Pokémon Rate My Team
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as the title exclaims, can anybody out there tell me any flaws in my team? I would also welcome an overall rating of my team, and whatever changes that would be essential be it moves, or even full on Pokemon thank you! by the way, this is my team for battle spot singles on oras, so keep that in mind.

Porygon2 @ eviolite

ability: Analytic
EVs: 252Def / 252HP / 4 SpDef
Gentle nature
-ice beam

gengar @ Gengarite

ability: levitate
EVs: 252Satk / 252Spd / 4HP
Modest nature
-sludge bomb
-destiny bond
-shadow ball

landorus @ choice band

ability: intimidate
EVs:252atk / 252 HP / 4spd
Adamant nature
-knock off
-stone edge

greninja @ life orb

ability: Protean
EVs:252Satk / 252spd / 4HP
Timid nature
-ice beam
-dark pulse

kangaskhan @ kangaskhanite

EVs:252atk / 252spd / 4HP
Adamant nature
-sucker punch
-power-up punch

aegislash @ focus band

ability:stance change
EVs:252atk / 252def / 4 spdef
Brave nature
-King's shield
-sacred sword
-shadow sneak
-swords dance

thx, and one more thing, I'm thinking about incorporating rotom-wash into my team, so could you tell me whether or not this is a good idea, and if so which team member I should switch out for him, thx!

What format?
It says "battle spot singles in oras" so it is singles in battle spot!!!!!!!!
Like I said, battle spot singles
I wrote an answer to this question in database, and then it got hidden. I would re-post it, but I can't access whoever hid my post :(
Sorry. I didn't read very carefully. Just saying, I think it's better to mention the format in the question title or one of the tags.
I put single battles in one of the tags and I couldn't find a tag for battle spot surprisingly

1 Answer

0 votes

To many offensive moves although I like the way you set out your team like with a perfect aegislash although maybe swap earthquake for a fake out as it can deal damage especially with the scrappy ability making ghost types prone to your moves, definitely add room wasn't in he will be a great aspect in your offensive side maybe switch for gengar as you already have a ghost type although if you disagree get rid of gengar stone and switch with an item like life orb or black sludge.

Sorry I meant switch Kangaskhans move earthquake not aegislash
Well, that answer was I bit confusing, but I appreciate you trying
You do realize you can edit an answer after you post it (unless the answer gets deleted or you get banned).