If you actually want me to breed the Skitty, I'm not forking over the Ditto until I've hatched her.
Aug 27, 2022
I thought your YT was ArcAneity or something. And I don't recall you having 1M subscribers...
Aug 27, 2022
Mr. Fish
I had a dream you had a YT channel called BM and you had 1M subscribers or something.
Aug 27, 2022
Mr. Fish
Here's what I want on Pogobone.
Male, obviously.
Quirky nature. Why Quirky? You've seen Pogo, you know the answer to that question. The Cubone/Marowak parent should pass it down with an Everstone.
Rock Head ability. It's a regular ability, so don't worry about having to hunt for an HA. Breed a Cubone/Marowak with Rock Head to increase the chances of him having it. While it's not extremely useful, Pogo has a hard head so yeah. If the whole breeding thing fails, you could use an Ability Capsule.
The Egg Move Skull Bash. He can't learn Head Smash (depression), so yeah. Skull Bash isn't a good move but I don't care. You can breed a member of the Squirtle line (or Avalugg) to get on the parent Cubone/Marowak.
Perfect IVs in HP and Attack. Preferably other stats as well, but Pogo has a ton of HP and bonks very hard (bonk), so he must have max HP and Attack
Now, you're probably thinking a few things.
"Holy crap, all that?! If I ever do manage to breed a Pokemon with these stuff, it'll take ages!" As if you're in a hurry. You're gonna trade him for the Skitty That Never Was, and we both know that hunt's not going very fast.
"And how am I supposed to breed good IVs on him when YOU have my Ditto?" As if you're in a hurry to figure that one out. Just get another Pokemon with good IVs.
"All I asked for was a female Skitty with Adamant nature. Why this giant list?" Because I'm petty, it's part of the package.
Aug 27, 2022
Some character from my dream: "What are ya doin', building a fence?"
Me: "His heart is racing. In what way does that resemble BUILDING A FENCE?"
Aug 27, 2022
Well for starters BM this camp would be a summer camp so people wouldn't have school in their way
Aug 26, 2022
This Guy
I've said this before, but if you have any questions about Live A Live, any at all, just ask me and we'll see if I know the answer. I'd love to answer a bunch of questions about such a cool game.
Aug 25, 2022
Not really.
Aug 25, 2022
Thanks! :3
Aug 25, 2022
File:Finland does not exist.png
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aug 25, 2022