PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for PX (page 4)

Hmm...I guess just that things seemed to click. We kept talking on chess.com and we liked each other even more. We even exchanged pictures and names and so far things are going well. He is a genuinely sweet and kind-hearted person and I adore those kinds of people. And I know it may seem like we are together, but we are not. Spex is not comfortable with dating online. Although we did talk about meeting up and dating irl.

I hope this helped you understand why I like him. If you would like to know more, let me know. Thanks!
Jun 3, 2023 by Colorful Glaceon
Px :o
Jun 3, 2023 by Luscinia
The set I'm referring to:

Xatu @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Wish
- Future Sight
- Defog
- Teleport

"Future Sight is generally too slow and unreliable to use consistently bc it's super easy to just get a Pokémon in by then anyway that can take the attack, or deal significant damage beforehand to whatevers in. Usually better off with an instant attack or just another utility move
commented Jun 8, 2020 by PX"

I know I'm 2 (soon 3) years late, but as someone who played a tier where Future Sight Xatu is actually useable, I felt a little obligated to say something about this lmao

Future Sight on Xatu isn't bad, actually. Once Xatu uses Future Sight, Xatu should use Teleport afterwards, which is useful should the opponent switch into a Dark-type. That way, instead of a Dark-type being able to get rid of Xatu, the Dark-type now has to worry about the Fighting- or Fairy-type staring it down due to the switchin via Teleport, which can pressure the oppoenent.
May 30, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
Ah. The not being a religion part really cleared things up for me. Thanks!
May 30, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
True lol. Could you tell me a little more about atheism? I sometimes get confused on what it is lol.
May 30, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
"many people don't believe in god"

Does that mean that people who don't believe in god are techincally acknowledging that a god exist and they just choose to not believe in one, or am I missing something?
May 30, 2023 by -RisingManectric-
You can't just stand there and let bm erode your throne!
May 26, 2023 by A typical glance.
L + ratio + wrong + get a job + unfunny + you fell off + never liked you anyway + cope + ur allergic to gluten + don't care
May 26, 2023 by BM™
May 26, 2023 by BM™
I pledge to find you a joke so bad that you permaban me
May 24, 2023 by MangoBrick