Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for BM™ (page 50)

En-Ne-Th: Derp Meenies

Once upon a time, Pika was forcing Primal to watch Yu-Gi-Oh in the Seafloor Cavern. Unfortunately, she was magically breathing, so she gave commentary on everything everyone said and squealed like a schoolgirl every time Bakura and Yugi did anything that she considered even mildly cute, which was mostly any sort of movement. And blinking. So Primal was in pain. After he Water Spouted her out of the sea because she was wailing about Yugi dying, he decided to go on land. But then he realized that he must've been in there for a year because the world had been semi-taken over by lameheads. "Oh god not again." he groaned. He then saw two Gligurr dupes standing next to a table and holding some cards. But since they were idle like always they hadn't made any moves and had just been standing there and staring at each other for approximately 75275293.5 hours. At the angle he was at, he couldn't see what was on the front of the cards, but he could see what was on the back of them: very poorly drawn artwork of Enneth and Parlor Swipple kissing. He used Ice Beam to freeze the Gligurr alts and their cards and went on his way. But then things started to get creepy. Well, creepier. Everywhere he went, there were Gligurr alts, Josh Kool alts, and tiny bikini-wearing Enneths playing what was apparently supposed to be a card game. Ignoring the fact that lameheads didn't even know what a card was, he found it strange for all of them to be playing it. But then he saw a news broadcast on a TV that was there for no apparent reason. It was Enneth. "DORP IM THROWGING A TOORNAMINT WHERE WE PEE ON CARDS" he shrieked. Then Parlor Swipple appeared. "ALSO WE BEET UP THE DUMBY JERK FROCKY WHEE HATS DERP AND SMOOCH ENNETH" she screamed. Then the TV self-destructed. Primal, realizing that he needed to kill the lameheads before they completely took over the world, went to the unnamed site of their 'toornamint'. When he got there, it was just a random plot of land with signs that said "DERP EN-NE-TH IS KOOL" Primal quickly figured out that En-Ne-Th must be the lameheads' version of Yu-Gi-Oh. But before he could do anything, Enneth and Parlor Swipple fell from the sky, with Enneth having a puke green Maximillion Pegasus wig and Parlor Swipple dressed like Mai Valentine. "OMDERP" they both screamed upon getting up off the ground. Primal prayed to Bidoof that this was some sort of fever dream brought about by Pika being a Yu-Gi-Oh addict, but it didn't seem that way. "ITS A PEEHEDED HED HAT DORP" Enneth screamed. "DORP LETS CHALGENSH HIMMETH TO EN-NE-TH" Parlor Swipple shrieked as a table, made out of peed-in N pants, magically appeared. Words couldn't describe how much Primal wanted to kill everything at that moment, so he used Thunder and electrocuted them. "Well that ends that." he said. He was about to leave when a million Josh Kool dupes randomly appeared out of nowhere. "FUC U PRIMAL U FUCHED IM GOING TO KILL FIZZ WITH A TRUCK!!11!!!1!!11!one!111!!1!" they screamed. Primal let out a great SCREE and used Origin Pulse on them, but for every one he destroyed, two more took his place. And at this point, he was just getting plain ticked off. "YOU MUSTETH PLAY DERPING EN-NE-TH" Parlor Swipple told him. He turned around to see the two lameheads un-miraculously unscathed from his Thunder. He quickly realized that, no matter what he did, the Josh Kools would duplicate themselves infinitely, so he had no choice but to pray to Bidoof again and play the pathetic excuse of a 'card game'. So he went on one end of the peepants table and saw that there was a deck of 'cards' there. Enneth stood at the opposite end and had his own deck of cards. "OH DERPING KAY FIRST WE SHUFFLE OUR PEGS" he said and inhaled his cards before barfing them back out. Understandably, Primal decided to leave his as-is. "THEN WE PICKETH UP FIVE DORPING CARDS AND PEE OUR PANTZ" Primal decided to skip part of this as well and took five of the cards from his