"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
Well with this team, that immovable object is going to move.
For those of you who don't know me, I go by VGC Sultan and more commonly: Unstoppable. I use to be a fairly decent name in VGC, but always lacked success at the top of the game as I felt I would falter under pressure. I competed in the VGC regional tournaments from 2014 to 2016. However I lost interest in the 2016 VGC games as they introduced the new powerhouse Megas and primal evolutions, and I was extremely busy with college. They follow that with another weak year where they had strange rules (imo) and didn't allow Megas only to promote their newer Gen 7 Pokemon. But this year in 2018, they brought back the old format and I love it. It feels like 2015 again. There is actual diversity in the Metagame. That being said, there is still the same very common 10 or so Pokemon, and I always felt best when I have a bit of surprise to my game. I feel very comfortable with the team, but I was always told to never stop improving so of course I want some feed back and any suggestions!
Sultan's Crown team

Tyranitar @ Tyranitarite
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Sand Stream --> Sand Stream
EV(s): 60 HP, 236 Attack, 4 Defense, 12 Special Defense, 196 Speed
Adamant nature
Rock Slide
Dragon Dance
The Pokemon I built this team around. Currently only seen on approximately every 1 in 50 teams, and I feel its even less among the "elite players" who almost guarantee defer to Kangaskan, Metagross, Salamence or Charizard Y. Which I was picking which Mega to use, I choose Tyranitar because he has the highest base stats for a VGC legal Pokemon. Yes all the mega-pseudo legendary Pokemon have a base stat of 700, but Tyranitar's is truly higher. Mega-Metagross for example, also has 700, but has 110 in Special Attack which are useless, because no one runs special Mega-Metagross, giving him an effective base stat of 590. If we do the same to all Pokemon, we see Mega-Tyranitar comes out on top with 605. Only mixed-mega salamence makes better use of its stats. If we factor in the special defense boost that Tyranitar gets in the sand, he really is an offensive and defensive juggernaut. Combine that with the fact that he'd give me weather control, as well as prankster immunity, I felt really comfortable selecting him as the mega, and I haven't looked back since.

Blastoise @ Blastoisinite
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Rain Dish --> Mega Launcher
EV(s): 188 HP, 12 Defense, 204 Special Attack, 28 Special Defense, 76 Speed
Modest nature
Fake Out
Aura Sphere
Water Pulse
The secondary mega on the team. Well I shouldn't say secondary because M- Blastoise has been putting in his work, now I evenly split the mega time almost exactly 50/50. This was a really hard slot for me to fill for the longest time. I used M-Alakazam here for a while, and really liked it, but its been hard as of late as we slowly see the meta game shift from speed/power to more bulk over time (which happens ever year), and Alakazam is one of the frailest megas. I used M-Gyarados because I liked the bulky water, and his intimidate, but he really was too similar to Tyranitar, in that they shared a type, and both ran a X/Crunch/Dragon Dance/Protect set. I switched to Charizard Y which I really liked, but he compounded a back rock weakness with Volcarona who I was unwilling to switch. I tried M-Salamence but again found that physical Mega Mence was too similar to Tyranitar, and that special mence was underwhelming. I finally settled on Blastoise who I loved because he is a special attacker, has fake out support, really thrives under tailwind, and can bring a strong fighting move to the table. Mega Launcher Aura Sphere is as powerful as a focus blast and can't miss. I see a lot of teams running focus blast/ hp fighting because they need a fighting move, but I really found my niche with Blastoise. M-Blastoise is even more rare than M-Tyranitar, which is a huge perk, because in the games I mega evolve T-tar, most of my opponents were expecting and preparing for the M-Blastoise. As for the move set, I'd love to fit an ice move but I simply don't have room. Still I really love my set and as I can feint an ice beam or water spout, and really change the game if they switch or protect expecting some other play. Lastly I really like rain dish on non-mega blastoise as it gives me a solid switch-in or wall (because of resistance) and then healing, for the rain archetype which is extremely popular this year.

Aegislash @ Ghostium Z
Shiny: No
Ability: Stance Change
EV(s): 188 HP, 252 Special Attack, 68 Speed
Mild nature
Flash Cannon
Shadow Ball
Shadow Sneak
Kings Shield
Been a staple on a lot of VGC teams for years, and will continue to be for a multitude of reasons. Has excellent typing and a great ability allowing one to pivot from offense to defense very smoothly. Ghostium Z is a new item for Aegislash which is very common, this one follows that trend. Never ending nightmare has 185 base power (277 with STAB) which effectively works as a nuke for practically any Poke on the other team. Additionally it can finish off weaker opponents who think they are safe behind a protect. However where this Aegislash differs is carrying Shadow Sneak. It is extremely rare on most modern day Aegislash as most opt for Wide Guard. I like that I can feint wide guard simply by having it out there (assuming I haven't revealed Shadow Sneak). So many Charizard Ys, Heatrans, Landorus', and Tyranitars have gone for less than optimal moves trying to avoid the non existent wide guard. Also it allows me to pick off some unsuspecting opponents who assume Aegislash will move last. Lastly this is a relatively fast Aegislash. It allows me to KO Cresselias, Gothitelles, and other Aegislash before than can even go. Although I have considered going minimum speed, I really like the little bit of extra quickness, and it is amplified even more when under tailwind.

