PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Serena_The_Sylveon (page 2)

Name: Violet
Species: Hattrem
Trainer Name: Destiny Fogdreamer
Gender: Female
Good or Bad: Good
Friends: She doesn’t have many FRIENDS, per say, but she is FRIENDLY with all of the others.
Personality: Just as hattrems dex entry says, if you go near her with bad emotions, she won’t hesitate to be violent. Violet goes on a lot about her interests, and doesn’t listen as often. When she does listen more, however, she is very fun to speak with.
Moves: Brutal Swing, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Heal Pulse.
Apr 28, 2020 by KitkatKK2
Name: Electro
Pokemon: Luxray
Trainer Name: Quies Qwerty
Gender: Male
Friends: Whoever, I guess
Apr 28, 2020 by Amethyst
Fanfic Update: The reason we have good and bad is because there will be an eeveentual war.
Apr 28, 2020 by Serena_The_Sylveon
I don't think you understand humor.
Apr 26, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
Hey, someone I know named Fireheart wants to join your club. :)
Apr 25, 2020 by Gau
funny. funny.
Apr 25, 2020 by Hellfire Taco
polteageist, i now need parent permisdion and i am trying to keep pokebase a secret from them, otherwise my phone might get taken.
Apr 25, 2020 by Serena_The_Sylveon
GK changed her name about...3 hours ago.
Apr 25, 2020 by iloveflareon
serena the sylveon: changes name
also serena the sylveon: doesnt change gravatra
Apr 25, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
I’m alive phone quit so I’m borrowing my grandmothers ipad
Apr 24, 2020 by Dyla N