Pokémon Rate My Team
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Hello there, thanks for coming to my question. So, I have been using this team I have created for a while now on Showdown and it has even helped me get to the top 500. However, I want to improve it even further, that's why I'm asking help from y'all...

Scorpion (Drapion) (F) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wish
- Gastro Acid
- Cotton Guard
- Knock Off

Shaman (Shaymin-Sky) @ Focus Sash
Ability: No Guard
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sheer Cold
- Defog
- Heal Bell
- Roar

Shoven (Rotom-Heat) (M) @ Wide Lens
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 1
EVs: 252 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leech Seed
- Pain Split
- Toxic
- Sticky Web

Maw (Mawile-Mega) (F) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Illusion
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Iron Head
- Play Rough
- Encore
- Topsy-Turvy

Rampart (Swampert-Mega) (M) @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Aqua Jet
- Crabhammer
- Taunt

Arcoos (Arceus) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Shift Gear
- Baton Pass
- Spore

Drapion is the "Wonder Guard" Pokemon on the team because its dual typing allows it to only have one weakness (Ground). Equip it with Air Balloon and then almost nothing can it. Shaymin-Sky is the "No Guard + OHKO" Pokemon on the team because of its high speed stat. Rotom Heat is the "F.E.A.R" Pokemon on the team because I didn't know what else to do with it. Mawile is the Fairy type of the team and my answer to "Imposter" Pokemon. Swampert is the "Mold Breaker" of the team. And finally, Arceus is the "Magic Bounce" of the team and the baton passer as well.

Checks and Counters:

  1. Thousand Arrows is the bane of Drapion, it's extremely common on Ground types (meaning STAB) and hits despite Air Balloon. I've tried to counter this by using Cotton Guard but it doesn't help as much as I hoped it would...

  2. Shaymin-Sky is weak to many types due to its dual typing, hence the Focus Sash. But it becomes useless if it's damaged by hazards on the field...

  3. Rotom Heat's level is both its strength... and weakness... on one hand, No Guard + OHKO sweepers would become useless because of Sturdy and I can deal damage to Wonder Guard Pokemon, on the other hand, I can't reliably switch it in (this is why Drapion has Wish instead of Recover)...

  4. Mawile isn't that useful and its only purpose, is very situational nowadays as of this post.

Now I don't want to replace any Pokemon on the team (aside from Arceus and recent thoughts of switching Shaymin-Sky with Mega-Sceptile), but I will consider changing some of their moves and general strategies. I need an answer to each and every check and counter, especially Thousand Arrows. I am open to constructive criticism and will think about your suggestions. I want this team to be as versatile as possible. Thank you.

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You are needed to provide a explanation of the set for every team member, so you have to explain the others apart from Drapion. And you must be willing to accept replacements in the team, as I don't really think anything apart from Arceus is viable.

1 Answer

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Hey there, that's a pretty nice team for starters but it needs lots of improvements and changes which I'll be going through right now.

  • As a whole, be careful with what moves you're running. Moves such as Cotton Guard and Shift Gear are usually outclassed. Because the ORAS PH metagame is unbalanced in some ways, you need to be careful with what you pack as it might be counterproductive too. Try to get as much usefulness and productivity out of your moves as you can.
  • When choosing Random No Guards, try to pick a Pokémon which is not weak to hazards, Stealth Rock especially. Moves like Defog, Heal Bell and Roar are also not recommended on No Guard Pokémon in general. You lose on coverage, Gastro Acid or sleep-inducing moves, which can be a big blow for them.
  • While FEAR is a good strategy as a whole, you need to be careful with your picks. Again, Pokémon's weak to hazards are not good choices and you need to be extra careful with the moves on them as they can become a liability versus certain teams, or if not played well with.
  • You usually need two Wonder Guard Pokémon on your team so that Gastro Acid + Sing + OHKO No Guard Pokémon don't claim a kill every time they come in. Generally, Offensive teams appreciate Xerneas as a second Wonder Guard choice because it's the best SmashPasser (and DryPasser) in the current metagame.
  • Rather than having a Magic Bounce Pokémon as a SubPasser, a Wonder Guard is better. As I mentioned above, Xerneas is an apt Pokémon for the job and will also have an offensive presence of its own, too.
  • Usually, as Mold Breakers, choose a Pokémon which is fast if you don't have FakeSpeed support on your offence. Pokémon such as Gengar-Mega, Mewtwo-Mega-Y and Aerodactyl-Mega are traditionally good for this role.
  • Finally, I'd recommend that you read this answer, in which I've explained about teambuilding in ORAS PH extensively.

Firstly, we'll content ourselves with getting a better No Guard abuser. Shaymin-Sky is weak to Stealth Rock and is pretty slow when compared to other, more viable No Guard users. Now, as you said that you might replace Shaymin-Sky with Sceptile-Mega, well why not do it? It can blow its common checks in Prankster Chansey etc. with an OHKO move, but you'll find some issues if you're not running Sheer Cold, I'll go through that below.

