Pokémon Rate My Team
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I'd like to hear some opinions and I'm open to anything :) For the most part I've been successful when it comes to using this team on free battles on WiFi. But I feel like there's not enough coverage for some Pokemon or there's something that I should be trying or not using my Pokemon to their full potential etc. I have no problems taking out legendaries except sometimes with Darkrai its a 50/50 because if it the person spams Darkvoid then its basically over unless I take Darkrai first then I'm good.

Cradily @ Big Root
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 Def./ 252 HP

Moveset: Stealth Rock/Rock Slide/Recover/Giga Drain

I'm thinking of replacing Recover with maybe Ice Beam or Toxic. I also use my Cradily alongside my Greninja so he can get hit by Surf to gain a Boost in Sp.Atk/

Greninja @ Leftovers
Ability: Protean
EVs: 200 Sp. Atk/ 150 Spd.

Moveset: Ice Beam/Surf/Dark Pulse/Mat Block

Snorlax@ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Def./ 4 HP

Moveset: Brick Break/Crunch/Heavy Slam/Earthquake

Scizor @Quick Claw
EVs: 252 Atk./ 150 HP./ 108 Def.

Moveset: Bullet Punch/Brick Break/Swords Dance/X-Scissor

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd.

Moveset: Hypnosis/Shadow Ball/Hex/Sludge Bomb

I like using both my Gengar and Scizor to take threats like Darkrai and Mew/Mewtwo and also with Fairy Types.

Charizard@ Charizardite Y
Nature: Modest
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Spd.

Moveset: Solar Beam/Focus Blast/Fire Blast/ Air Slash

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What format like singles, doubles,etc?
Oh I'm sorry and for triple battles
Where are you using this? Wifi? Showdown!? Somewhere else? If Showdown!, what tier?
Just for WiFi battles

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