PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 81)

My remarks about random events in AP:

"Go to bed on a snowy Winter night and you might be awaken by a knock on the door. The traveling snowman, Rob Frost has lost his nose and is hoping that you might have seen it."
For god's sake can that snowman not tell that carrots are out of season?

"After you meet the Harvest Goddess, visit the mayor's house in Harmonica Town. As you walk inside you'll find Hamilton stuck head-first in his fireplace!"
I'm glad he's a mayor and not Santa Claus.

"As Barbara enlarges the size of her shop in Garmon Mine district, she will have special treasure maps for sale in the book inventory."
Oh yes magical tragical treasure maps on sale at Parlor Swipple's Magical Tragical Dorp shop.

"Jin tells you the bird was at the graveyard because it was there visiting the grave of a girl that it was in love with. The girl was sick and eventually died, so the bird brings flowers to her grave."
Ah yes birds in love with dead people. Lovely.

"Walk through the Fugue Forest until you reach the first clearing, where you'll find the Wizard and Witch fighting over a Fugue Mushroom."
For frick's sake they could just tell me if they wanted one I'd give Wizard one. Witch could get a can of N instead.

"Gill is becoming annoyed with Luke's showboating, and begins to regret asking Luke for help. The carpenter says he's sorry and Gill thinks all is well again, until Luke begins to brag that he can combine a chair and the desk together!"

"Kathy is concerned that her horse likes Renee better than her, but Renee tells her that's not true. The horse is sad on days that Kathy doesn't stop by."
I'd be happy when Kathy didn't stop by, myself...

"Luna isn't impressed, and calls Selena dumb for thinking her clothes are sexy."
Yes because Selena looks like a fricking cremated N mixed with skunk tails and Parlor Swipple eyeballs that was hidden behind a radiator and got vinegar spilled on it for three weeks before emerging in a humanoid shape.

"Irene thinks they're trouble making has gone on for long enough. She demands they confess up to their little prank and return the items they took."
If I was them, I'd say "NO! I DON'T WANNA!" and throw five hundred kiddy temper tantrums.

"Inside the shop and you'll find Phoebe talking to Candace. Phoebe has brought a yarn making machine and is trying to explain to Candace how easy it is to use. It will help her make sweaters faster!"
Oh yay sweetars go foost.

"It seems that the two sisters had an agreement that they'd tell one another if they had a crush on a boy. Luna is angry because her sister didn't tell her about the boy that she likes!"
I can tell anyone about the boy I like. If they want shattered eardrums at least.

"Calvin explains that the writings on the wall are about 1000 years old and are valuable to all of humanity."
Yes because 1000 year old writing in a mine is super important.

"The map tells you to look for a thin object that sparkles and watches over the sea. From there, you take 5 steps south and 10 steps east. The map also contains a warning; you can't show it to anyone else. The warning is signed by the great pirate, Jonney."
If I took five steps south and ten steps east I'd probably crash into my lamp or TV or something and shatter my toe.

"At the graveyard, you and Finn hear a strange sobbing noise. Finn wonders if it's that crybaby sprite, Edge. The two of you are giggling about Edge when suddenly you are frightened as a crying ghost appears from one of the graves!"
Oh spooky I so scared.

"Now Taylor is annoyed about his sister's "child" remark. Anissa continues to tell him that only children refuse to eat carrots, which makes him even more angry as he does not believe there's any connection to eating carrots and adulthood."
No there is not Taylor don't worry.

"You can get a little bit of a boost to the heart levels of the wild animals by giving them honey."
OK I can get my character from ToT. Luke always calls her honey.

"In the morning, instead of a boxed lunch given to you by your lovely spouse, he/she will be brooding in the kitchen."
If my husband was brooding in the kitchen I'd just try to do a tap dance and see what happened. Most likely I'd know what being tossed out a window felt like.
Feb 26, 2021 by Gau
Feb 26, 2021 by Gau
A r e n t t h e y a l l ?
Feb 26, 2021 by A typical glance.
Groudon is literally a landlord
Feb 26, 2021 by A typical glance.
Indeed. And if that fails, tell them that you were given a scroll by a sacred prophet that said "Kyogre > Groudon. And also buy Harvest Moon. If you don't Kyogre will be bumped down to PU and Groudon will rise to AG forever.", so you're desperate to get it so that Kyogre never falls and Groudon never rises. XD
Feb 26, 2021 by Gau
Oh yeah, that is a problem. XD

