Hmm, I'll do my best to answer this!
Jirachi: Is looking good, though you might try Modest over Timid since most leads aren't extremely fast. 252 Speed EVs on a Base 100 Pokemon is pretty good.
Espeon: I'd suggest replacing this one. Sure, I'll admit that Magic Bounce is pretty cool, but you don't have anything to take Ghost moves. With Espeon, you have 2 Pokemon weak to Ghost, and Gengar is still freaking popular. Why not try Zoroark to toy around with Illusion and take some Ghost moves? If you're lucky maybe it'll come in as Jellicent.
Zoroark (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Illusion
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Counter
This gives you the ability to hit all types neutral if not better, take Ghost moves, and still defeat Steel types.
Salamence: Looking good also. No changes needed to be made.
Infernape: I'm a big fan of Infernape also. You could maybe try a Choice Band to get more damage, and U-turn instead of Stone Edge. This makes great Revenge Killing with Mach Punch and hit-and-run operations.
Jellicent: Nothing needs to be changed here either. It's the set everyone uses, why mess with it?
Rotom-W: With the Leftovers, you don't really need to have recovery. You could try HP Ice instead to cover your Grass weakness.
Overall, a pretty good team. I hope this helps!