Pokémon Rate My Team
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The mons:

Lapras-Gmax @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
Gigantamax: Yes
EVs: 84 HP / 220 Def / 104 SpA / 60 SpD / 40 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Freeze-Dry
- Hydro Pump
- Protect
- Thunderbolt

Raichu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 50
EVs: 32 HP / 220 Def / 4 SpA / 8 SpD / 244 Spe
Timid Nature
- Volt Switch
- Nuzzle
- Fake Out
- Grass Knot

Charizard-Gmax @ Focus Sash
Ability: Solar Power
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Heat Wave
- Hurricane
- Protect
- Beat Up

Virizion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
EVs: 40 HP / 172 Atk / 116 Def / 180 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Close Combat
- Bounce
- Protect

Grimmsnarl-Gmax (M) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 152 HP / 4 Atk / 244 Def / 84 SpD / 24 Spe
Impish Nature
- Fake Out
- Spirit Break
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Weezing-Galar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
Level: 50
EVs: 220 HP / 40 Def / 84 SpA / 124 SpD / 40 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Protect
- Strange Steam
- Sludge Bomb

After using a darmanitan team, I noted some usage of Lapras and that Aurora Veil was hard to bypass. Thus, I decided to build a team revolving around Lapras.

Whilst searching for a partner as the team's core, I was kind of fussed about Dracozolt's max lightning/Bolt Beak and was extremely scared of it for it could 2HKO Lapras. Almost nothing else could 2HKO or even 3HKO without Aurora Veil on turn 1, followed by Aurora on turns 2 and 3. To paint the image in your mind, Primarina is a 3HKO with Max Overgrowth, notwithstanding the Aurora Veil turns which would effectively turn it into a 4HKO.
Additionally, Weakness Policy Lapras could punish anyone trying to take advantage of its poor typing by activating the WP.
Lapras can 2HKO Primarina after WP
The movesets are pretty standard also, just a tad unsure of whether to use thunder or thunderbolt. Freeze dry to counter water types with stab.

Raichu stood out to me a lot as a lightning rod pivot. As aforementioned, I was extremely scared of Dracozolt 2HKOing me. With ALOT of investment in defense, Raichu can tank Rhyperior's Earthquake after Aurora Veil which means that Raichu should become a 2HKO or even a 3HKO against other neutral moves - Which Raichu's typing allows of perfectly. Volt Switch is its main form of damage whilst allowing it to switch out of a bad matchup. Raichu's superior speed in this series allows it to also become a CRUCIAL pivot. Grass knot is to threaten extremely heavy rocks, grounds and deal damage to passive mons such as Lapras/Primarina without switching out. Nuzzle is for speed control which Lapras enjoys and Fake out for pressure.

At the start, I was using Weavile as my beat-upper for Virizion. I decided Virizion would be my grass-mon as it also has access to a fighting typing. Virizion + Charizard either acts as a late-game cleaner or my lead. This is great because Raichu's offensive presence isn't as felt as Virizion's, bolstering a much better movepool. EVs allow Charizard to just outspeed Virizion and go for the Beat Up. Another great gimmick I play is to beat up then use Bounce, allowing Virizion to completely evade any attacks directed towards it. Both have protect which allows them to make reads.

Weezing (Galarian) is another interesting mon that I came across. It's weak to ground, psychic and steel - which doesn't land anywhere near the top 20 mons in Pikalytics. Aurora Veil allows it to possess higher bulk, not to mention its massive 120 base defense. Taunt is pretty valuable too, as it allows it to deactivate any anoyying Grimmsnarls, Clefairys or Amoonguses. Protect and Sludge Bomb is self explanatory also. The main reason I decided to opt for Weezing is due to its bulk and ability, Neutralizing gas. Neutralizing gas can deactivate all abilities on the field. Because Lapras doesn't have a great ability to begin with, offsetting Lapras's ability doesn't strike much of a change. With Neutralizing gas, I automatically shut down numerous gimmicks:
- No rain setting (drizzle)
- No sun setting (drought)
- No hail setting (tho idrm)
- No Coalossal + WP + Sneasal + Steam Engine so Lapras can just punish it with OHKO
- No Beat-UP Terrakions
- No Huge Power Azumarill
- No Pranksters
- No +3 Priority Comfeys
- No redirection from opposing mons with lightning rod if I'm trying to Max Lightning Primarina
It has also proved effective nonetheless.