Tell them that Gill contacted you in a dream where you had to yeet Hauheads at a Greninja and told you "BUY HARVEST MOON FOR THE SWITCH RIGHT NOW". XD
Feb 26, 2021 by Gau

The Harvest Moon games are very good in my opinion. Nice and relaxed.
Feb 26, 2021 by Gau
Harvest Moon: Lamehead Parade

Pika was sitting on the doorstep of a house. She was waiting until eight o' clock so the door would be unlocked and she could barge into Gill's bedroom for the millionth time and try to shove a bar of gold down his throat despite it not being a food item so they'd be better friends and she could get his wish so she could ring the Purple Bell, and it's safe to say that his wish was that she would not barge into his bedroom for the millionth time and try to shove a bar of gold down his throat despite it not being a food item so they'd be better friends and she could get his wish so she could ring the Purple Bell. She considered going in through the window, but then heard something. She wandered over to the pier to see Parlor Swipple 'singing'. "OH I PEEEEEEEED IN MY SHOOOOOOE AND ONTO MY KNEEEEEEE THOUGH I'M NOT SURE HOW TO DERPING PEEEEEEEEEE I'M TOO SMART FOR THAT BUT I PEEEEEEEEEEED AND IT'S STILL IN MY SHOOOOOOOE AND I LOVE ENNETHHHHHHHHHH WHO IS A PEE TURD INCARNATE" She was trying to impress the crowd. But aside from Pika the only other person there was Toby who was fishing and didn't even notice Parlor Swipple was there. So she began to sing a rap remix of Luke Killied My Boyfriend. And when she got to the 'ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB' part, Toby noticed she was there and hit her with a fish, knocking her dentures out. He then went back to fishing and forgot Parlor Swipple was there. "AVVVVV AV DOV HAV M DEVTUR DORP" Parlor Swipple screamed. Gill finally came out of his house and noticed, to his relief, that Pika wasn't there. He then went down to the pier to see Parlor Swipple singing songs without her dentures to a perfectly oblivious Toby as Pika rolled on the ground in laughter. He walked over to her dentures, which were actually tiny Smart Toilets, and stomped on them before trying to walk away. However he tripped over Pika and fell into the sea. Pika snatched Toby's fishing rod away and casted the line, trying to catch a Gill. When she finally hooked him by the shirt collar, he was dragged out slightly and had a fish sticking out of his mouth and a mermaid tail instead of feet. He spat out the fish and said "I hope you're happy." Pika went crazy laughing again. Toby snatched back his rod and hooked Pika by her shirt collar before forgetting Pika was on his line and thrusting the line into the water. By the time he got a bite, he reeled it in and Pika had forty different fish stuck to her. She glared at him from underneath her coating of fish. Parlor Swipple was very much mad and stormed off before finding a girl who was only slightly less ugly than herself. "OMPEE I'M SELENA DORP" said the girl. "I'M THE DERPING STAR PEE KAY I MEAN ENNETH I MEAN TURD HED" Parlor Swipple replied. They then got into a discussion about how mean Pika was. Pika was currently being grilled, literally, by Toby on the beach, but they didn't know nor did they care. They decided that they'd beat Pika up, so they stormed to the beach. Pika was toasted golden and all the fish were grilled as well. She was very tired of being tied up and roasted over an open flame, but there wasn't much she could do about it. "DORP PIKA WE'RE GOING TO BEAT YOU UP" Parlor Swipple and Selena cried, rushing toward them. Just then, Toby decided to fish some more. However, he thrust his line in the exact opposite direction of the sea by accident and it hooked Selena's eyeball. So of course he reeled it in. Then he looked at it, confused, and decided he'd have eyeball for dinner before putting it over the flame instead of Pika, who looked like she had a severe tan. She touched her hand with another hand and said "Cool! I'm still warm!" before snatching merman-Gill out of the sea and huggling him and shoving a gold bar down his throat. Selena and Parlor Swipple ran off so Selena could get a new eyeball. However, Toby then ate her eyeball and cast his line very far. He managed to hook Selena and now roasted her over the flame while Pika decorated her head with algae. After Toby was done eating half of her, they shoved her remaining half into a rocket, along with Julius, Parlor Swipple, and N. It blasted off into space and exploded. They all cheered as Toby grilled and ate the rocket's remains, oblivious to what 'fish' he was eating and why it tasted so crunchy.

The end.
Feb 25, 2021 by Gau
Holy frick the Winter music in AP is so freaking beautiful it's like the angels are singing to me.
Feb 25, 2021 by Gau
Congrats on top 20 in gen 8 AG
Feb 25, 2021 by themodernage