Pokémon Rate My Team
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  1. Greninja (Battle bond special currently in Pokémon Bank)
    Item: Life Orb
    Nature: Mild (If U turn is Used), Modest (If Ice Beam is used)
    EVS: 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Attack, 4 HP.

Hydro Pump/Cannon (Strong water STAB, hits hard on a variety of types that would otherwise be a threat, want feedback as well if Hydro Cannon is worth the recharge)
Dark Pulse: (Dark STAB, mainly to annihilate any Alakazams and Mega Alakazams, as they are a big threat in Gen 7 with many strong fighting types)
Water Shuriken (Decent Priority move, boosted after Ash Greninja transformation.)
Ice Beam/U turn (Kinda obvious but grass coverage, preferably using Ice Beam because of higher damage and the Special build, tell me what you think. May use U turn to get it off the playing field when grass or electric types come out.)

2. Aggron
Ability: Rock Head (Running Head Smash to destroy)
Item: Aggronite
Nature: Careful (Sp. Attack -, Sp. Def +)
EV’s: 252 Attack, 252 Defence, 4 Sp.Def

Head Smash (Before you get all mad saying “Aggron can’t learn Head Smash!?!?!?” Its an Egg move lol, combined with rock head and mega its gonna tear through everything)
Iron Defence/Iron Head (Depends whether I’m running a fairy killer or a Toxic Staller)
Toxic (toxic stall, not much to explain here)
Protect (Toxic stall or use on first turn to check for Taunts)
3. Sylveon
Ability: Cute Charm (female as most gender ratios are male favoured)
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EV’s: 252 Sp.Def, 252 Sp.Attack, 4 HP

Draining Kiss (Healing move, fairy stab. Relies on calm mind setup to do decent damage.)
Calm Mind (Purely for setup, can make draining kiss do killer damage whilst talking none in return. As paired with draining kiss, this underrated Pokémon can solo a team as long as there is no steel or poison types)
Reflect/Light Screen (Light screen can be used to quickly shield damage so it can build up on calm mind, reflect can be used if facing a physical attacker
Heal Bell (I know this might seem like a waste of a move slot, but this move completely combats thunder wave on greninja to slow it down, making it a perfect support move. Let me know if I should have the other defensive move like reflect of light screen instead.)

Let me know for any improvements on the team.

edited by
What format is this for/where are you using the team? There are many gen 7 singles formats.
Fizz it’s just online single battle, 3 pokemon, level 50. Just competitive battling??? I only know of two single battle formats. It’s Ultra sun Ultra Moon for the game/
It sounds like you are playing Battle Spot Singles, so I added that to that title. https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/formats/battle-spot-singles/
Here is a list including many other gen 7 singles formats (many of which are played on Showdown, which is a battle simulator): https://www.smogon.com/dex/sm/formats/
If you don't completely understand what a "battle format" is, then maybe these pages will be useful: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/398312/what-is-a-battle-format
In future, you can format your movesets using this syntax to make them more readable: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/409704
Team only has 3 mons, I thought BSS was bring 6 pick 3.

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