Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BM™ (page 57)

Multiple times, I've made 'chat rooms', where some random characters do random stuff randomly. These are always stupid but I find them fun. They're fun in a stupid way. This particular chat room was a lamehead chat room. You know, Enneth, Parlor Swipple, Josh Kool's fictional version, all that. But then the Frocky Whee Heads (AKA non-lameheads) 'infiltrate' it. Here are some mildly funny lines from THE DERPING REE SADDETH PEELOR POOPLE CHAT ROOM (yes that's what it's called)



"(incomprehensibly proud gibberish)"

"FUC U FUCHEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
"Oh great he's learning from Josh Kool."
"Well, he does take on the behavior of monsters."

"His name isn't Josh Kooleth McKewl it's Joshua Fuched McCool. >:("

"Were Were Were Were Reefer"
"Stupid thing I was trying to say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for heck's sake.
"Is he going to copy 99% of what we say?"
"I'll take that as a yes"

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuc 99% hey were head,"
"I couldn't have said it better myself."


"Yeah my baby who's two years older than me. :D"


"Say, the lameheads have been quiet. I thought this was their chat room."
"They're likely having a baked bean eating contest and blasting Parlor Swipple music to the tune of them vomiting."
"E A T I N G"
"E A T I N G"
"I wuv eating."
"Ah yes, wuv."
"The wuv, the wuv
Where is the wuv, the wuv, the wuv?
The wuv, the wuv
Where is the wuv, the wuv, the wuv?"
"Hopefully not here."


"My brain cells. Someone please evacuate them."
"OK, never mind, I'm keeping them."

"gaaaaoaaoaooaoaoaooaoohohohohohohohhahhahah BAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH"
"Was that supposed to be a 'love song' too?"
"I don't know. It sounds like he's barfing."
"I was barfing romantically, for your information."

"I wuv you."

"I'm not jealous."
"No I lied."

"That is so deep."
"I don't see the appeal."

"Bau Triller noot"
"I am impressed."

"I am, but at least I make sense when I'm hypocritical-"

"Because he's annoying as hell."
"I could say the same for you..."

"I ask because that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard"
"Ha! You tell 'im!"
"Except maybe that."


"FUC U I HOPE YOU GET DIED OVER BY A TRUCK!!!!!1!1111!1!!!!!1"
"I no like you
you no good spelling"

BONUS QUOTE: "And I never said Gau was beautiful!"
[I'm not sure what that had to do with... anything, but enjoy it.]
Jul 27, 2022 by Gau
I remember reading something on Quotev once. I think it was called Astrid Sporks Badfics or something similar to that. Some kid apparently named Astrid took crappy fanfics from god knows where on the internet and made a mockery of them. I remember this one Zalgo x edgy emo Mary Sue OC fanfic. I didn't even know what Zalgo was until then. Apparently a creepypasta guy and something to do with comic books. Regardless, you have to be really stupid to write something that cringe. I really don't get why emo ten year olds wanna ship their Mary Sue OCs with demented fictional nightmare creatures. I mean, I kinda like reading creepypastas because they can be creepy and it's kinda unnerving to worry that a demonic video game thing can come out of your console and murder you (if you didn't know I mostly read video game creepypastas), but I don't recall ever thinking "OMG I SHOULD SHIP PEEKAH WITH JELLY THE BILLER!!!11!!11one!11!!1". Not even I'm that dumb. Anyway, the fanfic was (beeping noises) awful, as you could expect. Mar-Mar (I literally can't remember her name but I can remember that some other character called her that and she hated it) whined a lot and acted emo, Zalgo became a teacher and simped for her (I'm being completely serious), and some other nonsensical crap happened. It was so pathetic. But fortunately, there was an amusing commentary to get me through it. I believe there was also a "Mar-Mar being a b*tch" count, among lots of others. God I love commentary. I always search for commentary when I read crappy fanfics because it's funnier and makes it more bearable. Definitely worth randomly randoming- I mean reading for a laugh.
Jul 27, 2022 by Gau
honk mimimimimimi
Jul 27, 2022 by ~Violet~
Akira: "Who's a badass?"
Me: "Well, don't ask them."

"You're great at singing."

"Those sons of bloody hell!"


"It seems like they're twitching insanely from side to side."

"Oh, how cute! Friend!"

"Pogo dealing 800 damage over here."

"I am really scared to know how I Charmed you."

"The ultimate way of interruption: a caveman headbonks the crap out of you."

"Death Blossom? That sounds like an emo Warriors OC or an edgy Warriors fanfiction writer."
[I'm not even close to wrong.]

Armor is wild and very strong.
"Oh, how cute! It's perfect!"

"Wow, a bone doesn't fit in a keyhole. Real deep, ninja man."

"I am going to fight a turtle."
[Unfortunately untrue.]

"Die, wherever and whatever you are!"

"Roly Poly? Looks more like an embryo."

"There better be a good reward at the end of this. And I better still be young when I find it."

"Fire-breathing puppies?"

"His clothing defies physics. Which is a good thing."

"Aww, are you smiling?"


"Pogo disapproves of you."

"You'd think it'd be easy to miss a jumping headbonk. Apparently not."

