Pokémon Rate My Team
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Before I start, I would like to say that the natures and EVs are bad. If you have suggestions for what natures, I would like that. This is my first post here, so I hope you like it!
This is my team for Battle Subway Singles.

Bulky Sweeper
Clefable @Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Mild (any suggestions for a better nature?)
EV spread: 112 Def, 112 SpDef, 32 SpAtk
-Cosmic Power
-Stored Power

Shuckle @Sitrus Berry (idk)
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Naughty (any suggestions for a better nature?)
EV spread: 252 Def, 252 SpDef, 4 Atk
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Slide

Special Sweeper
Lilligant @Big Root
Ability: Own Tempo
Nature: Modest
Ev spread: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Def
-Sleep Powder
-Quiver Dance
-Dream Eater
-Petal Dance

Like I mentioned, this is my first competitive set, and your contructive criticism is very much appreciated. I am willing to breed for better natures for Shuckle and Clefable. Also if you couldn’t tell, I struggle with EV spreads, especially on Clefable.

edited by
^thanks! This isn’t my full “team” yet but I use these 3 for singles in the battle subway.
RadEmpoleon395 Have you been getting some good winning streaks using this team? Just curious as I also play battle subway on my B2
Shiny Ghoul I got to 14 before I decided to take a break from battling, also so I could teach Shuckle stealth rock
RadEmpoleon395 I got to 33 in Super Singles (I used Haxorus, Porygon2 and Scarfty)

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