Pokemon: Primarinia
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252HP 252SpA 4Sp.D
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: Scald, Moonblast, Ice Beam, Psychic
Item: Aguav Berry
Pokemon: Pyroar
Gender: Female
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Naive
EVs: 4At 252Sp.A 252Spe
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: Fire blast, Return, Dark Pulse, Taunt
Item: Figy Berry
Pokemon: Pidgeot
Ability: Tangled Feet (No Guard)
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252Sp.A 4Sp.D 252Spe
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: Hurricane, Heat Wave, U-turn, Hyperbeam
Item: Pidgeotite
Pokemon: Kommo-o
Gender: Female
Ability: Bulletproof
Nature: Naive
EVs: 252At 4Sp.A
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: Clanging Scales, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Iron Tail
Item: Kommonium Z
Pokemon: Mudsdale
Ability: Stamina
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252HP 252At 4Sp.D
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: High Horsepower, Bodyslam, Rockslide, Stelth rocks
Item: Rocky Helmet
Pokemon: Espeon
Ability: Magic Bounce
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252Sp.A 4Sp.D 252Spe
IV spread: Max All
Moveset: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow ball, Morning Sun
Item: Leftovers
My team is a sweaper team filled with very fast and strong pokemon, and I dont want to be scolded that you can't use favorates in OU because the pokemon i chose are quite strong. I'm here for suggestions and rating so if your going to do anything please do that.