deck. He had no idea what the hell his opening hand was because it looked like some kid had eaten crayons and threw up on a peice of construction paper. "ALSO IF WE LOSE PEE POINTS WE EAT BAKED BEENZ AND THE FIRST ONE TO EET ALL THER BAKED BEENSES LOSES DERP" "OK so it's basically Yu-Gi-Oh but lameheaded and disturbing. Got it." Primal said, hoping that Enneth would stop his 'tutorial'. "I GO FIRST BECAUSE IM DERPING EPIC" Enneth said. Then Parlor Swipple broke into song. "OOOOOHHHHHHH EMMMMMMM DOOOOOOORP EN-NE-TH IS COOOOOOOLETHHHHHHH AND WE ALL PEE IN ENNETHS HAAAAAIIIIIIRRRRRRR WHICH MAKES ME HOOOOOOOOOT BECAUSE I BROKE THE DERP UP WITH HIM TEN TIMES THIS WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK OH WAIT I MEAN THIS HOUUUUUUUUR ALSO PRIMAL IS A FROCKY LAMEHEAD TURN HEAAAAAAAAAAAAD AND WE HATETH HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM BECAUSE EN-NE-TH IS COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL DERPDERPDERP" Luckily, the 'song' ended more quickly than most of Parlor Swipple's 'songs' did, and Enneth put a card on the 'field' face-up. And backwards. It featured a giant eyeball with Enneth hair on it, and it was named "DERPING BALLEYEETH". Its stats were 4639576 DERP and 000000000000000000000000000000 MEENIE. Then it became Primal's turn. He played a card himself, and it was called "FROCKY WHEE HED (WHO SUCK AND ARE DERPING DUMBETH)", and it had a really lame drawing of the frocky whee heads on it. It had 000000000 DERP and 5773568235763288 MEENIE. Figuring out that DERP must be ATK and MEENIE must be DEF, he played it in Meenie Mode. Enneth spent sixteen turns trying to destroy it but failed to realize that his DERP was lower than its MEENIE. And for whatever reason he wasn't losing Pee Points. "All right, I'll also play this face-down and switch my Frocky Whee Hed to Derp Mode." Primal said, even more bored than ever. "WHAT THE DERP I CNAT SEETH UR CARD PEE KAY" Enneth shrieked because of his face-down card. "I know. That's the point." "DERP THATS UNFARI YOU ELEPHANT HEAD TURD BRAIN" "Fine. Attack me and I'll activate it so you can see it." "OH DORPING KAY" Enneth replied and attacked. "Ha! You've activated my... you know, whatever the hell this is." Primal declared, flipping his card face-up. It was called "DERP NOW MEENIES ARE LAMEHEADS AND ALL THAT", and it worked like the card Shield & Sword. It swapped DERP and MEENIE for all monsters on the field, and for some reason the effect was written on the back of the card. "OH ENNETH GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DORP" Enneth shrieked as Parlor Swipple had a seizure. Thanks to Derp Now Meenies Are Lameheads And All That, Enneth's Derping Balleyeeth had been destroyed and he lost all of his Pee Points. Well he didn't say how many Pee Points a player started with, but he ate all of his baked beans so Primal won. "OH WAIT DERP I LOST" "OH EM PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY FEELIGS WERE DERPING HORTED" Parlor Swipple screamed and slammed her head into the peepants table, which was apparently made of glass now because it shattered. "...OK." Primal said. "EBBETH POOPTURD IM BRAKING UP WITH YOUETH DORP" Enneth suddenly burst into tears and screamed something about a "headphone pee basket". But just when Primal was about to blast them with all of his most powerful moves, a brilliant light split the sky and something began to decend. He hoped it was Bidoof coming to smite the lameheads again, but of course it wasn't. "The... the Dark Magician? What?" he asked himself out loud, more utterly confused than anything. However, he soon realized that it wasn't the Dark Magician either. It was Gau. Dressed up as a Dark Magician. The lameheads peed their pants upon seeing who it was. Gau yowled and used Ultima. When the dust cleared, the lameheads were nowhere to be seen. Primal knew that wouldn't last long though. Gau re-ascended into the heavens as Primal went back to his Cavern so that he didn't run the risk of seeing Pika dressed as a Dark Magician Girl.

