Pokémon Rate My Team
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Good Afternoon to everyone

So right now I am battling out with the Mono-Grass team I have created

This format is for casual 6 vs 6 battles and Monotype Battles

This is for Pokemon Moon so I will go over each Pokemon and why I chose them over other grass pokemon and other considerations I was looking at.


Ability: Storm Drain
Nature: Careful
Ev's: 252 HP/ 252 Sp def/ 4 def
Item: Rocky Helmet

- Rock Slide
- Toxic
- Recover
- Stealth Rock

Cradily is the Special-Defensive Sponge of the Mono-Grass team. It's Grass/Rock typing adds a neutrality to Poison, Fire, and Flying altho at the same time a neutrality to Water ( Immune) and Grass.
Cradily's is usually who I tend to lead with as its comes on most Fire Pokemon with no worries of being KO'd by Fire Blast, Air Slash, or Sludge Bomb.
Rock Slide is STAB to dent Fire, Flying, and Bug types like Volcarona, Charizard X and Y, Mega Pinsir etc
Toxic is to poison all special attackers who can't break thru Cradily easily.
Recover is to maintain Health in Battle.
Stealth Rock is to lead off and add the entry hazards to threaten the big threats to Grass Pokemon.



Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Relaxed
Ev's: 252 HP/ 80 def / 176 spe def
Item: Venusaurite

- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power ( Fire)
- Earthquake
- Synthesis

Mega-Venusaur is the best Mega-Evolution for Mono-Grass. With thick-fat it can tank Fire and Ice attacks better and can hit pretty well. I ran a relaxed nature so Mega-Venusaur can tank more physical hits since Cradily will tank more Special attacks well. Grass/Poison typing is good defensively to take Fighting hits that may threaten other Pokemon
Sludge Bomb is STAB to hit Grass and Fairy Types and other pokemon that can't break M-Venusaur.
Hidden Power Fire is to hit Mega Scizor, Celesteela, Ferrothorn, and other Steel types that threat grass teams.
Earthquake is to round up coverage to hit Heatran, Alola-Muk, Alolan-Marowak, etc
Synthesis is to keep Mega-Venusaur healthy thru the Match.



Ability: Contrary
Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 Speed/ 252 Spe attck/ 4 Hp
Item: Life Orb

- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power ( Rock )
- Dragon Pulse
- Glare

Serperior is a Fast, decently bulk, and threatening pokemon with contrary.
The team needs speed and offense so Serperior makes a good candidate for the Grass Mono Team as well has having a boosting move that allows to break thru most walls .

Leaf Storm is STAB and raises special attack 2 stages. Good for breaking thru Toxapex, Chansey, Cradily, and other defensive walls.
Hidden Power Rock is to hit Bugs, Fire, Flying, and Ice types that threaten the team.
Dragon Pulse is to round up more Coverage to hit Dragon Types like Salamence, Garchomp, Latios, Hydreigon, Dragonite.
Glare is to paralyze Shell Smash, Dragon Dance setup attempts that can possibly outspend my pokemon or other just cripple Pokemon that Serperior can't break thru



Ability: Technician
Nature: Jolly
Ev's: 252 Sped/ 252 attk / 4hp
Item: Focus Sash

- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Spore

Breloom is pretty awesome and spamming spore is pretty fun. It's a good physical attacker with Fighting STAB Priority that damages certain threats like Heatran , Hydreigon, Kyurem-B, Weavile etc.
Bullet seed is STAB to hit decently pokemon that don't resist it for decent damage
Mach Punch is STAB Fighting priority.
Thunder Punch is run to hit other certain threats for Grass teams such as Skarmory , Mantine, Gyarados, Celesteela, which otherwise can run rampant while still hitting most Flying Teams for decent damage.
Spore is useful if Breloom is brought down to it's sash so it can safely switch out or proceed to damage the sleeping pokemon.



Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
Ev's : 252 HP/ 126 Def / 130 spe def
Item: Leftovers

- Leech Seed
- Gyro Ball
- Protect
- Spikes

Ferrothorn is a great defensive grass Pokemon for Grass teams. Neutrality to Ice, Bug, Flying, and immune to Poison helps out the Synergy and resistance to Psychic to synergize well with the grass team.
Ferrothorn has a great typing and it's main purpose is stalling with Leech Seed and protect while hitting back with Gyro Ball. It's the best pokemon to check Ice types.
Leech seed is to status pokemon who are not Grass Types
Gyro Ball is STAB as it hits hard with a relaxed nature
Protect is to stall out for leftovers and leech seed recovery.
Spikes is to setup more entry hazards for the team to stack up with Stealth Rock.



Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 Sped/ 252 spe attck/ 4hp
Item: Choice Specs

- Psychic
- Earth Power
- Dazzling Gleam
- Hidden Power (Fire)

Celebi is the final member of the Mono-Grass Team. It's move pool is amazing and it has well round stats to become a good member of the Mono-Grass Team. It's Psychic Typing also helps its combat the Fighting and Poison types that threaten the team. Celebi's main purpose is providing a lot of coverage for the team that Grass pokemon need.
Psychic is STAB to hit Poison and Fighting Types and other pokemon
Earth power is to round off more Coverage hitting all the Electric, Poison, Steel, Fire, and Rock types.
Dazzling Gleam is for Dragon and Dark Types like Hydreigon, Latios, Salamance, Manibuzz etc
Hidden Power Fire is extra Fire coverage in order to hit Mega Scizor as its a big threat.

So is my team good or what can I do to improve it?
Thanks appreciate the help

Are there any Pokemon, moves, or abilities that aren't allowed? If not, replace Cradily, Serperior, and Celebi with sky Shaymin, grass Arceus, and Kartana.
SD on Breloom!
Put thick fat on venusaur key for grass teams
Venusaur enters battle, and then mega evolves and gains thick fat. The Pokemon information describes the Pokemon that get entered into battle, not the Pokemon during the battle. Thus, it makes sense to say that the Venusaur has chlorophyll and is holding a venusaurite.

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