Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello guys! This is the second deck I am posting on the Pokemon Database, and I hope I can get some constructive criticism. Explanations are given beside each card.

Pokémon - 18

1 Kangaskhan-EX FLF 78 (Good for drawing cards, can deal exceptional damage with the Muscle Band)
1 Shaymin-EX ROS 77 (Very good card for a quick hand)
1 Blaziken-EX PR-XY XY54 (Very strong attack, dealing 140 damage most of the time. Made bette with the Trick Coin.)
1 Charizard-EX FLF 100 (Great card in itself, 4 for 120 attack is very efficient at using energy)
1 M Charizard-EX FLF 13 (Amazing attack in Crimson Dive that will knock out ANY Pokemon. Damage to itself prevented with Protection Cube)
2 Fennekin XY 24
2 Braixen BKT 26
2 Delphox XY 26 (Great ability, and a 3 for 50 attack, boosted by Fire energies, giving it a 3 for 110 attack)
2 Torchic FFI 12
3 Combusken FFI 13
2 Blaziken PRC 28 (Amazing attack - 2 for 100, and further boosted with Muscle Band)

Trainer Cards - 30

2 Protection Cube FLF 95 (for MCharizard-EX)
4 Blacksmith FLF 88 (Several Pokemon require discarding of energies, hence this card is present)
2 Tierno PHF 107 (Drawing power)
2 Brigette BKT 134 (To bring out EXs)
2 Ultra Ball FLF 99
3 Pokémon Center Lady FLF 93 (Healing power)
2 Fisherman BKT 136 (Recovering energy even more)
4 Professor's Letter XY 123 (Energy drawing)
2 Professor Birch's Observations PRC 134 (Drawing power)
2 Muscle Band XY 121 (Boosting damage)
2 Scorched Earth PRC 138 (Drawing power)
2 Trick Coin PHF 108 (Helps increase the success rate of Blaziken-EX)
1 Team Flare Grunt XY 129 (Discarding opponent's energy, can potentially save a match)

Energy - 12

10 Fire Energy Energy 2
2 Double Colorless Energy NXD 92

Any suggestions are welcome, but preferably do not add any EXs to the changed deck, since my access to them is very limited.

edited by
i actually have the same delphox as u and i believe its pretty good and i like your fire type deck very lidget

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