Pokémon Rate My Team
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Only cards from EX Hidden Legends, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, EX Team Rocket Returns, and EX Deoxys are allowed. However, Energy from previous sets and Basic Fossil Cards are allowed (such as Mysterious Fossil and Root Fossil).

Pokemon: 21

x3 Machop (HL)-Needed for evolution.
x2 Machoke (HL)-When damage is done to it it hits back for 10 damage, which is nice. And a two for 30 is never awful. Needed for evolution.
x1 Machamp (HL)-First off is the 120 HP. Now for the attacks and Poke Body. Brick Smash is solid as it is unaffected by effects of the opponent. So it goes through resistance, Mr. Mime all that stuff. And it does it at 40 damage for two energy. Cross Chop is decent, a chance at 90 damage for four energy. If my opponent has an ex in play (not even needed to be active, just in play) Brick Smash does 70 damage and Cross Chop 90 or 120. Very nice.
x3 Nidoran (Male) (FR&LG)-Can do 20 damage for one energy. Goes through Fighting resistance and hits for Grass weakness. Needed for evolution.
x2 Nidorino (FR&LG)-Can do 40 damage for one energy and 60 damage for three energy. Goes through Fighting resistance and hits for Grass weakness.
x1 Nidoking (FR&LG)-120 HP is always nice. Since Nidoran and Nidorino are pretty good, Nidoking can just go on the bench when weak and have them do solid damage thanks to Power Gene. Earth Poison is a solid two for 40 that Poisons if the foe is damaged. Bound Crush just devestates any Pokemon with 60 damage for four energy, taking down Basics on the bench with ease.
x3 Rhyhorn (HL)-A solid 60 HP basic that can do 20 damage for one energy. Needed for evolution.
x2 Rhydon (HL)-Preventing bench damage is very nice. It has a one for 20 attack for when I am low on energy and a three for 50 that does 70 damage if the foe has any Pokemon Powers/Bodies. A really solid Stage 1.
x3 Heracross (TRR)-70 HP basic. This guy performs great at the start when my foe just has basics, seeing as it takes 20 less damage from basics. Get Even can be nice to use after Rocket's Hitmonchan ex is taken down.
x1 Rocket's Hitmonchan ex (TRR)-It's a 100 HP basic. And it gets by Fighting Resistance and hits for Dark type weakness. This makes it great at taking down Psychic type Ghosts such as Dusclops. Strikes Back is amazing, doing 20 damage to a foe who damages me. Makes em think twice about attacking. Mach Punch is a solid one for 10 that does 10 damage to one of my foe's benched Pokemon and Magnum Punch is a solid three for 60.

Trainers: 18

x4 Steven's Advice (HL)-Drawing.
x4 Great Ball (FR&LG)-Gets me my basics. Seeing as Niodran, Rhyhorn, and especially Heracross are powerful Basics, this card is good.
x3 Professor Cozmo's Discovery (Deoxys)-Drawing.
x3 Potion (FR&LG)-For healing. This is mainly for use with Venture Bomb and Darkness Energy.
x2 Venture Bomb (TRR)-Damages my foe. Or me, but I have Potion for that. This allows me to then Poison the foe with Nidoking.
x1 Switch (FR&LG)-To get out my Nidoking when it is damaged so that it can instead help out Nidorino and Nidoran.
x1 Island Cave (HL)-Removes Special COnditions from my Fighting types and removes other Stadium Cards in play.

Energy: 21

x19 Fighting Energy-Needed.
x2 Darkness Energy (Genesis)-To make my Pokemon stronger, especially Hitmonchan. Potion helps with this card.

This deck hits hard with bulky Fighting types that are great at ignoring resistance and such. It hits hard early on with cards such as Hitmonchan, Nidoran, Rhyhorn, and Heracross, hits hard midgame with Nidoking, Machoke, and Rhydon, then destroys in the endgame with Machamp and Nidorino.

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