The end.
Sep 8, 2022 by Gau
(this couldn't get any less sensical than it already is)

Escape From D.O.R.P Labs

"DERP" Enneth shrieked as he drove, used in the loosest terms, down the street. His truck was a HeadX truck but with 'D.O.R.P Labs' spray-panted on it, though it was baked bean juice and not paint. Then Enneth spotted Gau, Gill, Pika, and Primal crossing the street. Although Gau was technically in a stroller and being pushed by Gill, who was dressed like an old woman and looked like his dignity was slowly and painfully dying. Why he was dressed like an old woman was unknown. "DORPETH MCREET GAU IS A MEENETH" Enneth screamed and tried to drive into him. However he ran over Gill instead, who was all right because the HeadX truck tires were made of giant inflated Ah Yesses. Gau peeked out of his stoller, pointed, and laughed at Gill. Pika didn't know what was going on and ended up standing directly on Gill's spine. Primal mentally went 'wtf'. Enneth was ten miles away before he said "WAIT A DORPING SECOND I DIDNT HIT GUA" He then made a u-turn back to the spot where everyone still was. Gill was standing out and cussing at Pika as Gau napped peacefully in his stroller. He tried to hit Gau with his truck, but once again sped toward Gill for some reason. "OH ENNETH GEE IM GOING TO DERPING HIT ENNETH" he screamed, mistaking Primal for himself while thinking he was going to hit Primal. He then smashed through the windshield and started punching his truck's headlights while suspended in midair. However the truck ran him over and ran Gill over again. Pika laughed so hard that she wet her pants. Enneth climbed back into the truck and pressed random buttons. This cast a net of baked beans over the frocky whee heads which they couldn't escape from, no matter how much Primal Water Spouted it. Enneth then 'drove' to D.O.R.P Labs, which stood for 'Dorp dOrp doRp dorP', where Parlor Swipple waited. "ENNETH IM BREAKING UP WITH BECAUSE YOU DIDNT DERPING TURD ON MY SPLEEN" she screamed. "OH ENNETH DORP-ORP-ORRRRRRRP" Enneth cried. Twenty break-ups later, Enneth decided to perform his "DORPING HOTLY EVIL" experiments. First, he decided to clone Gau for no reason, ignoring the fact that two Gaus would make the lives of the lameheads that much harder. However, the Gau clone had blond hair and green eyes and sparkled when he first appeared. "ITS A DOERPING SHYNEE" he shrieked. The fact that he knew somewhat what a Shiny was was almost impressive for Enneth. Shiny Gau and regular Gau looked at each other, sniffed the air, then Shiny Gau leapt at Gau. Enneth was joyous when he thought that the Gaus were  going to kill each other, but then he realized that the two Gaus were just playing. Indeed, they ran around, tackled each other, yowled, nuzzled each other, and attempted to purr. Enneth cried into a can of baked beans when he realized that two Gaus wasn't going to help him. Meanwhile, Parlor Swipple was trying to make Pika wear what she called a 'been macareen cootie shoe', whatever on Earth that was, and sing her new rap song I Peed On Enneth's Bed So I Broke Up With Him. She had just got done stapling a bikini to Gill, who regained consciousness and tried to punch a hole in the wall. "MY DORPING SONGETH GOES LIKE OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH WHO LIVES IN A PEE HED UNDER THE BEENS ENNETHBOB POOPPANTS WHO DIDNT ADMIRE ME PEEING ON HIS DERPING BED ENNETHBOB POOPPANTS THEN I BROKE UP WITH HIM AND WENT OH EM GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Gill was in the middle of putting actual clothes on and taking staples out of his shoulders when he heard Parlor Swipple singing and laughed until snot poured from his nose. Pika nearly spat on Parlor Swipple but decided that she was lower than the bacteria in her saliva. Then a loud SCREE was heard. Josh Kool was performing experiments on Primal. "FUC U PRIMA DONNA U FUCHED UR AS DUMM AS FIZZ SO U SHULD DYE!!!!1!!1!!1!!111!one!1!111!" Josh Kool yelled. Just then, the two Gaus, who had easily escaped from Enneth, charged at Josh Kool. "FUC U GAUZ IM A PROFESSONALLY ATTRACTIVE BLOND WOMAN AND LIFE ORB SUKS BCUZ POKEMASTER STOLED MY WEBSITE EVEN THOUGH I STOLING FROM HIZ!!!!!!1!!1111!!one!!!1!!" he shrieked. The Gaus laughed at him and used an epic Thamastriad Ultima, which blew Josh Kool into tiny versions of himself, all with assorted names. "fuc u fucheds" the smallest one squeaked from the floor because he was about half an inch tall. Regular Gau stepped on him as if he was an ant as Primal was released from the tube he had been in. He tried to look at his fins, but realized they were now arms. He felt a sudden, repulsive, disgusting craving for baked beans. He looked at the mirror that Enneth usually examined his derpy face in and saw that he was now a Groudon. He tried to SCREE, but it came out as "DORP" because he was Groudon. He scrambled his baked bean-filled bulk into the tube again, desperate to turn himself back into a Kyogre. The Gaus started hitting buttons on the control panel, and Prinal ended up as a rabbit, a ferret, a random Shiny Aipom, an Enneth, and finally back to a Kyogre again. The Gaus ran around, laughed, and yowled with glee. Then Pika, who looked like she was in pain, and Gill, who looked like he wanted to cause pain, dashed into the room. They both ha d melted Parlor Swipple albums dripping from them, and the Gaus laughed. Gill was about to punch them because of his intense embarrrassment and anger, but Pika shrieked joyfully and huggled the Gaus. "Let's name the blond one Zephyr!" she yelled despite having no idea why there were two Gaus. But before anyone could make any comments, an army of Enneths in bikinis stormed into the room. "WEVE DOORPED THE DORPS" they screamed and sung songs of praise for Ennethbob Pooppants. Everyone looked at each other in a 'wtf' manner. Primal then SCREEd and Water Spouted the Enneths, who exploded in a burst of baked beans. All of a sudden, a giant cannibalistic space Enneth ate the D.O.R.P Labs but not the frocky whee heads because "THEYRE SOO DERPING MEENETH THAT I CRYED" Gau and Zephyr nuzzled Pika as Primal wondered why the frick they had a button to turn people into Shiny Aipom in D.O.R.P Labs before remembering that it was because lameheads don't make any sense and never shall.
Sep 8, 2022 by Gau
My favorite Minecraft item is the potion that you can use in both Donkey Kong AND Kirby that fully restores your life. Very useful during the fight where Marx seems to make something out of freaky corpses that may or may not resemble other fictional characters and attempts to murder you. If you wonder how to craft such an amazing item, you need four garlic cloves, one in each corner, and three strawberries in a line in the middle, forming an H shape, and you're good to go! Use it wisely! :3
Sep 7, 2022 by Gau
You can apply Pogie to your hair (optional).
Sep 6, 2022 by Gau
Sep 6, 2022 by Gau
En-Ne-Th: The Anime