Volcarona @ Iapapa Berry
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Flame Body
EV(s): 252 HP, 156 Defense, 52 Special Attack, 28 Special Defense, 20 Speed
Bold nature
Rage Powder
The MVP of this team hands down. This Volcarona does it all. Well except will-o-wisp, which sucks, because I really want to fit will-o-wisp on but I can't remove any of the moves. Recently, Volcarona has seen a spike in usage, and they are almost entirely the setup Quiver Dance, so once again it gives me an advantage by differing from what my opponent suspects. It is a strong Kangaskan counter, as contact with it means there is a 51% chance it will burn Kang. The redirection support is huge for protecting my sweepers and allowing Tyranitar to fire off 1 dragon dance, which is really all it needs to succeed. I really like the bulk and all around solid stats that Volcarona offers. Tailwind is a huge component of my team that opponents don't initially suspect, but getting a surprise Tailwind off can really make it an uphill battle for my opponent. Lastly I choose overheat because this Volcarona is mostly for support, but when its done its job, or I need a quick knockout, I can nuke a Pokemon with overheat. Also being a fire type is a big perk because I can switch Tyranitar or Landorus into Volcarona if I expect a will-o-wisp with no consequences. I initially had Rocky Helmet, but I switched over to the Iapapa berry for more health.

Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
Shiny: Yes
Ability: Levitate
EV(s): 60 HP, 180 Defense, 132 Special Attack, 4 Special Defense, 132 Speed
Modest nature
Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Earth Power
Heat Wave
I think it is a very underrated Pokemon in the new format. A powerhouse of old, it is not that common anymore. I needed a dragon and a Pokemon with immunity to ground attacks, yet I couldn't go with Salamence due to an ice weakness and already using 2 mega slots. I knew I wanted to go bulky for this Hydreigon, but it was tough sacrificing the damage output. That why I shifted from Darkium Z to choice specs. And I already had a Z-move on Aegislash. The moveset is fairly standard. Draco Meteor as a nuke for bulky pokes. Earth Power for coverage most specifically hearten. And Dark Pulse as a STAB all around good attack. I did choose to use Heat Wave over Flamethrower/Fire Blast which is a bit odd, but I found that in most of the cases I was using Flamethrower, Heat Wave would pick up the knockout too, and it was nice to have some spread damage that could get an unsuspecting KO in a pinch. I really love the EV set on this one as the damage output has been great, it survives hits that it shouldn't, and it is the perfect speed tier when under tailwind. Just have to keep it away from those pesky fairies.

Landorus-Therian @ Assault Vest
Shiny: No
Ability: Intimidate
EV(s): 132 HP, 116 Attack, 4 Defense, 4 Special Defense, 252 Speed
Adamant nature
Rock Slide
The whole team thus has had some element of surprise to it, but the very common Landorus truly does work best. I knew I wanted a more bulky version, and with the Z-move already occupied, and already having a choice user, it seemed like Assault Vest made sense. For the spread I was looking for some power, but I didn't want that to come at the cost of speed. Very standard move set, but some Kangs and Tyranitars can get caught off guard by the superpower expecting another move. All in all a great Pokemon, and used on over 50% of teams for a reason. Great pivot on a largely bulky offense team. Can spread intimidate around, and tank hits. Love the typing as I see more electric moves and it gives me a solid option, as well as earthquakes/tectonic rages thrown at Aegislash and Tyranitar. But all considered, not a whole lot to explain here.
All in all I have loved playing with this team. It gives me a lot of elements that are needed to succeed in VGC. This team has weather control, will-o-wisp support, redirection support, tailwind support, fake out support, intimidate support, and some speed control with dragon dance. As well as a will-o-wisp, thunder wave, and prankster immune Pokemon. Also having a normal, fighting, electric, and ground immunity is huge for the team. But it does have some notable weaknesses, mainly my lack of secondary speed control. I also don't have secondary speed control like Electro web or icy wind. Also I don't have any anti-imtimdate control. I have considered Milotic instead of Blastoise, but I have relied on the fake out support, and Aura sphere as been a clutch move. Another potential flaw I have noticed is carrying 2 Pokemon who aren't carrying protect as the result of using an Assault Vest and Choice Specs. One last piece that I feel is missing is my lack of ability to change the terrain in my favor. But I firmly believe that we will see the Tapus fall a little in popularity as we progress further along in the format.
Final thoughts:
The team is not perfect by any means make suggestions, but they'd have to be appropriate to VGC, and not a singles Pokemon thrusted into the doubles spotlight. I was glad to share my team with everyone and let me know any thoughts. Thank you for reading.