Hello, so I'm not new to competitive play, my main is a Trick Room team which is quite effective and fun. However, I decided to switch it up and make a Rain Team. Could I get some advice on my team? I have worries facing off against Pokes in the meta game such as Ferrothorn. My Tornadus can Taunt and then Hurricane it into oblivion but I'm worried I may not win that match up one day. I'm also worried about the Tapu's terrain fields, since I have two Prankster Pokemon I believe Lele will counter me hard since she negates priority, would Koko be viable on my team? I also use a Scizor with a ridiculous Bullet Punch. This thing is a monster, I get a Swords Dance up and have a field day. I've even survived a Flamethrower with him in the rain! I love the synergy I have, Levitate Latias works great with Klefki and Scizor's fire weakness works well with Kingdra, takes little to no damage on the switch. Please, rate my team!
Nature: Lonely (couldn't pick)
Ability: Prankster
Item: Damp Rock
EV's; 252 Spatk, 252 Spd
Rain Dance
Tornadus is my go to lead, I absolutely love the priority 8-turn Rain Dance. Besides that his Taunt is quite effective as a lead and I usually use it as a first move to counter the opponent. Hurricane hits hard and is great for those Grass type sI run into, U-turn is there for a pivot move and is my least favorite of his move set.
Nature: Modest
Ability: Swift Swim
Item: Dragonium Z (Need advice, this or Waterium Z Hydro Pump? I get a free Draco Meteor Nuke and I feel the water Z-move is predictable.)
EV's; 252 Spatk, 252 Spd
Muddy Water
Ice Beam
Draco Meteor
Clear Smog (great for any set up Mons I'm facing)
Kingdra is obviously my Special Sweeper and is effective at switching in on fire type moves for Scizor. I'm enjoying the Dragonium Z as a free Draco but something about it feels wrong. Any recommendations on an item or move changes? I feel Kingdra goes well with Swamperts weaknesses.
Nature: Brave
Ability: Technician
Item: Iron Plate
EV's; 252 HP, 252 Atk
Bullet Punch
U-Turn(If I switched this to Bug Bite would it be better for walls like Tangrowth?)
Swords Dance
Scizor is great at taking hits for my team, more of a bulky Scizor set but if it gets to set up it hits hard and has swept many times. Would anybody recommend making him more bulky EV-wise since my team lacks a physical tank?
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Prankster
Item: Leftovers
EV's; 252 HP, 252 SpDf
Play Rough
Thunder Wave
Rain Dance
Another lead that I rarely use, good for spped control (Thunder Wave) but only if the opposing team got a tailwind off which doesn't happen because of Taunt-Tornadus. I feel the fairy-steel mon is good for Latias and Kingdra since they're weak to fairy. A good special tank and good for setting spikes, kinda want Taunt on him but I wouldn't know what to swap out. Any advice?
Nature: Naughty (couldn't pick)
Ability: Levitate
Item: Choice Scarf
EV's; 252 Spatk, 252 Spd
Draco Meteor
Healing Wish
Latias is the cleric and healer of the team. Gets rid of any hazards and can even do some damage. I feel off not making it more bulky but I couldn't find a set anywhere recommending it. Perhaps it's bulky enough? Healing wish is incredible for any damaged Pokes and Draco Meteor hits hard. I love having Levitate for Klefki and Psychic for those poison and fighting types.
Nature: Adamant
Item Swamperite
EV's; 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Rock Slide (trade for Ice Punch)
Finally we have the bread for the butter, Swampert is a terrifying physical sweeper and can punch holes in walls. The electric immunity is crucial for any rain team and paired with Scizor and Tornadus, no grass type is gonna be a threat unless your name is Ferrothorn. Should I swap out Rock Slide for Ice Punch? I feel it would be good for those grass mons and dragons.
Side Note: I want to be unique and not like every other predictable OU team, thank you all! Love this community.