"Dang. This is the first time Pogo has missed his headbonk."
[Let it be known that on 1:54 PM, Monday, July 25th, 2022, Pogo missed his headbonk. Yes, I wrote down the exact time. It was the first time, and I think he missed two other times afterward as well. Didn't write down the time for those.]

What's-his-face: "It didn't work?!"

"Leave. Pogie. ALONE!"

"There better be a boss fight.
...No. Just a sword."
[Galactic-scale disappointment.]

You obtained a shroud of demons.
"Oh, just what I always wanted!"

"How can that possibly miss?"

"Alice's biscuits are mine."

"Did you just say you never miss... as you miss four times?"

"He must have a really hard head."

"Ah, the overkill move."


You obtained a fertility charm.
"Yeah, uh... I'll... put that back..."

Akira: "Why is there a statue of that giant freak here?"
Me: "Because they love giant freaks."

"Oh-h-h shi-"
[When you see the final boss, you, too, may have a similar reaction.]

"My little pureling..."
[wait what is a pureling and why did i say it]

(tearing up slightly out of pure horror) "O-Okaaaay..."

Oboromaru: "I will return the favor."
Me: "You'd better!"


[Saint Pogo living a hit.]

"I feel like crying."

"That is disturbing every time."

"I'm really glad I broke up with my wife."

Oboromaru: "I am ready!"

[WARNING: Me having a mental breakdown worse than the Car Battler Joe incident ahead.]


"Oh... god..."

"I don't... want to..."

"You really want me to, don't you...?"

"Go to sleep, go to sleep..."

[End of mental breakdown.]

"Think about it. If I can crack your password, you need a new one."
[Fun fact: I started a second file and I said this while playing The Distant Future.]
Jul 26, 2022 by Gau
Yeah. Probably dreamed about Live A Live (which he sees as a prehistoric dating sim) and DB too.
Jul 26, 2022 by Gau
"No joy in life, no comfort in death
This is why we all lose, this is why we fall by the wayside"
-some edgy song I came up with recently
Jul 26, 2022 by Gau
Jul 26, 2022 by Mr. Fish
You're the kind of guy to eat dry, unsalted crackers
Jul 26, 2022 by Puncuation Leader
I imagine Iru as being a brunette with kinda brownish-yellowish eyes. Why brownish-yellowish instead of plain brown? Because it makes her look slightly less normal or something I guess. Also her shirt is like patchwork and it looks weird. Like, it's made out of a bunch of squares with varying colors, sizes, and patterns, and somehow it was turned into a shirt. Why the weird shirt? It's a reference to her being a shapeshifter. That made sense a minute ago but now I can't really explain it so moving on.

Her mother was a shapeshifter, like her, but her father wasn't. He was just an ordinary guy who decided to marry a shapeshifter for some reason. This is the main reason she refuses to shapeshift into much of anything. No, her father didn't go "REE SHAPSHITTERS BAD IF YOU SHAPESHIFT I'LL BEAT YOU UP!!!111!!ONE!11!!1" or anything stupid like that. He was a nice, hardworking guy who loved his wife and daughter. Which, let's be honest, is something you don't see often in OC creation (many a lame OC maker have screamed "OMG MY CHARACTER MUST HAVE TRAGIC BACKSTORY!!1!!1!!1 OH YEAH I'LL HAVE HER ABUSED BY HER DRUNKARD FATHER TOTALLY ORIGINAL!!!1!!11111!111!!"). But I'm getting off-topic. Iru was always closer to her father, and she thought it'd be kinda weird for her, his beloved daughter, to suddenly turn into a rock or a tree or a wild animal or someone else or something. Think about that. Imagine you're a father, and your kid turns into a dog or a shrub. That would be weird, especially if you couldn't do the same. So despite living in a village of shapeshifters and having one shapeshifter parent, she kinda disliked the idea of shapeshifting into something totally different. After all, she's his daughter. Why should she change that (I mean she wouldn't really be changing that but you get the point)? It's also possible that her shapeshifting powers were weaker due to having an ordinary father, but that wouldn't be the main reason for her reluctance either way.

Because of her dislike of fully shapeshifting, Iru's forms are basically just different outfits. This makes her still recognizable as herself instead of looking like something else. Anyway, when she shapeshifts, her stats, moves, and what stuff she can equip change. Why? Because there'd be little point in having it as a feature if all she did was look different. You may wonder what all her forms would be and what stats they'd have. While I'm unsure because I haven't been able to think of much, there would be a form for every different combination of two stats. Which means quite a few forms.

And now for her personality. She's quite friendly, affectionate (just watch her hug you every time you compliment her), and cheerful, but she's also pretty dumb. Probably ditzy or something too. Basically, she doesn't seem like the reliable type. Or the fighter type. Or the particularly helpful type (she can try but there's no guarantee she'll succeed). And she... isn't, really. It's likely she'll need her shapeshifting behind dragged out of danger more than once. Oh, and she's stubborn. Really stubborn. So good luck getting her to shapeshift into something more useful. Shapeshifters could be amazing assets to have on your team, but Iru... uh... might cheer you up or look cute or something I dunno. Not that useful, but she's with the gang (whoever they might be), and she's there to stay. You show her kindness and live to regret it.

(As you can see, I didn't base her directly off of myself. If I did, she'd be a bratty redhead. And that just didn't fit her well in my mind.)
Jul 26, 2022 by Gau

Jul 25, 2022 by Gau