Sceptile-Mega @ Focus Sash / Choice Scarf
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fissure / Sheer Cold
- Zap Cannon / Inferno / Spikes
- Gastro Acid / Trick
- Sing

I personally like Fissure + Zap Cannon on Pokémon with a good enough base SpA to begin with, and it also has been gaining popularity right now. If you're fine with predicting Flying-type switchins and playing with Fissure as a whole, I'd suggest that it's the better option here but newer players tend to not be comfortable with moves that aren't very consistent like Fissure, and usually prefer Sheer Cold than it. Also, versus Yveltal, another of its common checks, you might struggle without Sheer Cold as Zap Cannon doesn't have a high chance of 2HKO'ing specially defensive Yveltal on the switchin, but as I'm suggesting Sheer Cold anyways, you'll be fine.

Now, we need to repair our Wonder Guards. Drapion is a good enough Wonder Guard, but its moves over here are not good. I'll do some minor changes to the moves to make them more useful. Also, Air Balloon is not a good item for it. The most common Ground-type move is Thousand Arrows, which hits you anyways, and Drapion appreciates Shed Shell or Safety Goggles much more than Balloon.

Scorpion (Drapion) (F) @ Shed Shell
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Aromatherapy
- Recover
- Spikes
- Knock Off

Standard Drapion set. You need Shed Shell to not be trapped by the most common Shadow Tag Pokémon, and we aren't even running a pivoting move on it so it's important. STAB Knock Off is what lets it check Pokémon such as Gengar-Mega and Latios-Mega consistently. Spikes is a good option on it as you can potentially win an exchange versus Giratina, a common Magic Bounce Pokémon and setup your Spikes.

The other Wonder Guard (yes you need two) can be Arceus. Magic Bounce Arceus is not a good set; a bulky Steel- or Giratina are good Magic Bounce Pokémon overall. Why not keep the same Baton Pass set but change Shift Gear?

Arcoos (Arceus) @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Shell Smash
- Recover

You don't need Spore on it; Recover is a far better option because you are not running Defog anyways. Shell Smash is a better boosting move than Shift Gear because +2 in both offences is better when SmashPassing to a teammate. This will also remedy your Thousand Arrows matchup, as Groudon-Primal can't do much to Arceus unless it's Band Moldy or Smash Moldy (which it always is sadly), but outside that any Arrows user wouldn't trouble you now.

We'll move towards your offence now. Moldy Swampert is an odd pick but it's fine as a whole. I dislike it on offences, but as you don't want to change it it's fine. I'd suggest that you change the set a bit, otherwise it looks good.

Rampart (Swampert-Mega) (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Water Shuriken
- Crabhammer
- U-Turn

Choice Band is the preferred item here because without it it's better that you run some other, better Mold. You absolutely want the higher damage output from Choice Band and Safety Goggles doesn't merit in any way, so it's a waste of an item slot. Water Shuriken than Aqua Jet because it's usually more consistent and dishes more damage while hitting behind the Substitutes of Groudon-Primal, Gengar-Mega and Aerodactyl-Mega too. U-Turn is opted over Taunt because Taunt on Choice items is bad, and U-Turn helps versus Pokémon like Audino-Mega and Giratina which love to switch into Swampert.

As you also mentioned, Mawile would do nothing here. I'd suggest that you replace it with an Imposter Pokémon, which would act as a safeguard against various Molds which threaten you right now.

Blissey @ Shed Shell
Ability: Imposter
Happiness: 127
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Defog
- Whirlwind
- Toxic Spikes
- Wish

Whenever you feel that you need more offensive pressure or find yourself struggling versus setup Molds, go for an Imposter. It's an easy option and fulfils both roles with excellent ease and perfection. Leading with an Imposter is also a good start as scouting for the opponents' moves can be crucial late-game.

F.E.A.R. is not a good strategy if you are not running it on Wonder Guard Sableye-Mega or Spiritomb. It's an old thing with Flame Orb + Psycho Shift and Curse and requires a lot of midgames to get it through successfully, so I wouldn't recommend it here. Instead, you'll find yourself losing versus certain offensive Pokémon, if your Imposter dies, such as the Mewtwo's. So to play against them, I'd suggest a FakeSpeed user, Kyurem-Black in this case.

Kyurem-Black @ Lum Berry
Ability: Refrigerate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Fake Out
- Pursuit
- Stealth Rock

Classic set, trap Gengar and all with Pursuit and because it forces a lot of switches, Stealth Rock is a viable option on it.

Final PokéPaste

Hope it helped. Comment here or wall post me if you have any queries.

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Thanks, I'm a bit new to this site and I'm still learning, you've provided me with a lot of good advice and I'll make the necessary changes I want. :)
No problem, glad it helped.
I hate to nitpick but is it just me or are the first two bullet points at the start of the answer incomplete? Also OP if you like the answer then please click the green check mark at the top right of the answer, it helps the site. :)
I don’t really know what the Hackmon format is about, but man it sounds absolutely wicked.