PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 125)

You break the don't take up 2 lines on chat rule made by me. I must eat you now
Oct 31, 2020 by Haze
I'm assuming you haven't finished updating your friends list,  people like me just changed their name not too long ago, or people haven't changed their name yet.

BTW cool name. :)
Oct 31, 2020 by -RisingManectric-
Ok.  I know why X is On less though.
Oct 31, 2020 by J™
Really?  Y's leaving too?
Oct 31, 2020 by J™

The Glazio News
Yay I might've did something cool that I can't remember and- wait no I didn't. Uh anyway onto fanfic news! Alola School time! Lillie asks how Gladion's feeling, and he says he's fine. As Aca Frockyjerkheadedlameheadfrockjerkofthejerkyjerksfrockberry goes back to teaching, Gladion zones out, thinking about that weird girl he had met. So Lillie asks if he's okay because he's distanting off into the distant distance, and he replies that he's just thinking. She asks about what, and he says a girl he met. So she grins slyly and asks what she's like, and Gladion says, and I quote: "She's like a Pokemon. She lurks in bushes, seems to have a Lycanroc for a mother, trills instead of speaking, nuzzles my hand, tackles me, and tries to pull my hair away from my face with her teeth." So Lillie is big confuse. She asks what her name was, and Gladion replies that he has no clue, since she didn't speak, and Nurse Joy thinks she might be deaf. So Lillie gets deep in thought. But then the buttheaded berry that is an Aca yells for them to shut their mouths and Gladion tells her sorry sarcastically while calling her Aca Jerkberry. She goes red with massive triggered and tells him to respect his teachers. So he snorts. Legit she wants him to respect her when she hates him for no reason. The only reason he acts jerky to her is because she acts jerky to him. So we get a beautiful whispered line from Lillie: "Calling us Mr. and Ms. Aether makes it sound like we're married or something." Gladion's reply is that at least she's not dumb enough to ship herself with him, as some of their classmates shipped them before they learned that the two of them were related. So Acalame Noberryhead tells him to respect his classmates and don't make inappropriate jokes. So his response is an amazing "My most sincere apologies, Ms. Butthead." So she gets even more ticked off and in the middle of Gladion giving her another insult she yells that that's it. And here we go to Chapter 3! Oh, and don't worry about there not being any real details on the class or any other classes being shown. The classes will be detailed later on. The same with the characters. We'll be meeting them. So be patient! When Gladion gets home, Lusamine asks how school was, and Gladion says that it was pretty bad. She asks why and Lillie begins to explain, but is cut off. By what, you ask? A loud slam against the door. And another and another. Guess who's at the door? The girl Gladion met who is holding a little blanket in her mouth. He asks her what she's doing there, and she notices him and tackles him for a nuzzle session. He tells her to stop, Lillie asks if Ms. Nuzzly is the girl he was referring to in class, and Lusamine asks what's going on. Since Ms. Nuzzly doesn't wanna get off of Gladion in the middle of her nuzzle session, he slaps her, yells at her, and then kicks her in the stomach. So she promptly gets off of him and cries while flailing. Lusamine tells him he didn't need to kick her, and his thoughts are: "I never thought she could reach that level of dumb." Heh heh. That's all for now! See ya!
Oct 30, 2020 by Gau
Me: oh look PK got a grav now.
Wait a second... https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/user/Primal+Kyogre
Oct 30, 2020 by Stephwheel8
No, I haven't. Thank you for informing me! XDXDXD

The Glazio News
I bred another Eevee! He's 5IV with not so much in Attack, and I named him Type: Psico. He'll be an Espeon! I think I'm gonna be number one dum-dum and make him a Choice Scarf Trick user. Why? Because that's my excuse for using a Choice Scarf. I hate the bloody things but they could be fun. Probably won't work at all, but whatever. Anyway, I did some work on Alola School! Heh heh, bet ya didn't see that one comin'! Gladion's fourteen minutes late to history of Alola or whatever. He doesn't like it, but not because of the class itself. What he hates is the teacher, Aca Norberry. She hates him and he has no idea why. She calls him a tattletale and a crybaby, which is unfair as the only people he's tattled on have been those jerkface bully jerkfaced jerkfaces and lameheaded triad, Ramos, Drake, and Tate. He arrives in class and Aca Buttheadberry yells at him for being late. His response? Sarcasm. "My most sincere apologies, grand master. I beg of you, please do not shun me, for I cannot live with your disapproval." Frick I love Gladion. Anyway, this ticks off Ms. Jerky Rude Lamehead Teacher because some kids are laughing at her and she tells Gladion to sit down. So he repeats what she said in a mocking voice before sitting down next to his sister, Lillie. And there's always been an empty seat at his left side. Why is there an empty seat? Quiet I don't wanna spoil too much stuff, heh. Anyway, that's it for now! See ya!
Oct 29, 2020 by Gau
Oh and congrats on 3K lol
Oct 29, 2020 by Iridacea
congrats on 3k
Oct 29, 2020 by Haze