Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello, i made a team for wifi battles (all formats) and i want to know if it's any good.

Eelektross @ Rocky Helmet
Trait: Levitate
Nature: Bold
Evs: 254 sp. attack/ 254 attack/ 4 speed
Thunder Wave
Dragon Tail

Eelektross is a crippler.
What it mostly does is paralyze someone, then drag out the next pokemon while doing some damage, and repeat.
Thunderbolt is a good STAB move, and Crunch does decent damage.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Trait: Aerialite
Nature: Hardy
Evs: 254 attack/ 254 HP/ 4 sp. attack
Draco Meteor
Dragon Claw
Double Edge
Fire Blast

Salamance is obviously a physical attacker.
With Dragon Claw and STAB Double Edge at hand, it can dish out high damage.
In case physical doesn't work, Salamance also has Draco Meteor as back up, because the recoil is pretty high.
Fire Blast is for coverage.

Swellow @ Flame Orb
Trait: Guts
Nature: Hardy
Evs: 254 attack/ 254 speed/ 4 HP
Brave Bird

So i always start off with protect, to secure the burn.
Then follow up with facade, wich almost always secures a kill.
If facade doesn't work, Brave Bird is there wich can still do massive damage.
And if Swellow gets the chance, it can heal itself with roost.

Dusclops @ Eviolite
Trait: Pressure
Nature: Careful
Evs: 254 sp. defense/ 254 defense/ 4 HP
Pain Split

So, Dusclops is more of a defensive pokemon.
If it puts up a subsitute, it mostly dissappears after 3-4 turns.
While subsitute is up, i use Will-O-Wisp (Physical attackers don't stand a chance now) and hex to do double damage.
Dusclops gets pretty damaged while doing this, so then there's pain split to do maximum healing if a new opponent is send out.

Gyrados @ Life Orb
Trait: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
Evs: 254 attack/ 254 HP/ 4 defense
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

So, Gyrados is more of a physical tanky attacker.
Most of the time, 1 or 2 dragon dances are enough to dish out huge damage.
Waterfall is STAB, Ice Fang gets rid of dragons, Earthquake is coverage for the insane weakness.

Porygon-Z @ Leftovers
Trait: Adaptability
Nature: Modest (Hehe, Gyrados and Porygon should switch natures)
Evs: 254 sp. attack/ 254 speed/ 4 defense
Tri Attack
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam

Porygon-Z is an amazing special attacker.
Tri Attack gets a huge boost while the others cover a lot of types.
I am thinking of replacing thunderbolt tho, what would fit in there?

That's my team, please tell me what could be improved ( getting perfect IVs, EVs, natures is not my plan).

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1 Answer

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Your team looks good, looks mostly around ORAS Singles, as most things do not carry protect. With Eelektross, I notice you have a bold nature, but dragon tail and crunch are both physical.
With Swellow, I would change its nature to Adamant.
Also just at quick glance, I do not see a taunter, and besides Elektross, you don't have much speed control.
