Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 13)

I don’t understand what you mean. Can you do it on ur 5310 first?
May 2, 2022 by L'chonk
I shall never give out an upvote again.

May 2, 2022 by xPsydxck
I personally have a low threshold for what counts as useful to the question. Speaking on Weavile's precise position in the metagame (which is not necessarily a matter of opinion) is context that may be useful to readers of that question -- certainly not essential, but it doesn't detract from anything.
If somebody posts "borderline" comments like that one frequently, to the point they clog navigation, then we will probably ask them to stop. But isolated events like this one are not worth the hassle in my view.
May 2, 2022 by Fizz
Blocked and reported

All I did was “nya :3c” for a few hours
May 1, 2022 by ~Silver~
May 1, 2022 by Haze
As seemed vaguely familiar
May 1, 2022 by Haze
Uhhhhhhh so I may or may not stay up on the phone all night with my bf
May 1, 2022 by ~Silver~
Yeah, that is true. Though I still prefer Discord. Reddit is full of salty, wimpy geeks sitting in their mum's basement .

Anyway, how's life?
May 1, 2022 by Talos
In my view, "necroposting" doesn't exist on PokeBase. That word comes from forums -- this isn't a forum. I think you should just flag comments that don't say anything useful or relevant, regardless of their timing.
I don't know why that particular comment was written, but it gives some context to the question so it's fine to leave there.
May 1, 2022 by Fizz