Yo, listen up! This is a story about a blue boy who lives in a blue wor- oh wait wrong story. Anyway, one day Primal was swimming around in his ocean and laughing about the fact that humans had only explored 2% of it after coming back from praying to Bidoof at the giant underwater Bidoof shrine he'd built. It was a regular day, devoid of Enneth and Parlor Swipple. Until they descended into the ocean wearing giant baked bean cans with straws in their noses. "DLORPFH" they screamed. Primal, furious that lameheads had invaded his ocean again, used Thunder, which miraculously only harmed Enneth and Parlor Swipple because reasons. They were blasted out of the ocean, and Primal thought he could relax. Turns out he was wrong. "FUC U PRIMAL U FUCHED I HOPE U DIE AND GET HIT BY A TRUCK AND HIT BY A CAR AND DIE BECAUSE LUCARIO IS IN SMASH AND I DIDNT GET POINTS FOR THAT!!!!!1!!111!!!!11111!!!!1" a voice yelled despite being underwater. Primal turned around, ready to blast Josh Kool like he had the other lameheads, but he was hit over the head with a toy truck which knocked him unconscious for whatever reason. When he came to, he wasn't underwater anymore. He was in the lameheads' secret base which they'd recently stolen from themselves. He was also handcuffed despite not having hands and tied to a really scratchy chair. "Oh god." Just then, Parlor Swipple walked into the room, having a breakdancing spaz seizure and screeching something about 'shoving Enneth up her ear hotly'. She was holding a really old movie projector, which she put on a small table. But when it didn't project anything, she slammed her head into it, dumped baked beans on it, bit it, screamed about it hurting her feelings, and gave herself a magical tragical head injury. Primal tried to break free, but he couldn't. He tried to Origin Pulse Parlor Swipple to death, but she just sung her entire newest album without seeming injured at all. After Primal SCREE'd so loud that most glass would shatter, the movie projector finally turned on. The 'word' "En-Ne-Th" appeared on-screen as the background flashed in a multitude of seizure-inducing colors. A song began to play. For a moment, he thought it was the lameheads' 'rendition' of the Tiny Toons theme song, but it was something much worse: Obsessed by Adison Rae or whoever, sung by Parlor Swipple and Enneth. "DORP BABETH WEVE CAME SO FAR I KNOW BECAUSE WE DRIVE A CAR MADE OF PEE" "I LIT A CANDLE ON A DASHBORD DERP IM SO HOT" "YOU SAY YOURE OBSESSED WITH ME AND EET BAKED BEENSES BECAUSE ITS DERPING TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "DORP" "IM ALSO OBSEBBED WITH ME E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DERP" "OH EM GEE (DERP)" "AND THEN I HOTTETHLY DOOOOOOOOOOOORPEDEDEDED" It was actually hard to tell the difference between the original and the lamehead version. Luckily, it ended relatively quickly, and unluckily, the 'show' started. It was mostly just Enneth and Parlor Swipple eating baked beans with En-Ne-Th 'cards' just kinda... there. But then the main villain of the show was revealed all of a sudden: Josh Kool. Except him and his dupes were playing frocky whee heads because of the sheer amount of dupes, so his name had been changed to 'Piermill Coger'. Primal was beyond insulted. "FUC ALL THE LAMEHEADS IM WAY BETTER THEN U!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!11!1111!!111" 'Piermill' screamed. "OH ENNETH GEEEEEE DERP" Enneth and Parlor Swipple screamed before Enneth was randomly thrusted into a duel against 'Piermill'. After they sat around, tossing cards at each other and peeing their pants, 'Piermill' suddenly pulled out a can of spray-on hair dye with an Enneth eyeball drawn on it. "I HAVE THE FUCING MILLENNIUM DYE SO IM GONG 2 BAN FIZZ!!!!!111!!111!!11!one!!1!1" he said before using it to dye his hair neon pink instead of neon blue. "WAIT YOURE A POCKY WEAPON HAT DERP FIZZ IS YOUR HERO" Enneth told him. "FUC THAT!!!!11!1!!111" "OK DERP" Just when Primal was considering slamming his head into his chair, the ceiling was broken apart and none other than Gau appeared. The lameheads threw up on each other in horror as Gau was about to unleash Ultima. "NOOOOO! DON'T SAVE ME! I HATE YOU!" Primal yelled at him. He immediately stopped his attack, confused. Then he shrugged, yowled, and teleported away. Ten and two halves of an hour later (because I can math), Primal was still being forced to watch En-Ne-Th. He was currently on Season 27, and he could confirm that it was the same thing over and over with a different 'villain' each season. The villain of Season 27 was Enneth. He kept running around the screen so that he seemed to be in two places at once so he could pretend to be both the protagonist and the villain. Obviously it didn't work, and Primal felt like his brain was either shrinking or bleeding. But ten seasons later, it finally ended. Primal would've instantly fallen asleep if he wasn't so disturbed that he felt he'd never sleep again. "PEE KAY DID YOU LIKETH ARE DERPING ANYMAY" Enneth asked him. Suddenly, Primal started to struggle, and his fins broke out of the handcuffs. The rope also fell off. With a mighty SCREE, he Thundered the movie projector, the main source of his torment. It exploded. "OH DERP" Enneth and Parlor Swipple screamed. "FUC U FUCHED!!!11!!11!!!1!1!11three!!11!!1!" Josh Kool yelled and tossed a Gligurr alt at him. After the Gligurr bounced off of the enraged Primal, he slowly turned around. His eyes were bloodshot if it was possible for a Kyogre. He seemed to mumble something, and the lameheads couldn't figure out what it was because pretty much all they could hear was each other screaming. "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Primal roared suddenly, unleashing a giant tsunami and drowning everything in a five-mile radius.

The end (apparently).
Sep 6, 2022 by Gau
Strawberry Striker Giruflame

much funny. very laugh.
Sep 6, 2022 by Gau
(chews on Totem fun and coolly)
Sep 6, 2022 by Gau
Arc was Killed by Giru using Magic
Sep 5, 2022 by Gau
"Generation II
Mud-Slap inflicts damage and has a 99.6% chance of lowering the target's accuracy stat by one stage."

Remember kids, if your Mud-Slap doesn't lower the opponent's accuracy in Gen 2, BFIEJNIENFOSNUYRNHBUBSPNFNSOHTGEJH(UFJOWEI%TIOM$(T*N&*FUNT84UN94HN%^Yy&7H8*b#r*bw*#nd*qnd#b*bf*b#uinnjsbf&b#&bnianinofnseubvcreys
Sep 5, 2022 by Gau