Pokémon Rate My Team
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Greninja @ Focus Sash
Evs. 242 Sp 242 Sp.Atk 4 Def
Ability Protein
Nature Rash
Water Shuriken
Hydro Pump

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Evs. 242 sp.atk 4 sp 242 def
Ability static
Nature Naive
Zap Cannon
Confuse Ray
Light Screen

Dragonite @ Leftovers
Evs 242 Sp.atk 242 Atk 4 sp
Ability Innwr Focus
Nature Lonely

Jolteon @ Life Orb
Nature lonely
Ability Static
Evs. 242 sp 121 sp.atk 121 atk 4 def
Helping Hand
Double Kick

Blastoise @ Life Orb
Ability torrent
Nature Bold
Evs. 242 sp.def 241 def 5 sp.atk
Tail whip
Iron Defense
Rain Dance

Please include evs, item, moves , nature and ability so I know what it is exactly and please dont include legends not mythical
And change up my team if you want please.dont be harsh this is my first competitive team.

This will probably help more than a team rate. https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/roa-resources.3659267/
Revise your understanding of EVs and natures before asking for strategic advice. In battle formats involving level 100 Pokemon, all EV investments should be divisible by four to prevent wasting points. Almost none of the EVs you've listed here are divisible by four, and they don't utilise all 508 EVs available per Pokemon, either. You've also used Pokemon with random/ suboptimal natures, which you puts you at an active disadvantage.
Given the above, it's not worth dwelling on your moveset choices. But, nonetheless, here is a list of moves you've used which are almost never chosen by experienced players: Lick, Zap Cannon, Safeguard, Double Kick, Tail Whip and Iron Defence.
Ehhh Blastoise is a powerhouse who doesn't want Tail Whip or Iron Defense. It wants Skull Bash and Waterfall/Surf and Ice beam. Jolteon, a special sweeper wants Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball. For Dragonite try something like Outrage, Fire Punch, and E-quake since it is a physical attacker. Ampharos is fine, maybe add something more reliable than Zap Cannon like Thunderbolt. It'll also enjoy STAB Dragon Pulse when it Mega Evolves. Greninja should have something like Surf, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse. Also, I'll post a comment with proper EV spreads. Anyway, your team has potential, you just haven't unlocked it yet.
My Blastoise crushes with Skull Bash. With EVs in attack he is fine. His attack and special attack aren't that different. I'll add an alternative anyway.
Yeah I changed it but anyway at least it boosts defense

1 Answer

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There Are A Lot Of Issues With This Team. Here's The Team I Made Based On This Team With Members Changed.

Greninja @ Specs
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: Max Spe Max Spatk 4 Spdf
Dark Pulse (Powerful STAB)
Water Shuriken (STAB Priority)
Extrasensory (Good Coverage)
Ice Beam (Lando-T)

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spatk
EVs: Max Atk Max HP 4 Spdf
Bug Bite (Powerful Technican-Boosted STAB)
Bullet Punch (STAB Priority)
Roost (Reliable Recovery)
Swords Dance (Sweeping Potential)

Dragonite @ Focus Sash (If Inner Focus)/
Leftovers (If Multiscale)
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spatk
EVs: Max Atk Max Spe 4 Def
Multiscale(If Possible)
Dragon Claw/ Outrage (STAB)
Dragon Dance (Sweeping Potential)
Extreme Speed (Great Priority)
Rock Slide (Coverage)

Jolteon @ Life Orb
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: Max Spatk Max Spe
Volt Absorb
Thunderbolt (STAB)
Shadow Ball (Coverage)
Signal Beam/Wish (Coverage/Teammate Healing)
Thunder Wave (Cripple Speedy Opponents)

Rhyperior @ Leftovers/Weakness Policy
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spatk
EVs: Max Hp Max Atk 4 Spdf
Solid Rock
Stealth Rock (Hazards)
Earthquake (Strong STAB)
Iron Head/ Poison Jab (Coverage)
Superpower/Fire Punch (Coverage)

Sylveon @ Babiri Berry
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
EVs: Max Spatk Max HP 4 Spdf
Pixilate(If Possible)
Hyper Voice (If Pixilate) If Not Moonblast
Psyshock (To Kill Chanseys)
Calm Mind (Boosts Are Always Helpful)
Wish/Shadow Ball (If Jolteon Has Wish Use Shadow Ball, If Not Use Wish)

Greninja Is For Punching Large Holes In Your Opponents Team So Scizor Can Use Bullet Punch To Deal A Lot Of Dmg And Likely Faint. Dragonite Is For Possibly Tanking A Few Hit Then Dealing Quite A Bit Of Dmg And Possibly Sweep With Dragon Dance. Jolteon Is For Crippling Speedy Opponents So Some Of Your Slower Pkmn Can Knock Them Out Of Have Jolteon Do That. Rhyperior For Hazards As They Are Very Important And Because Of Solid Rock You Could Also Switch Leftovers For A Weakness Policy And KO The Other Pkmn. Sylveon Is To KO Strong Special Walls Like Chansey/Blissey Or Florges With Psyshock As Well As Dealing A Lot Of Dmg With Hyper Voice/Moonblast.

I Hope That This Is A Good Enough Overview So You Can Get A Bit Better A Competitive. :)

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The original team isn't good, but this isn't a good way to give advice either. There's nothing constructive here, and thus not much to learn.
I Tried To Make A Bit Better Overview To Help Out Here. I Might Update This Again But Thanks :)