Pokémon Rate My Team
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New to the Competitive Pokemon Scene

Gallade @ Wide Lens
Trait: Steadfast
Adamant Nature (+Atk -sAtk)

• Night Slash
• Reflect
• Psycho Cut
• Close Combat

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Trait: Water Absorb
Calm Nature (+Sdef -Atk)

• Toxic
• Hydro Pump
• Substitute
• Acid Armor

Trait: Levitate
Adamant Nature (+Atk - sAtk)

• Earthquake
• U-Turn
• Dragon Claw
• Stone Edge

Aerodactyl @ Softsand
Trait: Rock Head
Naive Nature (+Spd -Sdef)

• Earthquake
• Stone Edge
• Roost
• Iron Head

Leafeon @ Miracle Seed
Trait: Leaf Guard
Adamant (+Atk -SAtk)

• Swords dance
• Sunny Day
• Leaf Blade
• Aerial Ace

Metagross @ LifeOrb
Trait: Clear Body
Adamant (+Atk -Satk)

• Rock Polish
• Zen Headbutt
• Meteor Mash
• Hammer Arm

What are the format and EVs?
Sorry i dont know what ya mean by format.
The term is loosely interchangeable with 'game mode'. This looks like an RU team -- is that right? And yeah, we need to know your EVs. If you're on Showdown, you should be able to cover everything in one hit by clicking 'Import/Export' in the teambuilder and copying the sets across.
I thought pokemon showdown meant pvp lol
Singles or doubles? Showdown! or a real game? Are there any Pokemon, moves, or abilities that you're not allowed to use?
I think from this point forward we just assume Battle Spot when people are unhelpful like this. Or remove their threads...

3 Answers

0 votes
  1. Wide Lens Gallade isn't all that necessary because all of it's moves are 100% accurate ones. Reflect should be swords dance/leaf blade/substitute.
  2. Subsitute and Hydro Pump isn't really good for competitive usage since scald is only 30 bp lower and can burn the opponent's pokemon. If you are running sub and don't want to change the moveset, at least swap acid armor for wish.
  3. Flygon is okay, may want to change it to jolly instead. Maybe garchomp can work better than that.
  4. Soft sand is currently trash in this meta, so you should use Aero as your mega pokemon with: hone claws, roost, aerial ace and stone edge.
  5. Leafeon isn't all that good, since almost no one uses it for sweeping. Tapu Bulu could be a great replacement for this.
  6. Metagross doesn't need hammer arm when it has to constantly use rock polish, so maybe it can be your stealth rocker?
    There, I'm done.
Pretty sure that almost exactly what I said below?
Not convinced you've added anything of any substance there?
This suggested teaching hone claws and aerial ace to Aerodactyl, which your answer didn't.
Not assuming this is any meta and just regular competitive battle movesets.
I suggested that Gallade could use some moveset changes while you didn't suggest any. Then I suggested if they are going subsitute, then go for wish. You just said wish. and I also basically suggested going Jolly Flygon, which you suggested, or switching for a garchomp, a thing you didn't do. Rotom wasn't in my suggestions due to me only changing the teams movesets and so and only little pokemon changing. Leafeon isn't all that great so I swapped that out for something else. And you suggested ice punch instead of stealth rocks.
–1 vote

Id question some of your item choices. Assuming this is RU, wide lens is pointless on gallade. What moves accuracy are you trying to increase there? Try a Life orb or perhaps scarf?
Vaporeon could benefit from replacing hydro pump with scald to fish for burns, which in turn means you could replace acid armour for wish (maxed HP evs a must!)
Personally id switch Flygon to Jolly and put either an assault vest on it or maybe a Z-crystal.
Aero needs either to be adamant or jolly too and replace soft sand with Life orb/Scarf/Z-crystal - whatever you haven't yet used. Better yet, replace completely as in my opinion he fills the same role as gallade - perhaps a rotom form so you get levitate/defog/switch initiative?
Leafeon is fine but just give it heat rock instead.
Metagross is also fine but id have Ice punch for coverage over Hammer arm as it kinda defeats the purpose of polishing dem rocks

–1 vote

Not bad. I will say that you should probably not have Flygon and Aerodactyl. They have very similar moves. I would say that Kommo-o could be a replacement for Flygon. That or Salemence. I would advice mega evolving Salamence if you go that route. Or if you would prefer Aerodactyl leave, then maybe Talonflame. Or possibly Aurorus or Lycanrock. Also, two eeveeloutions is a little much don't you think? The Leafeon looks pretty good, but I would replace the Vaporeon. Perhaps have Lapras, Starmie, or something else.

Careful suggesting new Pokemon when the asker hasn't specified a format. This looks like an RU team, in which case Kommo-o, Salamence, Talonflame and Starmie are all banned.
It's also helpful to mention why you're replacing these Pokemon. For example, why is Vaporeon insufficient? What makes Lapras and Starmie both better options in your opinion?