Pokémon Rate My Team

Wall for xPsydxck (page 13)

May 1, 2022 by Nuivo
lol nice
Apr 30, 2022 by FlappersFlappers
Oh. (insert other incredibly short wall post here)
Apr 30, 2022 by VinnyHedgehog
Yeah, I still beat you.

Posted on a Windows 95 computer
Apr 30, 2022 by L'chonk
Also I’m 19 going into 20 as of January (send help)
Apr 30, 2022 by ~Silver~
Man it really seems sus when you word it that way LOL so here’s the full story.

So, when I was 11 the ~kidnapping~ happened. Technically, it was legal as long as I went to school because Canada’s law system has massive potholes. So, even through I was shipped from one side of the country to the other with no contact to my family and treated like a slave, I went to school. No internet and only like five sets of clothes. But school. Teachers couldn’t do **** about it since it was technically levels. They did call the police a few times but nothing could be done.

So, I met my bf back in grade 8. At this point I’ve been in the situation for about ~2 years and was kind of used to it. We didn’t become friends until grade 9 when we went to the same high school together by pure luck, and we stick together. We’re both massive introverts and anti-social, so we became friends just by sitting and enjoying each other’s company.

A lot of stuff happened that year, this and that, y’know. He had a crush on me, but because I was poly and trying not to die, it didn’t really seem fair for me to accept him. So I rejected him. And we ended up in a huge fight. I eventually (finally) ran away from there because the abuse just got too bad and ended up closer to my home, but not quite. Around this time I was ~15.

Got myself a job here when I was 15, so yeah my boss knows the situation. Finally moved back in and got everything settled when I was 17. Freedom at LAST.

I reconnected with my bf last January after that shitshow because y’know, this entire time I felt down and missed him. I apologized for everything that happened and explained that ^ and we became friends again. Now we’re dating and it’s pretty go. Also I agree with what you said about ldr’s 10/10.

Then y’know I’m graduated high school but I’m almost done college. 5 weeks and I’m graduating. My boyfriend goes to an Ivy League Uni (university of Waterloo) and is also a first year so he’ll take a while to graduate.  We’re contemplating him moving here, but that doesn’t seem fair consisting his education…. So four years of ldr seems to be the plan.!
Apr 30, 2022 by ~Silver~
What was the joke? I am very good at not getting jokes on the Internet.
Apr 30, 2022 by VinnyHedgehog
Why do you think predators is better? Reddit has more predators, wimps and geeks that Discord. Plus I just like this Wordplay more.

P.S I selected a BA. Thanks for reminding me. BTW, we had a USUM AG battle scheduled about two months ago. I just remembered now. XD.
Apr 29, 2022 by Talos
Yeah, I've been very busy irl, just trying to figure my life out. Put simply, adulting is overrated. I still check in from time to time though, I just never post anything.

But yeah, good to hear from you! I see you've gone back to the classic username :)
Apr 29, 2022 by Call me Joey
Not really, if it's clogged that just means somebody needs to go through it. It doesn't take too long.
Apr 29, 2022 by Fizz