Pokémon Rate My Team
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So hi people I'm trying to make a steel type team but need ideas as to what can go with these Pokemon. Got all the power items so Evs aren't a problem but can you please post movesets and held items. I was thinking Mawile/Enpoleon/Magnezone but if you guys have any other ideas can you please let me know? Also some of my Pokemon have incomplete movesets and I need some help with completing them. Held items are demonstrated with an @sign. Thanks!

Physical attacker
Metagross @Psychium z
Ability: Clear body
Evs: 252speed 252atk 4hp
Adamant nature
Meteor mash (STAB)
Earthquake (do I even need to say)
Zen Headbutt (STAB)
Explosion (Last Resort)

Special Sweeper
Lucario @Lucarionite
Ability: Steadfast
Evs: 252speed 252spatk 4spdef
Modest nature
Aura Sphere (STAB, coverage)
Flash Cannon (STAB, coverage)
Dragon pulse (dragon killer)
Dark pulse (coverage)

The Annoying one
Aegislash @Spell tag
Ability: Stance Change
Evs: 252speed 252hp 4spatk
Lonely nature
Shadow ball (OP STAB)
Flash Cannon (STAB)
Kings Shield (needed)

Bisharp @Focus Sash
Ability: Inner focus
Evs: 252speed 252atk
Naughty nature
Iron head (STAB)
Night slash (STAB)
Swords dance (needed for attack)
Aerial Ace (coverage)

Physical Attacker #2
Scizor @Leftovers
Ability: Technician
Evs: 252spdef 252atk 4speed
Adamant nature
Bug bite (STAB, huge boost from technician
Iron head (STAB)
Swords dance (it's a physical attacker)
Knock off ( to annoy leftovers spammers)

Well yeah guys, that's my team and if you have any ideas please let me know and also fill in Aegislash's final move! Thanks! Oh yes by the way I play ultra moon so that rules out some of the exclusive mons in ultra sun or sun but I don't know if any of the ultra sun exclusive Pokemon are steel types? Let me know please! I'm a bit of a noob :'(

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Ok thanks sumwun-I already had aggron and am wondering wether to use it? However, I like the idea of using Magnezone or celesteela as they have decent move pools.
Don't use Aggron. It has quadruple weaknesses to fighting and ground, both of which are very common. Its low special defense also makes it easy to defeat with special attacks.
I think it's quite good personally
Very good nice team
It's definitely not better than Celesteela, Skarmory, or Aegislash, if that's what you're thinking.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Awesome team! But I can make it better. I studied competitive battling for 3 years. And my research I say steel types are the best competitive battles of all types. Angishash sp.attack moves are ok,but scared sword is OP . Also sizor is one of the best competitive battles in pokemon. Bullet punch, bug Buzz is best for him. Last try empolion on your team to tank hits and sweep. PS try to get a spike or stealth rock pokemon on your team so no steel team is complete without skarmory.

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Bug Buzz is a terrible move for Scizor, since it has base 55 SAtk. U-Turn is a much better option, as it allows Scizor to scout and gain momentum. Even Bug Bite would be a wholly better option.
That is a better option. Ok U-turn is a better move
0 votes

Scizors ability is technician which powers up moves of 60 power or less so bug bite does a cumulative base power of 135 with STAB as it does 60damage. Also I really like being able to kill those rest+chesto berry sweepers. But I may use empoleon for its ability to spam waterfall and iron head. I think it's a great Pokemon design and type! Weak to fighting? Let me just cough cough aerial Ace them up! Ha REKT noobs!

Most fighting Pokemon outspeed Empoleon and can one-shot it. Even if Empoleon somehow managed to attack one, aerial ace is a base power 60 attack using from a base 86 physical attack stat, which will almost never one-shot the opponent. In fact, it's usually weaker than moves like surf and ice beam, even when aerial ace is super effective and surf is not. It's easier to just switch to Aegislash when the opponent uses a fighting Pokemon.
Oh thank you anyway. :)