Pokémon Rate My Team
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First VGC Team I've ever made:

Pelipper (Rain Setter) @ Focus Sash:
EVs:248 HP, 252+ Def, 8 Sp.Atk
Ability: Drizzle
Hydro Pump
In my opinion a better rain setter than politoed due to being able to set up tailwind which essentially guarantees that you can outspeed anything

Ludicolo (Rain Sweeper) @ Assault Vest
EVs:4 Atk, 252+ SpA, 252 Spe
Ability:Swift Swim
Muddy Water
Giga Drain
Ice Beam
Fake Out
Ice Beam for coverage, fake out allows me stall one turn for tailwind, and muddy water and giga drain for STAB boosted attack

Dragapult @ Life Orb:
EVs:252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe+
Ability: Clear Body
Dragon Darts
Phantom Force
Standard moveset, gave it life orb because i didn't want to be trapped with a choice item against a fairy type.
Dragon Darts hit both enemies, u-turn for coverage, and phantom force is his most powerful physical ghost move.

Rotom-Wash @ Wiki Berry
EVs: 252 SpA, 4 SpD, 252 Spe+
Ability: Levitate
Hydro Pump
Thunder and hydro pump are both supported by rain, and plz help what do I put for the last spot

Arcanine @ Mago Berry:
EVs:248 HP, 8 Atk, 252 SpD+
Flare Blitz
Could do a lot better. Will-O-Wisp cuts attack in half, and snarl reduces special attack, heavily reducing damage. Plus, flare blitz for STAB damage.

Corviknight @ Sitrus Berry
EVs:248 HP, 252 Atk+, 8 SpD
Ability: Mirror Armor
Iron Head
Body Press
Brave Bird
Corviknight gives my team some much needed coverage. Iron Head takes care of ice and fairy, Body Press takes advantage of his defense stat and gets rid of the god dang Porygon-2, and Brave Bird..what's a flying type if you don't have brave bird, plus roost to cover the recoil damage.

All feedback would be greatly appreciated(if i get any)

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By Drizzile, do you mean Pelipper?
yeah sorry
Natures, please?
As a wise, bearded man once said, the only time you should use pelipper, is if you want to lose. I know this is late, but if people come back, use politoed instead

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hello! I have a few thoughts.

Politoed is usually considered much better on rain teams in VGC, because your sweeper has Swift Swim which already doubles your speed, so Tailwind is usually unnecessary, and Politoed has a much better support movepool than Pelipper with Helping Hand, Hypnosis, Perish Song and Icy Wind. I strongly recommend Politoed, but Pelipper is fine.

Next, Ludicolo. Since it’s pretty lacking offensively, what I’d do is change it to a weakness policy set. You can have a Scarfed Mon, which will almost certainly be the fastest thing on the field, U-Turn into Ludicolo and switch into Politoed, which will set the rain and make Ludicolo the fastest. (Watch out for Tailwind.)

Ludicolo @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Swift Swim
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Hydro Pump
- Blizzard
- Protect

When Dynamaxing it, be very aware of clicking Max Hailstorm because of overwriting the rain.

EDIT: Something funny you could do is eject button Politoed. This will make it switch out without having to waste a turn (assuming it gets hit), making it easier to use Max Hailstorm.

Blizzard allows you to OHKO Dynamax Dragapult with Max Hailstorm at +2, and Hydro Pump will most likely do the same to Cinderace.

I’m going to jump ahead to Rotom here. I think that Heliolisk will be better for your team, it benefits from rain as well, will outspeed dragapult with scarf, and is a much safer U-turn option than Dragapult as your physical life orb set will do half to a Dynamax Ludicolo. Run surf on Politoed for more Recovery.

Heliolisk @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Dry Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunder
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse
- Weather Ball

Next, Dragapult. My favorite Dragapult Tech is Ally Switch. It’s hilariously good against Porygon-Z, which is a quite common team.
I’d also suggest using special Dragapult as Physical Pult almost always wants to Max and you have other Dynamax candidates on your team. Additionally, it gets thunder.

Skipping again to Corviknight. I feel like your team needs another Dynamax Pokémon, as you don’t want to Max Politoed or Heliolisk, and you don’t have to Max Dragapult. Cinderace is a great option as it works great alongside Dragapult as the P-Z buster and is just one of the best sweepers in the game. Against Clefairy + P-Z, Ally Switch and Max Steelspike Clefairy, then Max Knuckle Porygon.

Cinderace @ Assault Vest
Ability: Libero
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- High Jump Kick
- Sucker Punch
- Bounce

Standard set. Assault Vest can throw lots of calculations off and, well... Dragapult already has life orb. Cinderace replaces Corviknight as the Steel/Flying.

Finally, Arcanine. Incineroar is almost definitely better, as it has fake out, parting shot, and non-fire stab, which is better in a rain team.

Incineroar @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 20 Atk / 84 Def / 148 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Fake Out
- Parting Shot
- Snarl
- Darkest Lariat

You can replace Snarl/Parting Shot with Wil-O-Wisp if you want.


I hope I didn’t change too much and that my suggestions help!

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Thanks for the help! It's really useful
Of course! Happy to help :)
Are you sure Ludicolo can do the damage it needs to for a sweeper? Wouldn't you want Kingdra or even Barraskewda on the team as the main sweeper while you have Ludicolo as another option because of the weakness to water types offensively aside Heliolisk and completely loses to Gastrodon and other Water-Ground types?
It can be a good sweeper with weakness policy, but the setup is a little gimmicky and destroyed by follow me. But hey, Togekiss will be gone, right? (Not to mention half this team...) Kingdra is usually the best rain sweeper though, and should be even better without other weathers, Togekiss, Dargapult and Whimsicott.