Last mon is Grimmsnarl. I'm a bit unsure of this for now. At the start, I was opting for an eject button Grimmsnarl with trick. The EVs tank Urshifu's Close Combat too. However, I am just unsure of its item/role... Dual Screening doesn't sound great because Lapras will already set up Aurora Veil.

The team is a defensive and bulky one, lasting a long time in a match and overwhelming the opponent's one mon in the late game. Please provide feedback, especially for that Grimmsnarl!

edited by
I would use Thunder over Thunderbolt on Lapras, but uh I don't know anything about doubles :P
Oh, and make sure you save a replay for your battles, that link expired.
Looks pretty strong! Sableye is definitely much better than grimmsnarl. You don't need screens and sableye offers prankster sunny day. Sash Raichu with protect is very valuable, especially against Dracozolt, Lapras already hits much of what grass knot does. Maybe give Charizard safety goggles for potential rage powder, and also air slash since you're often bringing it late game and you have lots of other dynamax targets.
I'll also add that both Sableye and Weezing are changeable, though I really like weezing here. Comfey is an obvious choice, and hitmontop would be good as well. It can proc WP (more ways to do this than just volt switch might be valuable) and even set sunny day, it's not a great setter but it could come up in late game situations. You can play around and decide what you like best.
Due to Lapras's poor typing, I don't think I need to purposefully provoke the weakness policy. I didn't want to opt for a sashed raichu or else Charizard would have been left vulnerable and its speed is very middling. Raichu in itself is already a 2HKO / 3HKO whereas Charizard is also needed as an offensive presence and thus, cannot afford to be OHKOd. Its role is similar to whimsicott, which also runs a sash. It's also similar to sneasal/weavile, which also runs sash. Items-selecting is difficult. However, in this situation, I believe it is uneccesary for Raichu to hold a sash, whereas Charizard, who has weaknesses to water, electric and ROCK and if it is a lead, will not be able to be guarded with Aurora Veil, will be easily crippled by things like Max-Strike Porygon. Additionally, if I do see an Amoongus, the lead is almost automatically Lapras + Raichu/Weezing.

1 Answer

1 vote

I've been thinking about your team, and assault vest Raichu seems better than I thought. You'll have to keep in mind that Dracozolt will OHKO it (252 Atk Hustle Dracozolt Max Wyrmwind vs. 32 HP / 220 Def Raichu: 162-192 (116.5 - 138.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO -That's without Adamant, life orb or high horsepower) but it shouldn't matter because Lapras will have a free turn to get Aurora Veil up. Thunder is definitely better on Lapras as well.

Mostly, the rest of your team looks good, I think that Weezing is a very strong partner to Lapras.. My real question is, why Charizard? You have no sun support and it's not your main Dynamax target, so it's very lackluster offensively. I was looking at the Pokemon with Beat Up and Dark Urshifu really stood out to me, mostly because it would be very flexible on your team, functioning as both the beat up Pokemon that is still a fantastic choice to bring alone as a late game cleaner since it's much more powerful than Charizard.
Urshifu-Gmax @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unseen Fist
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wicked Blow
- Close Combat /Sucker Punch
- Beat Up
- Detect /Sucker Punch

Sucker punch could be valuable priority to have, but detect is always very useful. You can decide. You'll have to change Virizion's EVs to 156 speed to underspeed Urshifu.

I think we both agree that Grimmsnarl is a wasted spot on your team, but you have a lot of options as to who you want to use instead. Amoonguss would be great as a bulky support/redirector for the whole team that can also proc weakness policy with giga drain. Hitmontop is another good support that can proc weakness policy, and obviously confey is a great Lapras Partner as well. I know you said you can get your weakness policy activated by an opponent, but many people will plan for weakness policy and play around it, and Lapras is not very strong without it (Plus, Assault Vest Dracozolt is a thing) so it's valuable to have more ways to do it yourself. If you really don't want this, arcanine or Talonflame are always good choices, and other Sweepers that don't really need their ability to pair with Weezing like Jolteon and Volcarona are good choices as well.


I hope this is helpful!
