIXED. EVERYTHING. I dropped infernape so I could have a spinner. I looked at who gets stealth rock and rapid spin and the one who suited my needs the most was excadrill. Now that I don't have to worry about hazards, I can use talonflame instead of scizor, eliminating the whole mega evolution debate. I also switched out vaporeon for clefable, and I changed the EVs and item on ferrothorn. Also, don't even try to get me to switch to m-aerodactyl. It's in UU for a reason. There are much better "core breaking" mons out there, especially mixed attackers like tyranitar, infernape, and zoroark, just to name a few. I will edit the question soon.
Wow this team was alot better than last time I saw it.
Anyways, I just want to make a few suggestions on Slowbro:
 - Thunder Wave > Toxic because it cripples Speed-reliant Pokemon and Speed-boosting Pokemon, such as M-Charizard X.
 - You could put Ice Beam or Fire Blast on the set, but it doesn't really matter; it just gives extra coverage.

 - A choice band set seems kinda iffy to me. But if you really want it, go ahead.
 - It should have Steel Wing > Return because it gives coverage against Rock-types.

 - Overheat > Flamethrower is an option, so that you get the extra-power. You can easily switch out with Volt Switch, so in this case the Sp. Atk drop wouldn't matter as much.
In addition to my previous comment,  Focus Sash on Excadrill isn't really needed; I suggest putting something like Leftovers, so that it increases Excadrill's longevity.
Toxic builds a lot of damage along with leech seed, so i'm going to keep it on slowking. I've tried steel wing before, and I didn't have very many chances to use it. Return hasn't been useful either, so I'll take your advice and replace it. I'll use a Sitrus berry on excadrill. Thanks for the help.

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