"My only problem is if the opponent uses a rapid spinner or haze when my Aero is gone."
To solve this, I would replace Aerodactyl with an Archeops with a similar set, mainly because Archeops gets access to U-Turn (I was surprised to learn Aerodactyl didn't). This way, you can set up your rocks, taunt if needed, then U-Turn out of there, allowing Archeops to return and refresh the rocks if needed.
Archeops @ Sitrus Berry / Focus Sash
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Atk / 252 Spe or 56 Def / 200 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- U-turn
- Earthquake / Stone Edge / some other physical attack
A comparison of Aerodactyl and Archeops' stats.
You said that you don't use Slowbro very much. Because of this, I would suggest taking away this guy's Mega-Stone, and instead make Charizard your Mega (more on that later). This way, Slowbro doesn't lose Regenerator upon m-evolving, and you could give him some other item instead, like Lum, Aguav, or Sitrus Berry (if you change Aerodactyl/Archeops' item to Focus Sash). As for the moveset, I [just realized that I] have very little experience with Slowbro, as I have never used it competitively, and I only remember facing against it once, maybe twice. I really don't know if I'm the best person to advise you here, but, since you were talking about replacing Thunder Wave anyway, I think Substitute could be a good option. But I do agree with sumwun that Psyshock, or Psychic, would be better than Future Sight.
You put stress on this set in your intro, but I'm not sure how to feel about it. Jolteon's not the bulkiest pokemon out there, and the EVs are spread to favor a special sweeper while your moveset is one of a setup pokemon. Overall, this moveset (minus Thunderbolt) would work best on Umbreon, with an EV spread focused more on defenses. However, if you must keep Jolteon, see if you have any Hondew Berries (removes 10 SpA EVs per berry). I would recommend lowering the SpA EVs down to 100, or lower, and retraining Jolteon in either HP or Def.
Haha, yes. I have a very similar set with a Porygon2 that has saved me more battles than I can count. This guy's good.
A lot of people would disagree with me, but I definitely would not scarf this guy. I'm not the biggest fan of choice items, but on a pokemon with Moxie, they just clash with each other too much. With Moxie, you want to keep your sweeper in as long as possible, to build up your Atk stat. But if you're locked into an attack, the opponent could just bring out something to force a switch, and the Moxie boost(s) are lost. Choice Scarf might work if Krookodile has Intimidate instead, which would benefit from being switched in and out multiple times.
If you want to keep Moxie (which I personally would), then the item you have is fine, but, if you're not satisfied with Expert Belt, some replacements I would suggest are Assault Vest or Salac Berry.
As stated above, I would suggest upgrading this guy to a Mega, preferably his Y-Mega. Massive boost in SpA, without the specs locking you into a single move, and Drought + Solarbeam provides huge damage while covering his water and rock weaknesses.
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest is good, but if you don't mind going through the trouble, Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Air Slash
- Ancient Power
- Solar Beam
Hope this helps. Happy battling!