Pokémon Rate My Team
1 vote

Smogon tiers, btw. The team is entirely based around Politoed.
Which if you guys didn't realize, is pretty much my favorite pokemon. ( Kyogre up der too )

I really like this team and want it to be the best that it can be. I've tried a lot of different stuff out while testing it (which is annoying to do, considering there is a very small number of people who play Smog DP UU). Since I've tried a lot of stuff out in testing it, you might want to give actual good suggestions, because I've probably tested most of the stuff the average few users would suggest. Why? You may ask. Well, because it seems reasonable, but there are threats in the DP UU metagame that make things.. harder.

Donphan (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Stealth Rock works amazingly because of this team's tendency to make my opponent switch around a lot. Supports Politoed and Scyther as a switch in to electric attacks. Rapid Spin takes out the hazards that generally annoy my team and pose a large threat to Arcanine and Scyther ( who both already have a source of recoil ).
Earthquake is STAB and hits amazingly hard with 252 Atk and Adamant nature.
Stone Edge is chosen over Earthquake for Mismagius's tendency to screw my team.
( By switching into Donny and setting up, OR just KO'ing quickly with Shadow Ball )

Venusaur (F) @ Light Clay

Trait: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Leech Seed
- Light Screen
- Leaf Storm
- Synthesis / Toxic

Leech seed supports literally, my ENTIRE team. ( Politoed runs bulk so the extra healing helps, same for Donphan and Venusaur. Mismagius isn't running lefties, so leech seed can help recover HP lost from Substitute. Arcanine has Flare Blitz as his main attack move, so he is likely to be taking recoil damage. Scyther has Life Orb recoil. ) Light Screen is also nice to have around for general bulk. Leaf Storm is my choice of " Thought I was running full out support, huh? Eat weed son. " grass stab. Synthesis helps him last longer, while Toxic can stall down tough opponents.

Mismagius (M) @ Expert Belt

Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt

Takes down bulky waters and is a generally good " Set up sweeper. "
Substitute blocks out Toxic and can hold against weaker non STAB moves from weaker hitters, but not too much. Nasty Plot increases Sp atk so it can sweep with Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt. Shadow Ball is STAB. Thunderbolt is coverage and hits bulky waters very hard ( especially with Expert Belt boost. ) :3

Politoed (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Surf
- Toxic
- Encore
- Protect

A very standard yet effective set. Surf is STAB and is super reliable. Threats like Rhyperior and Steelix are easier to take down that way. Toxic is his main source of damage towards his opponents. Toxic stalling is the entire point of bulky waters. Encore is his biggest trick that separates Poli from the other popular bulky waters, it's insanely useful. ( Absol was my opponent's last pokemon. It used Superpower on Poli. I used Encore. I switched into Mismagius and BOOM. I walled a dark type with Mismagius. Set up all my stuff and OHKO'd with Thunderbolt. ) and Protect stalls out Toxic and lefties.

Scyther (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Bug Bite
- Aerial Ace
- Pursuit
- U-turn

Counters annoying grass types while still being a great sweeper for my team. Having a spinner makes rocks much less threatening for this guy. Aerial Ace and Bug Bite are super hard hitting STAB moves. Pursuit works for forced switches. U-turn scouts and still hits really hard.

Arcanine (M) @ Choice Band

Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Flare Blitz
- ExtremeSpeed
- Crunch
- Thunder Fang

The wall break right here, folks. STAB Flare Blitz with Choice Band screws. ExtremeSpeed + Choice band hits insanely hard as well. Crunch and Thunder Fang are for coverage.

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1 Answer

0 votes

i see why you chose that politoad, congrats on that shiny.
i once did a politoad/poliwrath water absorb surf combo, it didnt turn out perfect.
here it is

firstly, a pokemon with roar or tailwind for donphans stealth rock, this can be annoyng to the opposer.
arcanine= good
syther= interesting choice, lots of weaknesses though, mayby replace it with this...
starapter@life orb
evs: spd 252 atck 252 hp4-6 (if it makes hp tatal odd numbered)
brave bird
close combat
aerial ace/defog
only if you want to, if syther works, go for it!
politoad: good set i must say, maybe change protect with substitute, but only if it works, again congrats on a shiny!
btw, the best encore pokemon is a shuckle that goes like this...
shuckle@bright powder
sassy nature, evs: 252 hp, 252 defence
toxic (murder move)
encore (encore)
double team (stall)
rest (further stalling + healling)
i got one without evs and it wrecks almost anything!
mismagious is cool, but 4x weak to dark sucks.
gengar or alakazam might work good
alakazam@lum berry/odd incense/ life orb
evs: 252 sp atck & spd, 4-6 hp (if it makes total end up odd) + modest nature
shadow ball
energy ball/ focus blast
recover/double team
shadow ball and energy ball/focus blast for coverage, psychic for stab + high power and double team/recover for stallers.
gengar@ life orb
modest nature, evs: 252 sp, atck & spd + 4-6 hp (if number is odd)
shadow ball
psychic/ dreameater
focus blast/ hypnosis
pretty much the same as alakazam with the suggestion of dreameater strat.
venasaur is good for simple light screen, here is a non light screen option
venasaur@white herb
leaf storm (uses white herb, + stab)
sludge bomb (dmg other then grass + stab)
toxic/ leech seed (long term dmg)
synthesis (healing)
donphan= good, garchomp also works, however, but he is overused due to popularity so he isnt as original.
you can also do this...

hippowdon@quick claw

impish nature, attack iv, evs: 252 sp, defence and hp + 4-6 atck
fire fang (aganst ice, + coverage and flinch& burn)
earthquake (stab + high power and logic)
stealth rock (switching dmg)
roar (stealth rock dmmg encouregment)
but just saying another possible pokemon with the same/similer strat. donphan is awesome.
altogether good, no needed improvements for your team, just suggestions.
iv breeding would not hurt preformance.
score= 8.5-9 over 10, indubitably awesome! (look indubitable up in the dictionary if you dont know what it means.)
yours truly: loomhigh123555
ps: feel free to edit.

It isn't necessary to answer RMT's that are 3 years old.
i Know but i like to comment on teams and i cant find many new rmts that i can comment on because i only really speacialise in gen 4 and possibly prior